Chapter 23 Alone day and night thinking

The next day, the news came from unknown sources. Everyone in the city was spreading the news, saying that Mr. Li became like this because he was investigating a major case about the continuous crimes committed by flower pickers.

And this flower-picking thief is actually the younger brother of a certain eunuch in the palace!
This eunuch held a high position, so in order to protect his younger brother, he bought murder and threatened Mr. Li.

Master Li refused, so his hands and feet were chopped off, his eyes were gouged out, his tongue was pulled out, and he finally became what he is now.

Li Zhao's greatness in swearing to stick to the truth made the people awe and at the same time aroused anger.

They went to the Yamen to make trouble and demanded to find out the truth, but the Yamen people refused because there were many eunuchs in the palace and they did not know who to accuse.

However, just when they didn't know what to do, a letter of blood and tears from the girl appeared in front of everyone.

The petition omitted the names of the girls, but explained the whole story clearly. The surname Chen in it made everyone immediately think of Mr. Chen, the general manager!
Knowing who was responsible for the evil, the people did not go to the yamen. Instead, they sent a letter written with the blood of tens of thousands of people to the emperor.

The emperor was furious and immediately ordered people to investigate.

Do not check, I don’t know, I’m scared.

What was discovered was far more exciting than what was rumored.

As a result, the arrogant Eunuch Chen, who was stirring up trouble inside and outside the palace, was deposed. He was sentenced to be beheaded in public for the crime of murdering Zhongliang, and was to be executed three days later!
His younger brother Chen Goudan was sentenced to be beheaded in public for the crime of molesting a girl and having sex with a girl. He was to be executed three days later!
When Luo Jiuli got the news, she was eating melon seeds and reading a storybook in the house. Zisu was fanning her ice beside her. She was living a very comfortable life, as if this huge public opinion storm had nothing to do with her.

However, Wen Yi had just come out of the safety buckle. When she heard this, she was so angry that she was floating around the room, "I knew that this dog eunuch named Chen was not a good thing! Brother Wang used to take me out of the palace secretly to play, This must be what he complained about! He keeps his old face and smiles gloomily and ugly every day!"

"Master, there was news from Xiuzhuyuan just now that the prince is awake. Do you want to go and have a look?" Xin Yi came in from outside.

"No!" Luo Jiuli lazily turned the pages of his storybook.

She just came back from serving a doctor this morning, what was she going to do!

Look at him pretending to be awake! ?

Wen Yi floated over from the side, "Sister-in-law Wang, go, go, I haven't seen Brother Wang for several days, I miss him so much!"

She had been in a coma these days and had just woken up.

Fortunately, during the past few days since she was in coma, her feet have recovered somewhat, and only the area below her calves is still in a state of dissipation.

"I heard that the beauties in the courtyard and the Ningshuang courtyard have received the news and have already rushed there."

This is the rhythm to meet everyone!

Luo Jiuli raised her eyebrows, becoming interested. She closed her storybook and stood up, "Go!"

Everyone goes, how can she, the head princess, not be there!
She wanted to see what Jun Mohan was up to!

Didn't he say it would take half a month to get better? Could it be that he couldn't bear it anymore and was finally ready to declare that it was fine? ?

Luo Jiuli changed into a light blue shirt, and under Xin Yi's skillful hands, he looked like a weak willow Fufeng again.

When she walked slowly into Xiuzhuyuan, the hall was already crowded with all kinds of seductive women.

Jun Mohan wore a white inner coat and a dark robe and sat down with Wei Yan's support. His hair was untied, his face was pale, and his lips were wrinkled. At first glance, he looked like someone who had been seriously ill for a long time.

Luo Jiuli couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

This acting skill is simply king level!
Can't compare, can't compare! !
She was slightly blessed and said, "I am here to see the prince."

Jun Mohan clenched his hands into fists, put them to his lips, coughed twice, "Sit down!"

"Yes!" Luo Jiuli stood up, and just as he was about to take his seat, he heard Xiao Ruoling say angrily, "Why did the princess come so late? We sisters came in a hurry after hearing the news that the prince had woken up." Alas! But yes, the princess can see the prince every day and night, unlike us, who can hardly see the king!" She said and cast her eyes on the other beauties, "You think so, right?"

"Yes! Who let the princess be the princess? What can we, beauties, with low status, do if we can't see the prince! We can only think about it day and night alone!"

Luo Jiuli couldn't help but get goosebumps.

Huh!More disgusting than her!
I'm alone with my thoughts day and night!vomit!

Wen Yi also looked like she wanted to vomit, "This person is so disgusting!"

Xiao Ruoling glared at Feng Meiren who was speaking.

She wanted her to say that Luo Jiuli had no rules!
Who told her to flatter her and make her so disgusting!

Feng Meiren originally wanted to express her love for you, but when she saw Xiao Ruoling's gaze, she immediately changed her mind, "The princess is also the master of the backyard after all. The prince wakes up and doesn't care about such a big thing. It's such a long time. What if it's so late?" The sisters have learned from it, but what should we do?"

"Yes! The princess is the master of the backyard, so she should take care of her!"

Xiao Ruoling and Feng Meiren sang and talked happily.

Luo Jiuli: "."

grass!Labor and management are here to see a show!
The labor must be forced into acting, right?

Before Luo Jiuli could speak, Jun Mohan successfully silenced Xiao Ruoling and Feng Meiren with just one sentence.

But Jun Mohan's appearance at this time, pale and weak, like a wolf cub without its claws, was too deceptive.

It is easy for people to mistakenly think that the rumored God of War and the God of Death are just rumors.

Xiao Ruoling was stunned for a moment, and then said coquettishly: "Your Majesty! You are so ill. When I knew you were awake, our sisters came immediately, but the princess arrived last. She made it clear that she would not put you there." In my eyes, you actually helped her! According to me, you deserve to be punished!"

Luo Jiuli: "."

Damn it!Didn’t Jun Mohan just arrive?

"Don't worry, Sister-in-law Wang, Brother Wang will definitely not punish you!"

Wen Yi said so confidently that Luo Jiuli couldn't help but roll his eyes.

you know shit!
Your brother Wang is good to you!It’s not nice to me!

If labor and management hadn't been mentally strong enough, I'm afraid it would have fallen into his hands!
"Oh? Then according to the concubine, what should be the punishment?" Jun Mohan looked at Xiao Ruoling.

"Based on what I am doing, I should be fined thirty. No, I should be fined sixty!"

Luo Jiuli gave her a total of thirty beatings, so she would give her sixty beatings in return.

Let’s see if she dares to offend her in the future!

Jun Mohan's words made Xiao Ruoling couldn't help but feel happy, thinking that he had adopted her suggestion.

Even Luo Jiuli almost cursed and was about to explain himself.

Unexpectedly, Jun Mohan's words shocked everyone the next moment.

"Concubine Xiao disrespected the mistress, stirred up trouble in the backyard, and even disturbed the king's purity. She will be fined sixty cents! Shut up and think about your mistakes!"

(End of this chapter)

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