Chapter 242 This bronze mirror is indeed weird

The second daughter-in-law heard this and stopped talking.

"Alas!" The eldest daughter-in-law next to her sighed and murmured in a low voice, "It's hard for us as daughters-in-law. If something breaks, my mother-in-law won't cause trouble for you, but for us as daughters-in-law. Poor Yo!"

Although the voice of the eldest daughter-in-law was low, the room was so big and quiet, so it could reach everyone's ears clearly.

"That's right." The second daughter-in-law agreed in a low voice.

The two people who had just fought had a rare moment of standing on a united front.

Being undermined in this way, the third cousin's face became even more ugly, "Look at you two women, how stingy you are!"

"It's just a bronze mirror, it's worth your fight!"

"Don't tell me that the girl just touched it and it didn't get damaged. What if it got damaged!"

"So what if I want to give this bronze mirror to her today!"

"Haha." Luo Jiuli chuckled, flipping the bronze mirror back to the table of the dressing cabinet with his backhand, "Third cousin is very generous, but if you dare to give it away, I dare not accept it. After all, I am not lucky enough to withstand the trouble."

The second daughter-in-law sneered, "It's just a joke, the girl took it seriously."

The eldest daughter-in-law said, "That's right."

The two daughters-in-law didn't hear anything wrong in Luo Jiuli's words, they just laughed at her.

But the third cousin used to be a Taoist priest, and he knew more about Xuanmen magic than ordinary people.

Coupled with the fact that the third cousin's aunt suddenly fainted despite being in good health, Luo Jiuli said that her life was unlucky.

It's just a bronze mirror. If it wasn't weird, there would be no use for the word "lucky".

The third cousin felt something was wrong almost immediately. He looked at Luo Jiuli and asked, "What does the girl mean by this?"

Before Luo Jiuli could speak, his third cousin asked a second question, "Is the girl a member of Xuanmen?"

"It's just out of interest, not proficient." Luo Jiuli's answer was ambiguous.

She crossed her arms and glanced at the upside-down bronze mirror, "However, this bronze mirror is indeed weird."

The bronze mirror was given to the third cousin by A Sheng, the son of the eldest daughter-in-law.

As soon as Luo Jiuli said this, the boss's wife immediately became unhappy.

"You say there are weird things out there. Who do you think you are!"

Chen Tingting, "Stop talking nonsense!"

Third cousin, "Shut up!"

Second Sister-in-law Chen, "Hey! My wife, can you stop being so arrogant? Ren Jiuli also means well. If what he said is wrong, just listen and let it go. If you don't take it seriously, how could you treat guests like this!"

The three of them spoke almost at the same time, causing the eldest daughter-in-law to be stunned for a moment.

She glanced at Chen Tingting and said, "My father and my second sister-in-law are the elders. They said it doesn't matter to me. How can you, a junior..."

"I told you to shut up!" The third cousin became angry.

Seeing that the eldest daughter-in-law opened her mouth and wanted to continue talking, the third cousin glared at Chen Dawa beside him, "Take this bitch out of here quickly, you are becoming more and more rude every day!"

"Oh! Good!!!"

Chen Dawa listened to her third cousin's words, took the eldest daughter-in-law and walked out.

The eldest daughter-in-law scolded in a high-pitched voice, "Chen Yougen, you useless thing!"

"That bronze mirror was given to grandma by your son! Now they say there's something wrong with that bronze mirror. Isn't this just pouring dirty water on your son!"

"They are pouring dirty water on your son!" The eldest daughter-in-law's voice was trembling with anger, "You are a worthless thing and you don't dare to say a word!!" "Forget it if you don't dare to speak, why don't you still Let me speak!!"

"You useless thing! You can't even protect your own son!! You don't deserve to be a seed!!! You don't deserve to be a son!!! And you don't deserve to be a father!!!! Ah!!!!"

'Snapped! ’ There was a crisp sound of a slap.

The curses of the eldest daughter-in-law stopped abruptly.

"You stinky bitch, it's because I've been too spoiled to you!!!"

Chen Dawa roughly dragged the eldest daughter-in-law out of the door. After walking far away, the two people's voices gradually stopped.

"It's embarrassing." The third cousin cursed and smiled apologetically at Luo Jiuli, "Hahaha, you made the girl laugh."

Luo Jiuli glanced at his third cousin in front of him and said, "You're welcome."

It is true that the male chauvinism in feudal society kills people. My son beat his daughter-in-law but he had no intention of helping and looked like he was used to it.

Fortunately, Jun Mohan didn't hit her, otherwise she would have had to fight to the death with him!

"The girl said there is something weird about the bronze mirror. I wonder where the weirdness is?" The third cousin looked at the bronze mirror not far away and asked Luo Jiuli.

"She fell into a coma because of the bronze mirror." Luo Jiuli raised his chin towards his third cousin on the bed.

"What!" The third cousin frowned.

At this time, Xiao Zuo finished taking the pulse, put away the pulse diagnosis, and stood up.

Although the third cousin had some knowledge of Xuanmen magic, he was not familiar with Luo Jiuli and did not know what her abilities were, so he was always dubious about her.

Seeing Xiao Zuo getting up now, the third cousin hurriedly asked Xiao Zuo, "How's it going?"

There was too much noise in the room when the pulse was checked just now, so Xiao Zuo had to pay more attention.

He had a headache and pinched his eyebrows. "It's nothing serious. He's just a little weak. He's not unconscious yet."

Xiao Zuo walked up to Luo Jiuli and glanced at the bronze mirror on the dressing table, "Where is the ghost in it?"

Luo Jiuli said, "Yeah."

"A ghost!? What a ghost!!!???"

Except for a few people who knew about it, everyone else in the room looked shocked.

The timid second daughter-in-law turned pale with fright and crawled straight into Chen Erwa's arms.

Chen Erwa hugged her tightly, patted her back gently and coaxed: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. I'm here. If there really is a ghost, they will eat me first."

"Why didn't you find it before?" Xiao Zuo asked again.

When Luo Jiuli asked Xiao Zuo to visit their family one by one before, he had visited his third cousin's house and also visited this house.

It’s just that I didn’t find the aura of the ghost at that time.

"There is a universe inside the bronze mirror. I have said before that maybe there is something that helps hide its aura."

"Then what should we do now?" Xiao Zuo glanced at the bronze mirror, leaned to Luo Jiuli's ear, and whispered, "Sister Luo, we were talking so loud just now, will the ghost in the bronze mirror hear anything? Ran?"

"How do I know!" Luo Jiuli rolled his eyes at Xiao Zuo, "I had to run away early, but there is no movement yet. I must not have heard it!"

"Oh, you, you, you, please keep your voice down!" The little left index finger was placed between the lips, "I haven't heard it now, maybe I am sleeping. If we make a loud voice, it wakes me up, and then he squeaks. He ran away again, so we can find him."

Luo Jiuli was speechless: "..."

The ghost is still sleeping, do you really think everyone is like Wen Yi?
There are also two men in black, Lao Wu and Kuang Yan, who were transformed by Wen Yi!

(End of this chapter)

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