The Almighty Princess: She makes waves in the capital with her metaphysics

Chapter 254 The man in black, Old 5, was nauseated and vomited

Chapter 254 The man in black, Lao Wu, was nauseated and vomited

"Cherish your shit!"

"Give this kind of charity to whomever you like!! I don't want it!!"

Yin Hun jumped to his feet in anger, but looking at the magic talisman in Luo Jiuli's hand, he could only curse a few words, but there was no other way!

Who told him to be cautious about that magic talisman! ! !

"How dare you! How dare you disrespect my aunt!!" Lao Wu, the man in black, roared and floated out.

Just when everyone thought he was going to float over and beat the ghost, he stopped next to Luo Jiuli, leaned closer and said, "Auntie, deal with him quickly!"

"..." Luo Jiuli was speechless, "I thought you would rush over and beat him up."

Kuang Yan’s long ‘Hey! ’ said, “Uncle Lao Wu, you are so timid! You actually let the girl rush forward!!”

"Aniang said that boys should protect girls!!!"

"That's right! Did you see that a kid is smarter than you! Isn't it embarrassing to let a girl do it?" Wen Yi said with a look of disdain, "Thankfully you were still a killer in life, tsk tsk tsk, you are really... Disgraceful to the name of a killer!!"

"What does it mean to insult the name of a killer!" Lao Wu, the man in black, firmly refused to admit it and said stiffly, "I see how powerful my aunt is, so I want to give her a chance to show off!"

"Bah! Excuses! They're all excuses!!" Wen Yi rolled her eyes at the man in black, Lao Wu, "Coward! I'm obviously a coward!!"

"What do you think you can do if you rush forward? With Mrs. Wang here, can he still kill you?"

"Such a big old man, why are you so cowardly towards an old man? Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk! It's embarrassing!!!!"

The man in black, Lao Wu, was so angry that he gritted his teeth, "You... you, you... don't go too far, I'll tell you!"

"A little bit!!!" Wen Yi stuck out her tongue, "I'm a coward, a coward!!! I'm going too far!!!! I'm..."

"Okay, okay!! Stop making trouble, stop making trouble!!!" Luo Jiuli waved his hand, interrupting Wen Yi's words.

She looked at the ghost not far away and said, "Chen Tingting is the person I am protecting. If you want to take her away, it is impossible."

"Go back to your underworld quickly! Don't waste time here."

Yinhun, who was not happy to be blocked outside the door, became even more unhappy when he heard Luo Jiuli's words, "Why!!!"

"She is my wife!"

"I came back from the underworld specifically to pick her up! Why are you, a little girl, stopping me!!!"

Luo Jiuli's hand holding the magic talisman moved slightly, and he said with a smile, "Just with this magic talisman in my hand, how about it? Is it convincing?"

"I don't accept it!" Yin Hun was angry.

He didn't believe that a little human girl could really do anything!
Yinhun raised his hand flat, his fingertips turned into claws, and he floated over to grab Luo Jiuli's neck.

But before he could even get closer, Luo Jiuli took the magic talisman and recited a spell silently.

Immediately afterwards, a beam of golden light came out and struck hard at the ghost.

The golden light pierced Yinhun's eyes, and he couldn't open them. He subconsciously raised his hands to cover his eyes, but the next second there was a heavy weight on his abdomen, "Poof!"

The ghost flew out like a kite with its string broken, and finally hung on a tree branch not far away.

To say it's 'hanging' is actually not accurate.

Instead, it floated on the branches of the tree, looking no different from 'hanging'.

The scene was so funny that Luo Jiuli couldn't help but want to laugh, "Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!" "Hahahahahahahaha!!!" Wen Yi was not afraid of waking up the people in the room and laughed even harder than Luo Jiuli. Even louder, "This old man is so stupid!!!"

"Sister-in-law Wang dares to charge at me even though she has a magic talisman in her hand. She's really a tough guy!"

"This princess has to say I admire you! I admire you!!"

"Two dead girls!" Yin Hun bit his back teeth and raised his hand. The pain of being hit by the golden light made Yin Hun suddenly stunned.

Then he made an unbelievable move that made both Luo Jiuli and Wen Yi think it was normal.

I saw that Yinhun's hand slowly reached into the shroud. After a sputtering sound, his other hand also reached into the shroud, and he appeared in front of everyone holding a large piece of meat in both hands.

The piece of meat was dripping with blood and was connected to the belly button and three or two large and small intestines.

At this moment, the mist in the sky dispersed, revealing the bright moonlight.

Yin Hun held the meat in front of his eyes and looked at it carefully. At this time, Luo Jiuli and Wen Yi could clearly see how the intestines and the meat were connected.

You can even see clearly when your intestines tremble.

The scene was bloody and gloomy.

Even though Luo Jiuli and Wen Yi were well-informed, they couldn't help but tremble and feel chills running down their spines.

His intestines were swaying in the air, but he wasn't afraid of them falling down.

Luo Jiuli unconsciously covered his abdomen with his hands, as if he was afraid that his intestines would accidentally fall to the ground.

The man in black, Lao Wu, died a few days ago, but Wen Yi still maintained his sleeping habits.

In his subconscious mind, there is no difference between him and humans, except that one is named 'alive' and the other is named 'dead'.

Now, when I suddenly saw such a bloody scene, I felt my stomach twisting and I felt like vomiting!
Even though Kuang Yan was dead, he was still just a child. He was so frightened by this scene that he cried loudly, "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"””Cousin, he, his stomach is disgusting!” "

Kuang Yan pulled Wen Yi's fingertips, and Wen Yi picked Kuang Yan up and patted his back gently, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. From now on, you will get used to this kind of people, no, this kind of ghosts, if you see them too much, Don’t be afraid!”

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Kuangyan buried his head in Wen Yi's shoulder and sobbed.


As Yinhun turned over the piece of meat and studied it over and over, the man in black, Lao Wu, held the door with his hands and successfully vomited it out.

Of course, because the man in black, Lao Wu, is not a human being, the things he vomits out will not be food, but a pile of water, exuding a sour smell, very much like the acid water in the stomach, which is unusual. Bad smell.

"Fuck!" Luo Jiuli swore, pinched his nose, and jumped in disgust, "Stay away from me!"

"Here, princess, get out!" Wen Yi kicked the man in black, Lao Wu, away, right into the chicken shed in the courtyard.

"Cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck!!!!" The sleeping big rooster suddenly woke up.

With every cry and every poke, the man in black, Lao Wu, felt great pain, "Ah!!! Stop poking!! Stop poking!!!"

"Auntie, help me!! Help!!! Oh, it hurts, it hurts!!!"

"Brother Rooster! Spare your life! Spare your life!!!"

Luo Jiuli: "…………"

She thought her swearing was not gentle enough.

(End of this chapter)

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