Chapter 238 The third cousin fainted
"Well, that's fine!"

Wei Yan tried to go over and reached out to touch Sanbao's head. However, before his hand fell, Chen Laoer came through the small door next to the main room carrying two empty baskets stained with soil.

He looked at the two crying children, "Hey! Why are Sambo and Xiaobao crying? Are they fighting again??"

Seeing Chen Laoer coming, Wei Yan withdrew his hand and stood on the side.

Chen Laoer put down the basket, wiped his muddy hands on his body, and went over to pick up the two children, one on the left and the other on the right.

"Oh, be good, little treasure, be good, three treasures, don't cry anymore, don't cry anymore, tell daddy if you have anything to do, don't cry anymore, don't cry anymore."

Even though Chen Laoer is a farmer and has a loud voice, he is unambiguous when it comes to coaxing children.

In a short time, they all coaxed the children away, and they all apologized to each other in a cute manner.

"Sister, I'm sorry, you hit me and I shouldn't have hit you back." Sanbao pursed his lips and raised his eyes.As red as a rabbit, he looked at Xiaobao's messy hair and said, "Brother, brother, it didn't hurt your hair, did it?"

Xiaobao sniffed, "It hurts, it hurts."

"Yes, I'm sorry! I'm sorry sister!!" Sanbao apologized.

"It doesn't matter. I forgive my brother. I forgive my brother."

"Hey! That's pretty much it! You two keep playing, but don't fight anymore. Dad went to pick up the soil and made a pigsty so that he can kill pigs for you to eat during the Chinese New Year."

Chen Laoer put the two children on the ground and continued to pick up the basket to load soil outside.

The crying stopped and Luo Jiuli was no longer irritable.

Chen Tingting helped Sister Chen chop vegetables in the kitchen.

Luo Jiuli leaned against the kitchen door and talked to Mrs. Chen, and from time to time he helped with whatever he could.

For example, washing vegetables, holding bowls, holding chopsticks...

Hearing Chen Laoer's words about being too busy, Wei Yan also went behind the small door of the main house to help pick up soil and repair the pig pen.

Wei Yan moved quickly. With his participation, the pigsty, which was originally expected to take one day to be repaired, was actually repaired in one morning.

Chen Laoer was very happy and would toast him with two glasses of wine whenever he had time during the dinner.

At the table of men, except for Wei Yan and Chen Laoer, Luo Jiuli had met most of them once, but they couldn't name them.

They were eating, drinking, chatting, and it was so lively.

Sitting at the women's table were Luo Jiuli, Chen Tingting, Second Sister-in-law Chen, Mother Chen, and several children, including Chen Wang and Xiao Huzi, who had just left school.

Sanbao and Xiaobao are both still young, so Sister-in-law Chen is responsible for feeding them in addition to eating them herself.

Chen's mother would help from time to time, but she couldn't hear well. When the child asked for food, she didn't pick up anything. Unless she used her fingers, she couldn't point crookedly, otherwise she wouldn't be able to eat.

I don't know whether it was to take care of Luo Jiuli, or it was just the custom of the village, but the dishes on the women's table were all green and vegetarian.

Seeing this, Luo Jiuli lost all his appetite.

Although the men's table also had vegetarian dishes, they were mixed with meat and vegetables. There were one or two meat dishes, and two plates of peanuts were specially added to go with the wine.

Seeing that Luo Jiuli didn't move her chopsticks, Sister-in-law Chen thought she was embarrassed and hurriedly helped put it into her bowl, "Come on, come on, eat more, eat more, don't be embarrassed, Jiuli."

"Haha..." Luo Jiuli looked at the bowl full of green vegetables that had been piled up by Second Sister-in-law Chen, "That's enough, Second Sister-in-law, don't be so polite, I can pick it up myself."

"I can pick you up but you can't use chopsticks. Eat quickly, eat quickly. Look at these little guys, they are very fierce. If you don't eat, they will eat the bowl in a while."

"Well, okay, you don't have to worry about me, I will eat, I will eat." Luo Jiuli picked up the chopsticks and reluctantly put a vegetable leaf into his mouth. "Is it delicious?" Second Sister-in-law Chen looked at Luo Jiuli expectantly.

The expectant look in his eyes made Luo Jiuli feel embarrassed to say it was not delicious.

She nodded, "Yeah, delicious, delicious."

It tastes so good, it even has sand!

When Sister-in-law Chen heard this, she was satisfied.

She pointed to another dish, "Try this again. This one was cooked by Ating."

"It's not OK, it's not OK!!! It's not OK, it's not OK!!! Dad is not OK, it's not OK!!!"

Anxious sounds reached his ears from far to near.

Luo Jiuli paused slightly with his hands holding the vegetables and looked away.

A tall, dark-skinned man rushed in from outside.

She happened to know the person who came, he was the second son of his third cousin's family.

Chen Tingting had a dispute with her third cousin before, and she threw a basin of water on her. When her third cousin was helpless, it was Erwa who helped her back.

"Dad is not good! He is not good!!! Come back with me quickly!!!"

The second baby came in and was about to pull the third cousin away. The third cousin was unprepared and was pulled so hard that he staggered and almost fell down. The chopsticks in his hand fell to the ground with a 'clack'.

"Oh! What are you doing! How do you behave in such a hurry!!!" The third cousin withdrew his hand, "What's wrong is wrong. Your father and I are eating. It's very good!!!"

"Hey! Dad!! It's not you who's bad, it's my mother-in-law! She's bad! Go back with me quickly, come back!!!"

"What! Your mother-in-law!? Why is your mother-in-law bad? Wasn't she still fine when I came out!" The eldest cousin asked the second child, "What's going on? Tell me quickly!"

Someone on the side put down their chopsticks, "Yes, I also saw the third aunt in the morning. She was fine at that time. What happened now? Why is she not fine?"

Sister-in-law Chen also put down her chopsticks, looked at Erwa and asked, "Erwa, don't worry, what happened to your grandma? What happened??"

"I don't know what happened to her." Erwa said breathlessly, "I had just returned home from hoeing the fields, and my mother-in-law came out of the kitchen carrying vegetables. Before the vegetables were put on the table, someone suddenly I fainted and the vegetable soup and other things were scattered all over the floor."

"Ouch, I fainted suddenly! It's quite serious!" Second Sister-in-law Chen handed the child to Mother Chen, got up, and walked out.

When I walked to the door, I saw that the two gentlemen were still standing there, and urged: "What are you still standing there and waiting for? Come on, come on, let's go and see what's going on!"

"Oh! Let's go, let's go!!!"

The third cousin and Chen Erwa walked out the door together.

After the two people passed by, Chen Er's sister-in-law said to Chen Lao'er, "I'll go take a look first. You have to go to the fields in the afternoon, so you'll have dinner with your uncle and the others at home. I'll tell you what happens when I get back." .”

Sister-in-law Chen left after saying that.

Chen Laoer ate some meat and drank a sip of wine, "This woman, she runs so fast every day when someone else's house has something to do! She doesn't even care about the children."

"Hahahahaha." An elder at the table said with a smile, "My nephew-in-law is so warm-hearted that she ran to help."

"Alas!" Chen Laoer sighed, "It's okay, it's okay, uncle drinks, we don't care about her!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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