Chapter 255 Are you sorry?Do you want face? ?

But Wen Yi made her fully understand what...real violence is!

"Uh...hehe..." Wen Yi smiled awkwardly, "That...I, I didn't mean it!"

Luo Jiuli, "I believe you!"

Believe me! ! !

"Hey!!! Brother Rooster, please forgive me, please forgive me!!!"

"Ah!!! It hurts, it hurts!!!!"

"Auntie, help me! Help!!!"

Wen Yi, "Um...Sister-in-law Wang...should we rescue the person first?"

Luo Jiuli rolled his eyes, "What do you think???"

"Then... Then I'll go and help him." Wen Yi floated over, stopped on the chicken shed, and put Kuang Yan aside.

"Ouch!!! It hurts, it hurts!!!! Grandma, help me! Help me!!!!"

"Stop howling! Auntie is here to save you!" Wen Yi reached into the chicken shed, "Quick! Hold this princess's hand!!"

'Cackle, cluck, cluck! ! ! ! '

"Hey!" Wen Yi was pecked twice on the hand by the big rooster and screamed in pain, "Ah!! Hurry up!!!!"

At this time, Wen Yi's hand was heavy and she pulled hard, finally pulling out the man in black, Lao Wu.


The two of them walked on the chicken coop and breathed a sigh of relief.

Kuang Yan watched the spot on Wen Yi's arm where the big rooster had pecked dissipate, and his little face was filled with distress, "Cousin, are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's okay!" Wen Yi waved her hand nonchalantly.

Except for the pain when the big rooster pecked her, it didn't hurt anymore after that.

"The big cock is so annoying!" Kuang Yan whined at Wen Yi.

"Yeah, it's very annoying!" Wen Yi agreed, "Aunt Chen is the same. There is nothing wrong with raising cocks. Why do you have to raise big roosters?"

"Obviously I am the most pitiful one, wuwuwu..." The man in black, Lao Wu, was most afraid of pain when he was alive, and now that he is dead, he is still afraid of pain.

The roosters are rid of evil spirits. If there are only hens in the shed, even if they peck them, it will not hurt and they will not feel anything at all.

"This princess has been pampered since she was little and she didn't even cry when she was pecked. Why is a grown-up man crying and crying?" Wen Yi slapped the man in black, Lao Wu, on his belly.

"Ouch!" said the man in black, Lao Wu, "it hurts! You haven't been pecked for long, so you won't cry! It's not like me..."

"Eh!" Wen Yi was disgusted.

Here, Yinhun finally saw the injury clearly at his navel through the moonlight.

He looked up at Luo Jiuli and put his stomach and intestines back into place, "You little girl, did you put the talisman on the gate before?"

"Oh! How clever! Do you know this too?"

There was sour water vomited by the man in black, Lao Wu, by the door where Luo Jiuli was leaning. She changed her position to lean on the other side in disgust, but the smell of the sour water kept coming to her nose. In the end, she didn't even lean on it at all. , stepped out of the door, and took a few steps towards the ghost.With the memory of being knocked away by the golden light earlier, Yinhun was very guarded against Luo Jiuli. He floated back a few steps and said, "You, what are you going to do!"

"I don't want to do anything!" Luo Jiuli stopped, "It's just that the stuff he vomited just now smelled too bad, so I moved forward to avoid it!"

"I'm not an unreasonable person, and I won't hit you for no reason. What are you afraid of?! Why hide!"

"Hmph!" Yinhun snorted, "You hit me for no reason last time!"

"Last time? When??" Luo Jiuli looked confused, "We......isn't this the first time we've met???"

"It's the magic talisman you posted at the gate before!" Yinhun said, "The first time I came to pick up my wife, it was that magic talisman that knocked me away!"

Yinhun pointed at his navel, "The injury last time is exactly the same as this one!"

"Oh! That!" Luo Jiuli suddenly realized, "That doesn't count. I put the magic talisman on the door. If you don't come, no one can hurt you!"

"But here you are, you are the one who came to your door to be beaten. I haven't even seen you. Do you blame me?"

Luo Jiuli spread his hands.

"Hmph! I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you!! Where is my wife?" Yinhun glanced past Luo Jiuli and looked inside the door, "Where is my wife? I came to pick her up. Please let her come out quickly so that she can join me. Walk."

"I am a girl of eighteen or nineteen years old, and you are an old man of seventy or eighty years old." Luo Jiuli looked Yinghun up and down, "Are you embarrassed to call someone a daughter-in-law? Do you want face??"

"You little girl! Don't talk too much!!" Yinhun narrowed his face, "She volunteered to be my wife, why am I so embarrassed to call her wife!!"

"Volunteer??? Become your ghost bride???" Luo Jiuli seemed to have heard some big joke, "How brave are you? Do you think someone would be willing to be your ghost bride???"

Luo Jiuli looked at his face and said disgustedly, "Look at your face, it's like an old tree bark, it's so ugly!"

"I'm only seventeen or eighteen years old, and I'm young and beautiful. Why should I give up my life and go with you, an ugly old man?"

"I'm afraid you're awake and daydreaming!"

"That's it!" Wen Yi had rested enough, floated out from inside, stopped next to Luo Jiuli, and said to the ghost with the same hatred, "Hurry back and wash up and sleep! There is everything in the dream!!"

"You! You..." Yin Hun gritted his teeth in anger, but looking at the number of spiritual talismans on Luo Jiuli's fingertips, he still hesitated to step forward, "You two little girls, don't talk too much. ! It was obviously Chen Tingting who touched the end of my coffin and promised to be my wife! Why did it become a dream of mine!!"

"Oh! If I touch the end of your coffin, I will be responsible for you?" Luo Jiuli rolled his eyes, "Then your daughter-in-law was touching it every day before! Why didn't you pester your daughter-in-law to take responsibility? Instead, you pestered Chen Tingting coming!"

Why is Luo Jiuli so sure that his ghostly daughter-in-law touches the end of his coffin every day?

That's because Chen Tingting mentioned it casually before, saying that Yin Hun's daughter-in-law had to wipe the dust off Yin Hun's coffin every day.

"You! You are arrogant!!" Yin Hun was ashamed and angry, "My daughter-in-law is cleaning my coffin. That is filial piety!!"

"Oh! Your daughter-in-law is being filial when she cleans your coffin!" Luo Jiuli picked her ears, "Then Chen Tingting is not being filial when she cleans your funeral hall??"

"Why do you have such double standards???"

"When I was sweeping the funeral hall, I accidentally touched the end of your coffin with a broom, and when it came into your mouth, it became your ghost bride who volunteered to be you?"

"Why, you can't touch your tiger's butt??"

“Don’t you have to be responsible if you touch it???”

(End of this chapter)

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