Chapter 239 What?My mother-in-law fainted? ?
Chen Laoer picked up the wine bowl and called to the other people on the table, "Brother Wei, uncle, come, come, drink, drink, clink glasses together, clink glasses together."

"Hahaha, okay, okay, clink glasses."

Several people at the table picked up their wine bowls and touched them. The wine overflowed and flowed along the walls of the bowls.

At another table, Mother Chen was holding Xiaobao, who was suddenly thrust into her arms by Sister-in-law Chen, and asked her for a bite of food, "Xiaobao, where are you going? Why are you leaving in such a hurry?"

Xiaobao smacked his lips and couldn't speak clearly, "Xiaobao didn't say it."

"Grandma, brother Erwa said that my third cousin's uncle suddenly fainted. Aniang was worried and went with her." It was Xiao Huzi who spoke.

Xiao Huzi is about ten years old, not tall, with round eyes. He looks like a smart child.

"What? My mother-in-law fainted??"

Mother Chen could only vaguely hear the words 'A Niang' and 'fainted' in Xiao Huzi's words.

Second Sister-in-law Chen went out in a hurry. After thinking about it for a while, she thought something had happened to her biological mother.

She put the little treasure on the ground, stood up, hunched over and walked out, muttering, "My mother-in-law is so old, it's not a trivial matter to faint suddenly. I have to go and see. I have to go and see." That’s all.”

"Auntie! Stop!" Chen Laoer put down his wine bowl and called out to Chen's mother, "Don't go, don't go. It's her mother who fainted. It's the third aunt of the third uncle's family. My aunt fainted! It’s not her aunt!!”

Chen Laoer's voice was already loud, so in order for Chen's mother to hear clearly, he even raised his voice at full volume.

It feels like you're playing some high-energy music and then putting on your headphones and turning the volume to maximum.

It irritated the eardrums and made Luo Jiuli wish she could plug her ears.

"Oh! It turns out that the third daughter-in-law fainted!"

Mother Chen suddenly realized that she walked to the door and came back.

"The third daughter-in-law is fine. She has been in good health. She's fine. She's fine. Then I won't go. I won't go."

Mother Chen returned to the table, picked up Xiaobao, and continued eating.

Chen Wang asked Chen Tingting in a low voice, "Sister, my third cousin is sick. Should we go and see her?"

Chen Tingting, "No..."

"Go!" Luo Jiuli interrupted Chen Tingting.

Chen Tingting looked up at Luo Jiuli with doubts in her eyes, "Miss Luo..."

"Go." Luo Jiuli said again without any doubt.

"Well, that's fine."

Chen Tingting put down her chopsticks and said to Chen Laoer, "Second brother, third cousin has always been in good health. Now she suddenly fainted. I'm a little worried. I'll go over and take a look first."

Chen Laoer said 'hmm', "You go, you go, but are you full? If not, just eat before going. Anyway, people are there and can't run away. Wait until you are full." It’s okay to go see it later.”

Chen Tingting glanced at Luo Jiuli, as if asking Luo Jiuli if he had eaten enough?
Seeing Luo Jiuli nodding, she said, "We are full."

"Okay, okay, as long as you're full." Chen Laoer said, "Go ahead and go!!"

Wei Yan's purpose is to protect Luo Jiuli. If Luo Jiuli wants to leave, he will naturally not stay here for long.

Seeing that Wei Yan was about to leave, Chen Laoer hurriedly called to him, "Hey! Brother Wei, what are you doing? They go their own way, let's keep eating!"

"I want to protect my wife. If we drink, we'll talk about it next time." Wei Yan said, and he had already followed.

Chen Wang also wants to go, but Chen Tingting won't let him.

She said, "You have to go to school in the afternoon, so go back and eat quickly. When you are full, you can go to school with Little Huzi. Don't delay."

Chen Wang, "Sister, I want to go..." "No!" Chen Tingting touched Chen Wang's little head, looked at the little tiger who was following him closely, and said, "Be good, do you know?"

"The patient needs to rest and recuperate. If you go, Xiao Huzi will go too, and all of us will go. Then my third cousin can't rest quietly. Wouldn't it be slower to heal?"

"Be good, go back quickly, go back and eat your food, and then you two will go to school early, don't be late."

"Oh, okay!!"

Chen Wang walked back in disappointment, and Xiao Huzi followed him back.

It was midday, the sun was shining brightly, and almost no one was walking on the road.

When I arrived at the door of my third cousin's house, I happened to bump into Xiao Zuo coming from the other side.

Next to him was a tall and thin man that Luo Jiuli had never seen before.

Xiao Zuo was carrying the medical kit on his back and was very happy when he saw Luo Jiuli. He ran over in a few steps and said, "Sister Luo, why are you here too?"

Luo Jiuli glanced at the man following Xiao Zuo and said "Hmm" without saying anything more.

"Brother Xiao Zuo, my mother suddenly fainted. You'd better follow me in first and take a look!"

The man urged Xiao Zuo to go, and Xiao Zuo nodded, "Okay, Brother Da Wa."

Luo Jiuli: "…………"

This title... I have to say... is a bit over the top.

So, is it a baby?Or brother? ?
Chen Dawa led several people into the courtyard. There were several children playing in the courtyard. The oldest one looked similar to Chen Wang and Xiao Huzi, and Mo was about ten years old.

Seeing Chen Dawa coming in, the children shouted in all directions.

"Dad! Brother Xiao Zuo!!"

"Dad, Sister Ating, Uncle Zuo."


"Uncle, Brother Zuo!!!"

"Hey! You all must be good, don't fight." Chen Dawa just confessed, then led Xiao Zuo and Luo Jiuli to the main room.

People inside the house heard the noise and came out to see.

"Hey! Oh my god!! He's here!! Come in and let me see what's going on. Why did you faint all of a sudden!!! My mother-in-law has really suffered a big crime!! !”

The woman who spoke had a sallow complexion and fine lines at the corners of her eyes. She wore an apron, rolled up her sleeves, and almost all of her clothes were patched.

The woman following her was completely opposite to her, with fair skin and flaming red lips. Although the clothes she wore were not brand new, they were still pretty, colorful and very coquettish.

She held Chen Erwa's hand, rested her head on his shoulder, and said sweetly, "Yes! My mother is usually in good health! I don't know why, but she suddenly fainted. It was really scary!" "

"With your husband here, don't be afraid." Chen Erwa held the woman's hand to comfort her.

"Bah! My second daughter-in-law, you must have some face every day!"

The woman in the apron turned around and glanced at the second daughter-in-law with a look of disgust on her face.

"If you don't do anything serious all day long, you just dress up like a vixen."

"Let me tell you, most of the responsibility for my mother's fainting lies with you. You never get involved in housework every day. I know you are married as my daughter-in-law. Those who don't know think you are a rich lady from somewhere."

(End of this chapter)

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