Chapter 24: Very Jun Mohan

"Yes!" Wei Yan quickly dragged Xiao Ruoling down.

Then, screams came from the courtyard.

There were also intermittent sounds of begging for mercy, "Your Majesty! I don't dare to do it anymore, I don't dare to do it anymore, ah! Princess! Your Majesty! Please spare me! Ah!!!"

All the beauties were so frightened that their whole bodies became cold and their feet became stiff.

Only Luo Jiuli couldn't help but want to laugh, hahahaha, this trick goes against the grain and works wonderfully!
Just six! !Very Jun Mohan! ! !
"Hey! You must have been punished! How can my brother Wang be so easy to fool!" Wen Yi floated in front of Xiao Ruoling and made a face face to face with her.

Luo Jiuli couldn't help it when he looked at it. He covered his face with his sleeves and laughed, but his eyes were watery, as if he couldn't bear it, as if he could cry at any time.

At this time, a pair of phoenix eyes happened to look over, facing her from a distance, and raised an eyebrow at her.

As if to say, how is it?How well did I do this?

Luo Jiuli was speechless and too lazy to pay attention to him.

She shifted her gaze, put away her smile, put down her sleeves, and looked like a weak and dignified princess again.

The last fifty-big board was still not fully recovered, and this time it was sixty-big board. Xiao Ruoling couldn't hold on, and fainted only halfway through the fight.

When Wei Yan came to ask for instructions, Jun Mohan said without hesitation, "Keep beating, and then throw it back to Ningshuang Courtyard after beating."

His voice was calm, but his words were so ruthless, as if he didn't care about Xiao Ruoling's life or death at all.

This realization reminded all the beauties of the popular title for Jun Mohan.

God of War, God of Death, Hades
At this moment, they seemed to finally realize what kind of situation they were in.

To put it nicely, she is a beauty; if not, she is a slave, not even a concubine.

If he died suddenly one day, no one would even know!

"Your Majesty, Doctor Meng is here to take a pulse." The guard guarding the door of Xiuzhuyuan came in to report.

"Pass it." Jun Mohan ordered.

The guards retreated, and soon an imperial doctor carrying a medical kit came in.

This familiar figure made Luo Jiuli chuckle in his heart.

Isn't this the old man who wanted to prick her Baihui point after listening to Kang Xiang's nonsense!
Ah!It turns out that my surname is Meng!
Every day seems like a dream!My eyelids are so closed that I can hardly see clearly!
Imperial Physician Meng saluted Jun Mohan and Luo Jiuli, and then took out his medical bag to check Jun Mohan's pulse.

The hall was very quiet except for the sound of boards coming from outside.

"How is this possible?" Dr. Meng said to himself, unable to believe the result of taking the pulse.

He touched his beard and felt Jun Mohan's pulse again. After a while, he let go and asked, "Have you used other medicines in the past two days?"

"Never." Kang Xiang replied on his behalf, "I have always been making medicine according to Dr. Meng's prescription."

"But what's wrong with my pulse?" Jun Mohan asked.

"Judging from the pulse, the prince is not seriously ill, he is just a little weak. However, when Wei Chen checked his pulse two days ago, the diagnosis has not been made, so the prescriptions left behind are only to strengthen the foundation and strengthen the body, and there is no "The effect of the treatment." Imperial Physician Meng couldn't figure it out, but he could only say with relief: "I think the poison of the beast comes from the mountains. It is unpredictable and changeable. It is dangerous in the early stage, but it will naturally disappear or be hidden in the later stage."

"It's okay, that's fine, cough, cough, cough!" Jun Mohan coughed violently, and Kang Xiang hurriedly offered him a cup of tea.

"It doesn't seem to be a serious problem now, but the poison also made the prince linger in bed for more than a month. He must not be careless. From now on, the ministers will come regularly every seven days to check the prince's pulse." Dr. Meng wrote a prescription and gave it to Kang Xiang. "From now on, I will give the prince medicine according to this prescription. If the poison does not attack again, with the prince's body, he will be well in half a month."

"Thank you, Doctor Meng!" Kang Xiang took the prescription.

"Then Wei Chen will go back and recover first." Doctor Meng put away the medical bag and left.After watching it for so long, Luo Jiuli finally understood what Jun Mohan was singing today.

First, Xiao Ruoling was beaten with a board to scare the monkeys.

This chicken is Xiao Ruoling.

This monkey is naturally the beauty in the room!
They were all rewarded by the current emperor, and it was unknown whose spy each one was, but he, Jun Mohan, even beat up Xiao Ruoling, who claimed to be of noble status, so he was still afraid of these little minions? ?
It's fine if they stay calm, but if they don't, it's not like cleaning up chickens.

But Luo Jiuli didn't understand his poison, and she could understand when he claimed that his condition had improved.

But Luo Jiuli couldn't understand this good thing for no reason.

Isn't he afraid that others will think he is faking?
Forget it, it's a mess, it has nothing to do with her anyway, I'm too lazy to think about it.

Luo Jiuli left with everyone. As soon as he returned to Jinglan Courtyard, Zisu handed over a letter.

"A child crying at night? You should see a doctor." Luo Jiuli lit a corner of the letter he had read and slowly burned it to ashes.

"Shopkeeper Du is becoming more and more unreliable. He can even bother the master with such things. Isn't it common for newborn babies to cry at night?" After Zisu finished vomiting, he presented the two storybooks as if they were offering treasures. Holding it in front of Luo Jiuli, "I heard that this is the most popular story book on the market. The love story in it is shocking, so I bought it for my master."

Zisu looked so flattering that Luo Jiuli couldn't help but rub her face, "Good Zisu, so good!"

"Hehe!" Zisu was a little embarrassed by the praise.

Luo Jiuli casually placed the storybook among a pile of storybooks, lay back on the couch, and continued to read the storybook that he had not finished reading before.

At night, when Luo Jiuli was having a meal, Wei Yan came again
"Did Commander Wei go to the wrong place?"

People are claiming to be better, so they can’t continue to wait for illness, right?

"If you want to visit, you should go to Ningshuang Courtyard."

"It's not a visit, it's not a wrong trip." Wei Yan still said the same thing, "Princess, please pack up quickly and go with your subordinates."

Luo Jiuli: "…………"

If she shoved the bowl in his face now and said her hands were shaking, some people would believe her...

So angry!

Luo Jiuli finally went to Xiuzhuyuan.

Under the dim candlelight, Jun Mohan didn't know what he was writing on the case. When he saw her coming, he raised his head and said, "Ali, come here."

The sound of "Ali" was so gentle that it caused goosebumps all over Luo Jiuli's body.

She smiled slightly and said, "Your Majesty."

"Why should we be so polite between you and me?" Jun Mohan walked around the table and personally led Luo Jiuli to the table, "Come and see how good this painting is by me?"

Wei Yan retreated knowingly.

Luo Jiuli was almost half-hugged by Jun Mohan, and the palms of their hands were as hot as fire, making her heart beat a beat slower.

"What are you thinking about?" Jun Mohan tapped her forehead with his finger, "Come and see how this painting looks like?"

Luo Jiuli was in pain, and twitched her hand fiercely to shake off the burning heat that made her lose consciousness, and squeaked, "Your Majesty!"

(End of this chapter)

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