Chapter 236 Asking Miss Luo for a Talisman
"So, he wants to take me away and make me his wife." Chen Tingting's voice trembled.

"That's right." Luo Jiuli nodded.

"But didn't you just say that he can only leave the gate of hell except for the first seven days and special days? Then the rest of the time..."

"Isn't such a big event special enough to pick up my wife?" Luo Jiuli interrupted Chen Tingting and patted her on the shoulder, "Don't think too much about it, just survive these fifteen days."

"After the fifteenth day, I guarantee that he will not trouble you again."

"Miss Luo..." Chen Tingting's eyes were full of fear.

Before yesterday, Luo Jiuli would have comforted her and told her that the way to solve the problem was not just to endure it.

But now, she doesn't intend to pay attention.

When she let Yang Xiuying go yesterday, she never thought about whether others would be afraid one day in the future.

It would be nice for her to experience this fear.

As long as she's here, it won't be fatal.

Luo Jiuli pulled off the blackened talisman at the door, threw it into the corner, and walked into the courtyard.

"If I were you, I wouldn't just be afraid, but think about how to get through these fifteen days."

"For example, go to your third cousin to get some yellow talisman and cinnabar or something..."

"Yellow Talisman Cinnabar???" Chen Wang came out and happened to hear, "What's the use of these things???"

"Oh! I know, Sister Luo is going to draw the magic talisman again, right???"

"Haha! You are quite smart."

Luo Jiuli put his hand on Chen Wang's shoulder, and Chen Wang turned around and walked with her to the main room, "That's natural."

After walking a few steps, he saw that Chen Tingting did not follow, so he turned around and shouted, "Sister! Come and eat quickly, otherwise the porridge will be really cold!"

Chen Tingting suppressed her fear and said, "It's coming, it's coming!!!"

Breakfast consists of porridge, side dishes and steamed buns, which is very homely.

After breakfast, Luo Jiuli was afraid that Jun Mohan would be bored, so he went back to the room to chat with him.

After chatting for a while, Wei Yan's voice came from outside the door, "Madam, Miss Chen wants to see you."

"Oh, here we come." Luo Jiuli was about to leave, but her hand was firmly held by Jun Mohan. She coaxed softly, "Be good, I have something serious to do. If I don't go, she might die tonight."

"Oh!" Jun Mohan was reluctant to let go.

There was a look of resentment and grievance on his face, as if he had been abandoned.

Looking at this look, Luo Jiuli couldn't help but want to laugh.

She leaned over and kissed him gently on the face, "Be good! I'll be back as soon as I go."

"Okay." Jun Mohan raised his lips, happy this time.

Luo Jiuli smiled helplessly, "Why are you laughing like a fool?"

"I am happy for my husband." Jun Mo Han raised his head, looking very arrogant.

"Pfft!" Luo Jiuli laughed, "Okay, okay, a thousand dollars can't buy your happiness!"

In the courtyard, Chen Tingting has cinnabar in her left hand and a yellow talisman in her right hand.

Luo Jiuli stepped out and closed the door behind him.

Standing on a high place, with his arms folded across his chest, he looked down at Chen Tingting, "What's the matter?"

Chen Tingting, "Please give Miss Luo a talisman."

"Let's go!" Luo Jiuli agreed without saying a word.

She just wanted Chen Tingting to experience the fear of facing death, so that she would dare to let people go without mercy in the future.It’s not like she really wants to die, so naturally she still has to give her the magic talisman.

On the day Ersao Chen entered the pig pen, Chen Tingting's expression turned even worse.

Before leaving the house, Luo Jiuli asked Wen Yi, "Is that ugly old man here again last night?"

"Yes, here we come." Wen Yi floated next to Luo Jiuli and yawned widely, "Fighting after repeated defeats, repeated defeats after repeated battles."

Luo Jiuli: "…………"

Still quite persistent.

"Miss Luo, let's go over now. There are many people in the pig pen, and Sister-in-law Chen will definitely be busy cooking alone. I can just go over and help her."

Looking at Chen Tingting, who looked sleepy and had black circles under her eyes, Luo Jiuli said, "Are you sure you don't want to sleep for a while???"

"No, I'm not sleepy." Chen Tingting shook her head.

"..." Luo Jiuli, "If you can't sleep at night, it's good to catch up on your naps during the day. He won't come during the day."

"It's okay, don't worry, Miss Luo, I'm really not sleepy."

Chen Tingting's face was extremely pale, and her slender body was on the verge of collapse.

Seeing this, Luo Jiuli couldn't bear it, "You..."

"I'm telling you, kid, what's going on in the past two days? I asked you and you didn't tell me. You dozed off standing up every day. Could it be that you stole cattle in the middle of the night?"

Aunt Chen came out with a basket of wild vegetables and walked up to the two of them with a cane.

"I think you two must have been hiding something from me these past few days. You are always hiding from me and whispering."

Luo Jiuli took the basket from Aunt Chen's hand and said nothing.

Let Chen Tingting do this.

She chose to let Aunt Chen know or not, and she had no objection.

"Aniang, what are you talking about? When did Miss Luo and I whisper?"

Obviously, Chen Tingting's choice was the latter, so as not to worry Aunt Chen.

"I haven't whispered anything yet." Aunt Chen patted her head. "Auntie is just old and her eyesight is bad. She's not blind. Can she still see?"

"When it's time to eat these past few days, you two have been talking here non-stop about not going to eat. My mother has urged you to eat, no less than ten times!"

"When we talk in the courtyard, we do it openly and not in whispers."

Refuting Aunt Chen, Chen Tingting's brain circuit is extremely fast.

"Hey! You kid!! I don't think I care about you." Aunt Chen patted Chen Tingting's forehead again, touched her face distressedly and said, "Look at this face, it was still very rosy two days ago. She has started to look pale in the past two days, and the circles under her eyes are very dark, what is the reason for my Ating to be so worried!"

"A-Ting, if you have anything to do, please don't keep it in your heart. If you can't come up with any results after discussing with Jiuli, just tell A-Niang. Although A-Niang is old, her brain is still flexible. If there is anything, Regarding the matter, grandma will come up with something for you, do you understand?"

"I know, Auntie." Chen Tingting choked, "Don't worry, I'm hiding something from you, but it's not a big deal. It will be resolved in two days."

"Hey! You kid, what on earth is going on? Even my mother-in-law can't tell you!"

"It's not a big deal, don't worry."

The more Chen Tingting said this, the more worried Aunt Chen became.

"You kid, you've been keeping things to yourself since you were a child. You, please tell my mother-in-law, so that my mother-in-law can feel at ease!"

"Oh! Auntie, it's really not a big deal!" Chen Tingting held Aunt Chen's hand and said, "Besides, I don't hold it in my heart. Miss Luo has been helping me think of ideas these days!"

"With her help, things will be resolved faster, so you can rest assured."

"Alas!" Aunt Chen sighed heavily, "That's all!! I won't ask anymore. If you kid really wants to hide it from me, I won't tell you even if I ask you."

(End of this chapter)

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