Chapter 243
"Xiao Zuo!" The third cousin tugged on Xiao Zuo's sleeve and imitated his imitation in a very low voice, "You mean there is a ghost inside that bronze mirror, right?"

Xiao Zuo turned his head to look at his third cousin, and said "Hmm" casually. He turned back and continued to ask Luo Jiuli, "Sister Luo, what should we do next?"

Luo Jiuli looked at the two people who were obviously at his own home, but they were as cautious as thieves and spoke very softly.

She was speechless and rolled her eyes, "Cold salad."

Luo Jiuli's normal volume seemed particularly loud at this time.

Xiao Zuo wished he could cover her mouth, "Oh, sister Luo, you, please keep your voice down, don't wake it up, what if it runs away."

Luo Jiuli rolled his eyes and almost rolled his eyes to the sky, "I said are you really stupid or pretending to be stupid? If you want to run away, you should run away early. Do you think your whispering will help???"

She glanced at Xiao Zuo up and down, "Be normal!"

Her tone was a bit fierce, and Xiao Zuo was so frightened that he immediately returned to normal, "Oh!"

"Then what should we do next?" Third cousin also returned to normal volume.

He looked at Luo Jiuli, then at Xiao Zuo, and tried to say thoughtfully, "How about I ask the old team leader to come over?"

The old squad leader that the third cousin mentioned was his leader when he was a Taoist priest. Usually when someone died and the dojo needed to be built, this leader would take over the work. The group of people who followed him called him " , the old squad leader.

This old squad leader has some skills. I heard that he met a Taoist man when he was young and was accepted as a disciple by him, so the third cousin would think of him immediately when something happened.

My third cousin often talks about these deeds and tells them to others.

Therefore, even Xiao Zuo knows this old team leader.

"Why should you sacrifice the near and seek the far away when you have Sister Luo!"

Xiao Zuo imitated Luo Jiuli, folding his arms across his chest in the same way, and did not hide the proud look on his face.

"Sister Luo said that she was motivated by interest and could not be considered proficient. That was just modesty. Do you really believe it?"

"If my sister Luo is not proficient, then I am afraid there will be no proficient person in this world!"

"Jiu Li is so powerful!" Sister-in-law Chen opened her mouth in surprise.

"Of course." Xiao Zuo only cared about showing off Luo Jiuli at this time, and he couldn't care about maintaining a stable image in front of the villagers.

"The girl is... so powerful at such a young age?"

The third cousin looked at Luo Jiuli, and his words clearly reflected his distrust of him because of his young age.

Luo Jiuli was also aware of his concerns, "If you can feel relieved if you invite the old team leader to come, then go ahead! I have no objection, but..."

Luo Jiuli looked at his third cousin who was unconscious on the bed, "Her breathing is gradually weakening. I need the yellow talisman and cinnabar to protect her vitality. Otherwise, by the time you invite the old boss, she may be gone." Life."

The third cousin said nothing, and turned to look at the third cousin, as if he was checking the truth of Luo Jiuli's words.

"Her life has entered a countdown since she fainted. Every quarter of an hour, her breathing will weaken by half a minute, until she has no breath at all."

Luo Jiuli found a seat nearby and sat down, crossing his legs and said calmly: "You should think about it slowly, don't be in a hurry."

Wei Yan followed Luo Jiuli every step of the way and almost couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

It's a matter of life and death, so don't rush, think about it slowly.

I'm afraid only the princess can say this.Xiao Zuo went to the bedside, first checked his third cousin's aunt's pulse, and then sniffed with his index finger.

Sure enough, while they were talking, the third cousin's breathing was indeed a little weaker than before.

His face darkened slightly and he nodded towards his third cousin.

The third cousin immediately ordered, "Er baby, go and take out the yellow talisman and cinnabar from the bottom of the box. I'll go and ask the old squad leader."

"Okay." Chen Erwa responded. Just as he was about to move, his sleeve was grabbed by the second daughter-in-law in her arms.

A delicate voice came from her arms, "Brother Erba, I'm scared!"

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid." Chen Erwa patted her back and coaxed her patiently, "I'm here, I'm here, don't be afraid, don't be afraid."

"How long has it been? You are still scared. Your mother's life is almost gone. You are still scared!" The third cousin was anxious. Seeing this scene, his face turned green with anger. "I don't know what time it will be." !”

"Daddy, it's not like you don't know that Xiaofen has always been timid!" Chen Erwa protected his wife, hugged her and walked out, coaxing her softly as she walked, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, let's go out, go out, there are things in the yard The sun, what those things are most afraid of is the sun. Can you play with the children in the yard for a while and wait until the matter is resolved before entering the house?"

"Yes." The second daughter-in-law buried her head in Chen Erwa's chest and warned in a low voice, "Then you should be more careful."

"Hahahahaha, I know, I know."

Chen Erwa took her second daughter-in-law to the yard and into the sunshine, then went back into the house and rummaged through the cabinets to find yellow charms and cinnabar.

The third cousin went to the neighboring village to invite the old team leader.

When I came back, there were many talismans posted in front of and inside the house.

Each spiritual talisman is attached to Kongyang, Xuanyou. This is a unique and key position. If you are not a member of Xuanmen, you will never be able to see the mystery.

"Old Chen! I told you before that rituals cannot be done casually. Tell me, the other party is just a little girl, and her hair has not even grown. How can you take out the yellow talisman and cinnabar? People are using it!”

"What if something happens to my siblings, tell me what to do!!!"

"Oh, boss, we're already at the door. Stop talking. The more you talk, the weaker I feel. You'd better hurry up and go in first and take a look!"

"Hey!" Another voice sighed heavily, "What do you want me to say about you? Let's go, let's go, let's not talk about it for now, go in and take a look, and then we'll talk about it!"

Apart from the third cousin's voice, the other voice must be that of the old squad leader.

The two of them got closer and closer, and when they reached the door of the main house, the old squad leader suddenly stopped.

He looked up at the magic talisman posted in front of the door, and sighed heavily, with an anxious tone, "Ouch! This, this, this, this..."

The third cousin's understanding of Xuanmen magic is limited to his knowledge, and he is not as knowledgeable as the old squad leader.

Seeing the expression on the old squad leader's face, his heart skipped a beat and he quickly asked, "What's going on? What's wrong?"

"Ouch! This, this, this, how can this talisman be stuck in this position! Something is wrong, something is wrong!!!"

The old class leader frowned tightly, put his hands behind his back, and stepped into the door, "I want to see what kind of kid with yellow hair, even his teeth are not fully grown, and he dares to come out to play with axes after learning a little bit! It’s simply harming others and yourself!!!”

"Harming others and harming yourself?!" When the third cousin heard this, he became even more panicked and hurriedly asked what was going on?

 Ahhhh! ! !Post a message and wish you all a Happy New Year! ! ! !

   ps: Maybe we will take leave tomorrow! ! ! !Therefore, we would like to say it again, wishing you all a happy New Year, may everything go well, everything goes as you wish, all your wishes come true, and you may get rich and rich in the new year! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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