Chapter 250 Seeing the Marriage

"One day after lunch, Ah Tian went up to the house to lay tiles alone. Unexpectedly, he didn't know that the wood of the beam was rotten. He stepped on it and the beam broke."

"What's even worse is that when Ah Tian fell to the ground, he hit his head on a pillar. His head was covered with blood. He was unconscious for a long time before he woke up."

"Oh!" Luo Jiuli nodded clearly.

She didn't need to ask about the rest of the story, she knew that after she woke up, she found that her brain had been knocked out of her mind.

Sure enough, Sister-in-law Chen said again, "You don't even know! This baby is so pitiful!! He fell down, and when he woke up, he found that there was something wrong here!!!"

Sister-in-law Chen pointed at her head and sighed.

Luo Jiuli was not very interested in this. She just smiled and said nothing.

However, Sister-in-law Chen kept chattering, "This child has had no father or mother since he was a child. He was brought up by his grandma."

Second Sister-in-law Chen raised her chin in the direction of her third cousin, "His aunt is very kind to him, but after all, my aunt has to get married. How much can she do to help her nephew after getting married? Do you think so? no?"

Second Sister-in-law Chen asked, and Luo Jiuli nodded perfunctorily without saying anything.

However, this did not dampen Mrs. Chen's interest in speaking.

She poured a bowl of water by herself and gave Luo Jiuli a bowl as well.

Luo Jiuli took the water and said, "Thank you."

"Hey! Why are you being polite to the second sister-in-law!!" Second sister-in-law Zhang took a sip of water and continued, "Speaking of which, the third aunt already loves her nephew. In the past, she didn't feel too much pain when taking care of the family. She only took it from time to time. Order some food and go back, so that his nephew and the old mother at home can also eat something good."

"But how to take things back? After all, she is married. No matter how many good things she has, she can't move them all to her parents' house."

"Hey! It was at this time. Who knew that A-Tian was helping her family build a house and hit her head stupidly? So, for this reason, whenever there is some delicious food at home, the third aunt will keep giving it to her. My mother’s family is moving!”

Hearing this, Luo Jiuli politely said, "Move everything to your parents' house? Then your third cousin won't say anything???"

"What to say? What can he say?? What does he dare to say???"

Sister-in-law Chen's voice gradually increased, attracting.The third cousin looked over and said, "Second daughter-in-law, what did you tell Miss Master to make you so happy?"

"Uh...hehehehehe..." Second Sister-in-law Chen's smile froze, and she turned to look at her third cousin, "I didn't say anything, I didn't say anything, I just talked about homely things, homely things, you go on, go on, don't worry about us. , don’t worry about us, hehehe..."

"Oh! Okay then! You can pour the water yourself!" the third cousin explained, and then continued to talk to Ah Tian.

Ah Tian seemed not to understand. Even though his third cousin said it many times, he kept asking, "Uncle, why did auntie faint? Is she sick?"

Here, Sister-in-law Chen came close to Luo Jiuli's ear, and first cursed, "Damn old man, your ears are pretty good!"

Then he continued to gossip with Luo Jiuli, "The third aunt is moving things to her parents' house, and the third uncle doesn't even fart!"

"Why???" Luo Jiuli asked knowingly, just for fun.

"Why, why else!" With the experience of being caught just now, Second Sister-in-law Chen glanced at her third cousin defensively. Seeing that he didn't look this way, she continued to tell Luo Jiuli, "A Tian is here to help. He broke his head while building a house at home!"

"Let me tell you, as long as A Tian's mind is not clear for a day, even if the third aunt wants to take her nephew home to take care of her, the third uncle will still do it!" "Oh! Haha!!" Luo Jiuli I feel like she looks like the gossipy woman at the entrance of the village.

"But! This Ah Tian is really miserable!!" Sister-in-law Chen said with a look of regret, "Originally, my family managed to arrange a marriage for him through hard work, and the marriage was about to happen, but who knew that this would happen to him? , as a result, this marriage naturally fell apart!"

"Alas, in the final analysis, it is fate that manipulates people!"

"Haha, it's okay." Luo Jiuli said, "If one marriage is over, isn't there another one?"

"Where is the next door? He has no father and mother, and his family is poor. With his situation, how can any girl like him..."

Sister-in-law Chen paused for a moment as she seemed to remember something. She opened her mouth wide and looked at Luo Jiuli in surprise. She stammered and asked in a low voice, "Could it be that you, you, you, saw something in his face? ???”

Luo Jiuli said softly, "I can see the marriage."

"Hey!" Sister-in-law Chen clapped her hands, "Then, this, this, this, this, this, this is a great thing!"

Sister-in-law Chen's big move once again attracted everyone's attention.

The third cousin asked, "What a great thing?"

"Third uncle, it's like this..."

Second Sister-in-law Chen picked up what she just said and said it again to her third cousin in a pleasant way.

When the third cousin heard this, he beamed with joy, "Really? My boss still has a day to get married???"

The third cousin's uncle usually calls A Tian the same name as the eldest of my family. I heard that the third cousin now calls A Tian the same way.

Second Sister-in-law Chen said, "What do you want me to do? You have to ask Jiu Li. I can't tell you what to do!"

"Oh! Yes! Yes! Yes! You have to ask Miss Master!!!!" The third cousin pulled A Tian and walked towards Luo Jiuli, "Miss Master, this is the boss of my family. Please help me." Let’s show him and see when he can get a wife?”

Luo Jiuli was far away just now, and he could only see that A Tian was not alone. It was hard to say when he would get a wife.

But now that the person was getting closer, Luo Jiuli could see it more clearly. She said, "It's almost there. If you take advantage of it, it will be by the end of October at the latest."

"What! This, so fast!!" The third cousin was overjoyed. He held Ah Tian's hand and was shaking with excitement, "Boss! Did you hear that?! You are going to get married!!! No later than the end of October. You can get a wife!!! You are going to have a daughter-in-law!!!!”

"When your aunt wakes up, she will be happy for you hahahaha!!!!"

"Yes!" Second Sister-in-law Chen echoed from the side, "This is a huge happy event! Someone will take care of A Tian from now on, and Third Aunt should be relieved!"

"Besides, it's already August now, and October is not far away! We can prepare the things needed for the wedding early and slowly!"

"Marry a wife?" Ah Tian muttered, "But uncle, Ah Tian doesn't want to marry a wife."

"What! You don't want to get married? That's not possible!" The third cousin said to Ah Tian, ​​"You don't even know! Ever since you fell, your aunt and uncle have been worried about your marriage. I’m afraid you won’t be able to get a wife in this life!”

(End of this chapter)

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