Chapter 241 Ha!found it! !

After screaming, he continued to fight, no one gave in, no one gave in.

Chen Erwa went to stop him, but was scratched again by the fierce boss's wife.

There is a bloody paw on both sides of the face, quite symmetrical.

"Hey! Stop fighting, stop fighting!" Sister-in-law Chen hurried over to help stop her.

But the two of them were wrestling together, and their movements were so large that she couldn't even put her hands in.

All I could do was shout hurriedly on the side, "Boss's wife, second's wife, please stop fighting! Stop fighting! It's important to see the third aunt first! Ouch!!"

Second Sister-in-law Chen stood closer and was slapped in the face by the boss's wife.

The pain caused her to lean back. If Luo Jiuli hadn't caught her in time, she would have had nothing but a close back-to-back hug with Mother Earth.

Seeing that Mrs. Chen was accidentally injured, the two people in the scuffle finally paused.

But seeing that Mrs. Chen was not seriously injured after being caught by Luo Jiuli, she pulled out her hair and continued to fight.

"You naughty fox, I want you to call me my man! I want you to call me my man!!"

"Tell me what's wrong with your man. Why don't you let others talk about your man's incompetence! I'll just tell you what I say!! Ah!!!"

"I let you say it, let me see how I kill you!!!!"

The scene was chaotic. Chen Dawa and Chen Erwa stepped forward together and finally separated the two.

But even after they were separated, they kept scolding each other.

"You are a slutty fox! You are so slutty every day!! You dress up so beautifully, you don't know how many men there are out there!!!"

"Smelly bitch! Who did you say has a man outside!! Say it again if you have the ability!! Believe it or not, I will light up the house for you today!!!"

"Hey! I'm so scared! If you have the ability, just order it! Whoever doesn't order it will be a grandson!!!"

"You are my grandson!! You shrew!!! Shrew!!! The shrew no one wants!!!"

"You naughty fox! Who are you calling a shrew? You have the ability..."

"Okay! Shut up!!"

The third cousin roared angrily, and the scolding war between the two finally stopped.

He looked at the two of them with a dark face, "You have to eat every day and have nothing to do, don't you? You don't know how to make noises!!! Noisy noises!!! It's so embarrassing that it has been brought down to the whole family, what kind of behavior do you have!!!!" !”

"Your mother-in-law is sick and has fainted. You two still have time to argue, make trouble, and fight here!"

"It's okay for you to bicker and quarrel normally, but now in front of outsiders and in front of your children, you continue to quarrel. Isn't it embarrassing?"

"You don't think it's embarrassing, but I still think it's embarrassing!"

"I will put my words here today. From now on, if any of you in this family dare to make trouble or quarrel again, then take the divorce papers and get out of here. Our Chen family cannot afford such a daughter-in-law. !”

"Daddy..." The second daughter-in-law was unconvinced and wanted to refute.

The third cousin glared at her, "Shut up! If you talk again, get out now!!"

The second daughter-in-law stopped talking.

Seeing that the father-in-law was angry, the eldest daughter-in-law also stood there, not daring to speak any more.The third cousin frowned and shifted his gaze to Chen Dawa and Chen Erwa, "Two grown men can't even control their own mother-in-law day by day! What's the use!!"

The third cousin is usually kind to everyone, usually doesn't get angry, and is a good old man.

But once he gets angry, he becomes extremely angry. No one dares to offend him except his third cousin who is generous and mischievous.

Entering the main house, on the left is the room of the third cousin and his aunt.

The third cousin led several people to the bed and said anxiously to Xiao Zuo, "Quick, quick, quick, let your third cousin take a look. She is usually in good health, why did she suddenly faint?"

No matter how bad Xiao Zuo's medical skills were, he had grown up under Qiao Su's knees and had been influenced by him for many years. It was not a problem to simply take a pulse and treat minor illnesses.

Chen Dawa brought a stool and placed it next to the bed.

Xiao Zuo sat on the stool, took out the pulse pillow from the medicine box and placed it under the hands of his third cousin.

He put his hand on his third cousin's aunt's pulse and asked, "Third cousin's aunt, have you ever felt unwell or caught a cold or something like that recently?"

"No, not at all." The third cousin affirmed, "Her body and bones are very good. Even in the middle of winter, it is difficult to catch wind and cold. What's more, it is hot in summer and autumn tigers are rampant. How can she catch wind and cold."

"Yes." Xiao Zuo responded, concentrating on feeling his pulse carefully.

Luo Jiuli felt the ghost aura from the moment he entered the door, but it only took a moment for the ghost aura to disappear without a trace.

She remained calm, looking around, and finally landed on a lacquered wood dresser in the corner.

The dressing cabinet came with a bronze mirror. The bronze mirror seemed to have been smashed by something heavy, it was torn into pieces, and several pieces were missing.

There was a mess of things on the countertop, and many things were covered with a thick layer of dust. Only a simple bronze mirror was not covered with dust. It looked very unique among all the dusty things.

The bronze mirror is only about the size of a palm and is turned upside down on the table. Apart from the beautiful and exquisite carvings on the back, nothing else can be seen.

Luo Jiuli quietly walked to the dressing cabinet and reached out to pick up the bronze mirror.

Normal people wouldn't be able to see anything with their naked eyes, but Luo Jiuli could see clearly. There were thick black fog in the mirror.

The corners of her mouth raised slightly, ha!found it! !

"Hey! What are you doing?! Put your things down quickly!!!" The second daughter-in-law noticed that Luo Jiuli was holding a bronze mirror. As if she was afraid that it would be broken by her, she said unhappily, "This But my favorite bronze mirror, put it down quickly! Don’t break it!!”

The words of the second daughter-in-law caused everyone to look at Luo Jiuli.

The third cousin had a straight face and glared at the second daughter-in-law, "It's just a bronze mirror. Just look at it and touch it. What's the big deal? Why do you need to make a fuss about it!"

"No, Dad..." the second daughter-in-law said with shame and anger, "I am making a fuss. This bronze mirror was given to Ah Sheng by my master, and Ah Sheng took it back as a gift to my mother-in-law."

"My mother-in-law is very precious to her. She is reluctant to let me and my sister-in-law touch her. If it gets damaged..."

The second daughter-in-law did not continue what she said.

But anyone who knows my third cousin knows that she has a very fierce temper!
If she were to know that the bronze mirror given to her by her precious eldest grandson was broken because she fainted, with her temperament, she would probably cause trouble when she woke up.

The third cousin's uncle and his third cousin's wife have been married for decades, and they know her temperament very well.

But a grown man must not lose face in front of outsiders because of a bronze mirror.

He put his hands behind his back and snorted coldly, "If it's broken, it's broken. If she wants to make trouble, let her make trouble. How can I still spoil her!"

(End of this chapter)

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