Chapter 237 Pig Pen

"Okay, okay, you go as soon as possible! Don't spend any more time here with the old lady. Go over earlier so that you can help your second sister-in-law with something."

As she spoke, Aunt Chen looked at Luo Jiuli and patted her hand holding the vegetable basket, "Awang dug these wild vegetables in the mountains yesterday after he went to school. Your second sister-in-law likes this the most. I don't like it because I have limited legs and feet." Go join in the fun, go over and bring this dish to her."

"Yeah." Luo Jiuli nodded, "I understand."

"Okay, then go ahead, go quickly, maybe the pigsty over there has been repaired, just waiting for you two!"

Aunt Chen urged Luo Jiuli and Chen Tingting to leave.

"Then let's go first. The rice is warm on the stove and there are also vegetables. If you are hungry, just bring them to you."

Chen Tingting took a few steps and turned back.

She looked at Aunt Chen and said, "Awang and Xiao Huzi went to school together at noon. They must have gone there together and will not come back. You can just eat what you have and don't worry about him."

"Okay, okay, grandma knows, you go quickly!!!"

Aunt Chen stood at the door and watched the two of them leave.

Wen Yi floated next to Aunt Chen, waved at Luo Jiuli's back, and said, "Sister-in-law Wang, I'm waiting for your return at home!"

The artificiality of the voice made Luo Jiuli's spine stiffen and goosebumps rise all over his body. He just wanted to give her the vegetable basket in his hand.

Turning the corner and entering the path, Luo Jiuli walked in front, and Chen Tingting followed her.

Without Aunt Chen's sight, Chen Tingting hurriedly reached out to pick up the vegetable basket.

Such a sudden move frightened Luo Jiuli to raise the basket higher as a reflex, "Hey! What are you going to do?"

Chen Tingting paused, straightened up, and pointed at the vegetable basket, "The princess's precious body should not be overworked. It is better for me to do such chores!"

Chen Tingting said that she was going to pick up the vegetable basket again.

Luo Jiuli dodged Chen Tingting's hand and continued walking forward, "You'd better take care of yourself first. If you don't sleep at night or during the day, how long can you stay up like this?"

Chen Tingting followed Luo Jiuli closely, "I, it doesn't matter what I am."

"It doesn't matter?" Luo Jiuli turned around sharply and looked Chen Tingting up and down, "How long has it been since you looked in the mirror? No matter how good your foundation is, you can't let you ruin it like this!"

Luo Jiuli looked around her eyes, "The circles under her eyes are as dark as those of a panda, and her face is pale and green, with signs of discomfort clearly written on it. I'm not blind, so I can't see."

"Don't blame me for not reminding you. You should rest when you are tired. Otherwise, if you behave like this, you may die suddenly one day!"

"I know, I know." Chen Tingting lowered her head and sounded like a mosquito.

Luo Jiuli had a headache seeing her like this, and sighed heavily, "Oh! That's all!!"

She turned around and continued walking.

After walking a few steps, I heard different footsteps behind me.

She turned around and saw that Wei Yan was following her.

She asked, "Why are you here? Didn't I ask you to stay by Jun Mohan's side?"

"I'm worried, so I asked you to come here to protect you." Wei Yan said.

"It's just in the village, there's nothing to worry about."

Luo Jiuli said this, but his heart was filled with joy, as sweet as honey.

Perhaps, this is the feeling of being taken seriously!

When Luo Jiuli, Chen Tingting and Wei Yan arrived at Ersao Chen's home, Ersao Chen was busy in the kitchen, and it was Erbao who was lighting the fire.

Sanbao and Xiaobao were playing in the yard, and they would have conflicts from time to time, pulling out each other's hair and crying louder than the other.Hearing this, Luo Jiuli became agitated and patiently tried to coax this one and that one, but in the end, none of them could be coaxed well, and their crying reached a new height.

Sister-in-law Chen poked her head out of the kitchen, looked at Luo Jiuli's helpless look, and said with a smile, "You don't have to worry about them, just let them cry for a while."

"Usually I never pay attention to them when they fight. Only when the second child is around, he will coax them."

"But the second child is behind the scenes repairing the pig pen right now! How can he have time to comfort the two children?"

"You have fun, don't worry about them, it's okay, it's okay!"

Looking at the two children in front of me, they were still crying loudly as you pinched me and I pinched you.

Luo Jiuli felt his head grow bigger as he looked at it, "..."

She didn't want to care.

But this crying sound... is really annoying! ! ! ! !

"Hey! Why did these two naughty kids get into a fight!"

Chen Laoer's mother, Chen's mother, came out of the house. She had gray hair and a stooped body. She hurriedly stepped forward and pulled the two children away.

"Sambo, what's going on? Didn't you promise to love and protect your sister? Why are you still fighting with her??"

Sambo sobbed, "I, I didn't hit my sister, it was her, she hit me first!"

"What? My sister robbed you of your things??"

Mother Chen pulled Xiaobao in front of her with a straight face, looking serious.

"Sambo said you robbed something from him. What was it? Return it to your brother quickly. Children shouldn't rob other people's things. Do you know that?"

As soon as Mother Chen finished speaking, Xiaobao cried even harder, "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, grandma, I, I, I didn't rob my brother, my brother's things uuuuuuuu~"

Sanbao's crying did not diminish at all, "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

"What!" Mother Chen looked at Xiaobao in front of her, "You robbed your brother's things and you still don't admit it? That's not okay! Children make mistakes just like adults, they must dare to do what they dare to do!!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..Grandma is naughty. She didn't rob my brother's things, didn't rob! Didn't rob!!"

Xiaobao burst into tears, and Sambo was no less happy.


I originally thought that with the addition of Chen's mother, Sanbao and Xiaobao's hair-pulling behavior would have to stop!
But...Mother Chen is deaf...and cannot uphold justice at all.

A chicken talks to a duck, it's a mess!

Luo Jiuli was speechless for a moment, then looked at Wei Yan who was holding back a smile and said, "You go."

"Ah?????" Wei Yan's smile instantly faded, leaving him confused.

Luo Jiuli tilted his chin towards Chen's mother and the three of them, and said to Wei Yan, "Go and coax the two children."

Wei Yan: “…………”

He didn't even laugh out loud, why did the matter happen to him.

"Madam, I, I am a big man, you have no problem letting me go to the battlefield to kill the enemy, but you, you ask me to coax the child, I, I can't!"

"It's okay." Luo Jiuli looked at Chen's mother and muttered. Sanbao and Xiaobao kept crying and pressed their temples with a headache. "It can't be more messy anyway. You can try again before talking."

(End of this chapter)

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