Chapter 248 Will bite back as soon as possible
"This, so fast!" Xiao Zuo smacked his tongue, "She ran away again, so what should we do now?"

"Cold salad!" Luo Jiuli said, "What else can I do? Just run away. Fortunately, she is injured, so she won't come back for a while."

The third cousin helped the old squad leader to sit down beside him, and glanced at his third cousin on the bed, "Miss Master, what about my mother-in-law..."

"The ghost has been dispelled. I'll ask Xiao Zuo about the rest." Luo Jiuli found a seat nearby and sat down.

Xiao Zuo went over to check the pulse of his third cousin.

Knowing that there was no ghost in the house, Chen Erwa, Chen Ersao, and Chen Tingting gradually returned to normal.

Chen Tingting came out of the corner and stood beside Luo Jiuli without saying a word.

Sister-in-law Chen stepped out, "I have to go out and bask in the sun to calm down my shock."

Chen Erwa went to the bedside and watched Xiao Zuo taking the pulse of his third cousin.

He turned his head and looked at Luo Jiuli and asked, "Miss Master, then, the ghost, no, what if Yang Xiuying escapes now, what if she comes back again?"

"Yes!" The third cousin scolded in agreement, "That heartless and heartless woman, my labor and management paid her to collect the body and buy a coffin for her to bury, but the result..."

"In the end, this is how she repaid me!" The third cousin gritted his teeth and trembled with anger, "She actually entangled my mother-in-law! What a shameless person!!"

"It's all my fault that I was too soft-hearted at the time. I thought that all her family members were dead and no one would collect her body. We are all fellow villagers, and we are more or less related. It's nothing to help a bunch of people. Who knew, who knew that it would be a big deal?" Such a thing happens!"

"She is really an evil bitch! She will bite her back!! Can't help!!! Can't help!!!"

The third cousin's face was filled with regret.

Sister-in-law Chen came in after basking in the sun in the courtyard, walked up to Luo Jiuli, and praised her, "Jiuli! I didn't expect you to have such an ability!! It's really amazing!!!"

"I was really blind at first. I thought you were just an ordinary rich girl!"

Second sister-in-law Chen looked Luo Jiuli up and down and sighed, "I didn't expect you. Not only are your family rich and good-looking, but you are also very capable! Second sister-in-law admires me! I admire you!!"

"You are overly complimentary!" Luo Jiuli said modestly.

"Hey! What's too much praise?" Second Sister-in-law Chen sat down next to Luo Jiuli, took her hand and put it on her heart, "You don't even know! When I first knew that there was that thing in the house, Second Sister-in-law, I What’s going on in my heart! I’m beating so hard!! I’m so scared!!! How different is it from you, your face is so calm!!!”

Luo Jiuli withdrew his hand and said, "I've just seen it too much and got used to it."

"You are a young girl who can see those things. Aren't you afraid?" Second Sister-in-law Chen asked curiously.

Luo Jiuli shook his head, "I'm not afraid."

"Oh!" Second Sister-in-law Chen was shocked, looking at Luo Jiuli's curious face, "Second Sister-in-law is scared at such an old age, why are you... why aren't you scared!"

Luo Jiuli smiled slightly, "Because I can see those things as soon as I am born. What can newborn babies understand? The more I see them, I think they are the same as people. When I get older, I know that they are different. That I've already gotten used to it, so why am I still afraid?"

Luo Jiuli was talking about the previous life, not this one.

She was reborn with memories. This life has the memories of the previous life, and she is not afraid even if she sees ghosts.Unlike in the previous life, at first I foolishly thought that ghosts were the same as humans.

It wasn't until grandpa discovered that she could ghost that he told her that those things should be in the underworld, and they were different from people living in the human world!
And they, the Luo clan, want to get rid of the ghosts and protect the living people in the world!

Of course, these ghosts are also divided into good and bad. Get rid of the bad ones, and the good ones can help them fulfill their wishes and then send them into reincarnation.

Thinking of his grandfather, Luo Jiuli's eyes flashed with nostalgia. He wondered if his grandfather was doing well in modern times.

Did he have a recurrence of his heart attack after learning that his only granddaughter fell from the building?Have you eaten well now? ?
"Oh! Poor child!" Second Sister-in-law Chen held Luo Jiu's hand distressedly, "Second Sister-in-law, although I envy you for your ability, I also feel sorry for you for being able to see those things since you were a child. If you were someone with a bad mind, , I’m afraid I’ve been scared out of my wits!”

Second Sister-in-law Chen patted Luo Jiuli's hand and said, "They say peace and security are blessings. Second Sister-in-law, I don't want my children to have any great abilities. I just hope that they can grow up healthily. I don't expect them to be rich. I just hope that they can grow up healthily." I hope they can grow up safely, marry well, marry well, live in peace and happiness for the rest of their lives."

Luo Jiuli looked at Sister-in-law Chen's face and said, "Yes, you have a family full of children and grandchildren. There will be small bumps and tumbles, but there will be almost no major disturbances."

"You can also read faces!" Second Sister-in-law Chen opened her mouth in surprise.

Luo Jiuli said, "A little meeting, a little meeting."

"What do you mean by a brief meeting! Little master, you are so humble!!" The old class leader was sitting close to the bed, with a small wooden cabinet next to it. He clapped his hands and said, "My little master is very powerful! You can't judge by face. It’s just the simplest basic skill!”

"When I met the little master, she was only three years old!" The old class leader gestured, "You can't imagine that at that time, I, a person in my forties, finally made a trip to the capital to get a decent education. The Qian family practices religious practices, but ends up being lectured by a three-year-old child! Tsk, tsk, tsk..."

"What do you want to teach you?" asked the third cousin.

The old team leader said, "Just tell me what's wrong here and there!"

"When you were in your forties?" Third cousin frowned and thought for a moment, "Did I not follow you at that time?"

"Ah!" The old squad leader nodded, "When you followed me, it was a few years later. By that time, I had already worshiped my little master as my disciple."

"Didn't you say that Miss Master was only three years old at that time!" The third cousin looked at Luo Jiuli and then at the old class leader, "You want a three-year-old child to be your teacher!"

"Then what's the problem!" The old man's back was straightened, but he was injured no matter what, so he couldn't withstand his repeated attacks.

There was a sudden stabbing pain in his chest, which made the old squad leader yell out involuntarily, "Ouch! It hurts, it hurts!!!"

The third cousin bent down and held his hand, "Are you okay?"

The old squad leader slowly stood up and straightened up, no longer daring to straighten his back like he did at the beginning.

He waved his hand, "I'm fine."

The third cousin then let go of his hand and said, "You are an injured person after all. No matter how excited you talk, you should pay attention to your injuries!"

The old team leader said nonchalantly, "Hey! It's okay, it's okay. I'm happy to see my little master again after so many years!"

(End of this chapter)

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