Chapter 249 I’m just afraid of trouble

The third cousin knew that the old squad leader was stubborn and couldn't persuade him, so he poured him a glass of water, "You drink water first, and let Xiao Zuo take a good look at you later."

"Yes." The old team leader took the water and drank it in one gulp.

After drinking the water, he continued talking about the previous topic.

"Don't look at how young Master was at that time, only three years old, but he is so smart!"

"As the person in charge of that ritual ceremony, when the young master came to me and told me that there were doubts about the death of the mistress of that family, I still treated her like a child and acted nonsense!"

"You all don't know the result. In order to make me believe what she said, the little master asked the ghost to blow air-conditioning in my ear, but it frightened me. After she told the ghost to stay away from me, my body recovered a little. When I returned to Wen, I reluctantly chose to believe her."

"Then, is the question about the death of the mistress true or false???" Sister-in-law Chen looked at the old team leader with a gossipy face.

"Of course it's true!" The old class leader raised his head, "My little master said he has doubts, so he must have doubts!"

"The reason why the little master asked me for help at that time must be because she was afraid that others would say that her child was acting up!"

"I'm just afraid of trouble." Luo Jiuli added lightly.

She was only three years old at the time, so no one might believe what she said.

It is naturally easier to get one person to believe in her than to get a group of people to believe in her.

"You know this when you are only three years old. Jiuli, you are really amazing!" Ersao Chen patted Luo Jiuli's hand again.

Luo Jiuli just smiled and said nothing.

"Then what was going to happen after the incident was found out? Who killed the mistress????"

After Sister-in-law Chen finished asking, she continued talking before the old squad leader and Luo Jiu could leave.

"Isn't she the concubine in the mansion? She is the most favored concubine!"

Luo Jiuli: "…………"

This Second Sister-in-law Chen really deserves to be the top gossip in Chenjia Village!
"That's right! You really guessed it right!!" the old squad leader said, "It was really the concubine in the mansion who did it!"

"When I first started helping my little master to investigate, I was dubious in my heart. When the matter was actually found out, I was so surprised!"

"From that moment on, I admired the little master from the bottom of my heart!"

"Later, the little master mentioned to me many shortcomings in my practice, and also taught me a few tricks on how to deal with ghosts in the future. Then naturally, I became a disciple of the little master. "

"After the rich family's legal affairs were done, before leaving, the little master kindly reminded me that I had helped her, and told me not to go out before noon on my 45th birthday, and my family also You are not allowed to go out, and you are not allowed to open the door! Even if you are hungry, you cannot step out of the room. You have to wait until someone comes to see me before you can open the door and go out."

"Ah????" Sister-in-law Chen listened with interest, "Why can't you open the door??? What happened that day???"

"On your 45th birthday???" The third cousin thought for a while, and suddenly seemed to remember something, his eyes widened, "I remember that day, my classmates and I cooked a meal and prepared to treat you Let’s have a drink! We had agreed on it the day before, but it was almost noon and you hadn’t come yet. Then I went to look for you with the rest of the class. Who would have thought that as soon as we arrived at the door, I saw your sign on the door? Coiled with two giant pythons!”

"Oh, we were so frightened at that time!" The third cousin looked frightened. "A group of old men were so frightened that they hurried home to get hoes, sticks to sticks, and shovels to use in great force. Very good!" "Fortunately, the giant python was driven away without any danger in the end, and no one was hurt!"

"We were lucky at the time, saying that you were lucky to have slept in that day. Otherwise, if you had gone out unprepared, you would have been swallowed by the giant python!"

"You said at the time that you didn't sleep in, but listened to the advice of an expert and refused to go out. We didn't believe it at the time, but looking at it now, we didn't expect it to be true!"

The old team leader snorted, "I said you are all ignorant, but you still don't believe it! Now you believe it!!"

"Hey! I believe it, I believe it!!!" The third cousin nodded repeatedly, "Now even the real person has seen it, but I can't help but not believe it!"

"Wow! That's okay!! Jiuli, you are so awesome!!!" Sister-in-law Chen looked at Luo Jiuli, "Are you still accepting disciples?? What do you think of my little Huzi???? My little treasures, three treasures, and the others are all Okay, as long as you accept it, I will ask them to kowtow to you immediately when you get home and worship you as your teacher! How about it????"

"Not great! What a beautiful thought!!!"

Sister-in-law Chen looked at Xiao Zuo who suddenly spoke, "Hey! You kid, take your pulse carefully and don't interrupt!"

Xiao Zuo put away his pulse pillow, took out a small gourd as big as his thumb from the medicine box and threw it at his third cousin, "Take three pills of medicine turned into water and you will wake up in an hour at the latest!"

"Okay!" The third cousin caught the small gourd and immediately handed the medicine to Chen Erwa and asked him to go down and prepare it.

Xiao Zuo put the pulse pillow into the diagnosis medicine box and walked to Mrs. Chen Er's with the medicine box on his arm. He crossed his arms and said, "I have begged Sister Luo for so many years and she has not agreed to accept me as her disciple. She will not accept me at will." It’s a disciple!”

"Ah???" Sister-in-law Chen tilted her head, "Jiu Li, is this what Xiao Zuo said?"

"Yes." Luo Jiuli nodded and smiled apologetically, "There are rules in the sect and you are not allowed to accept disciples at will."

"Ah! That's it!!" Sister-in-law Chen was greatly disappointed, "What about the old squad leader????"

"Practically speaking, the old boss is not actually my apprentice. I only gave him a few casual words back then. He called me "little master" just to show respect!"

As soon as Luo Jiuli finished speaking, before Sister-in-law Chen could say anything, someone rushed in from the door.

"Auntie!!! How are you????"

Everyone was tall and dark-skinned. When he came in, he knelt down beside the bed, holding the hand of his third cousin, with a sad look on his face.

"Auntie, wake up, wake up!!! Don't scare A Tian!!! Wake up, wake up!!!!"

The third cousin couldn't stand it anymore and pulled Atian up, "Your eldest aunt needs to rest, boss! Don't make any noise!!"

Seeing his third cousin coaxing a tall man in his 30s with the tone of a child, Luo Jiuli felt a little worried.

Second Sister-in-law Chen came close to Luo Jiuli's ear, looked at Third Cousin and Atian, and said to Luo Jiuli in a voice that only two people could hear, "This house at Third Cousin's house was renovated a few years ago. At that time Among the people invited to help was Atian."

"A Tian is diligent and quick in his movements. He is unambiguous in helping to build tiles and so on!"

"But how do you know? There are unforeseen circumstances!"

(End of this chapter)

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