The Almighty Princess: She makes waves in the capital with her metaphysics

Chapter 256 What about me, what about you, what about you!

Chapter 256 What about me, what about you, what about you!

"I, I, I, you, you..."

Yinhun's words didn't slip away from Luo Jiuli, and he stammered for a long time without saying a complete sentence.

"What about me, what about you, what about you!"

Luo Jiuli crossed his arms and rolled his eyes.

"Tell me about you. You are already so old. Even if you really want to find a wife, you should find someone of similar age."

"Rather than an old man like you, who is 80 or [-] years old, looking for a girl of [-] or [-] years old, who really thinks that a toad can eat swan meat!"

"That's right!" Wen Yi agreed from the side, "If you find a wife who is 80 or [-] years old, you just don't come to pick her up. As long as you have enough patience and wait for her for two or three years, she might just close her eyes. , I stretched my legs, eh! I’m here to find you! There’s no need for you to come and pick me up!”

"That's right!" Luo Jiuli nodded in agreement, "Find an old lady who is about 80 or [-] years old, and they can reincarnate hand in hand. If they are destined, they might be able to be husband and wife in the next life. Wouldn't that be nice?"

"You have lived enough. If you die, you will die. But Chen Tingting hasn't lived enough yet!"

Luo Jiuli yawned, "Okay, okay, I've said everything that needs to be said. It's your business whether you listen or not."

"Anyway, I am only making one important point." Luo Jiuli gestured, "Chen Tingting is the one I am protecting. It is impossible for you to want her to be your ghost bride! It is impossible in this life. Something!!”

After speaking, Luo Jiuli yawned again, and physiological tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.

She wiped the corners of her eyes with the back of her hand, "I'm sleepy. I have to go back to sleep. Brother Yinhun, oh, no! It's Grandpa Yinhun. You should hurry up and go back to sleep!"

"Why sleep?" For ghosts, night is equivalent to human daytime.

Humans are active during the day, while ghosts are active at night.

"I want to pick up my wife and leave!"

Obviously, after Luo Jiuli said so much, Yinhun didn't even hear a word, and just floated not far away so stubbornly.

Seeing that Luo Jiuli was yawning and not speaking again, he repeated, "I want to pick up my wife and leave!!"

"Okay!" Luo Jiuli stretched out his body and turned his wrist lazily, "Courtesy first, then attack. I'll tell you the truth, but you won't listen!"

"Then you can't blame me. We can only use violence to solve it!"

The talisman was sandwiched between Luo Jiuli's fingers, fluttering up and down as she turned her wrist.

The ghost drifted back unconsciously, putting a growing distance between itself and Luo Jiuli.

His eyes moved back and forth between Luo Jiuli's face and the talisman between his fingers, with a wary look on his face, "You, you, you, what are you going to do?!"

"It's all going to be solved violently, what do you think I'm going to do?"

Luo Jiuli gave Yinhun a look that said, "Are you a fool?"

"You, you can't mess around!"

Every time Luo Jiuli took a step closer, his ghost would drift back.

He looked at the talisman in Luo Jiuli's hand warily, fearing that if he was not careful, the golden light would strike him again.

"Killing me will damage your moral character!"

"You, you, you, you can't do this!!"

"Otherwise, if you kill me, you will fall into the realm of beasts in your next life! Aren't you afraid??"

"Afraid?" Luo Jiuli smiled, and the hand holding the magic talisman deliberately shook forward, as if he was about to throw it.

The ghost was really frightened and hid behind the big tree in an instant.

"Hahahahaha." Luo Jiuli laughed, "I'm just teasing you! Don't be afraid, don't be afraid!! Come out, come out!!!"

The ghost was still hiding behind the tree and didn't move.Luo Jiuli slowly approached the tree step by step. She said, "In my two lifetimes, I have done so many good deeds and accumulated so much virtue."

"Even if ten of your souls are driven away, you will never fall into the realm of beasts in your next life!"

"What's more, if you insist on taking a living person away, if I kill you, it's just to save people. This is a good thing to do good and accumulate virtue. How can you talk about being an animal?"

"That's right." Wen Yi floated next to Luo Jiuli and said to the ghost hiding behind the big tree, "Sister-in-law Wang is doing a good deed, but you are taking away a living person, which is not a good deed. "

"If Mrs. Wang kills you, she might be reincarnated as a queen in her next life. Your life will be good!"

"If you don't eat the toast, you will be fined!" The man in black, Lao Wu, floated over with Kuang Yan in hand and said to Luo Jiuli, "Since he is so disobedient, my aunt, hurry up and kill him!"

"Just in time, I also want to see what it would be like to be reduced to ashes!"

"Well, just in time, I want to see it too! Then we'll see you together..."

Before Luo Jiuli finished speaking, Yinhun leaned half of his body out from behind the big tree fearfully.

"Hey! Don't, don't, don't!!! Show mercy, show mercy!!"

Yinhun gave in and said weakly.

"I'm leaving, I'm leaving, why don't I leave!"

He didn't want to really turn into ashes.

"If I had said this earlier, it would have been over!" Luo Jiuli stopped and crossed his arms.

"Hehehe..." Yinhun grinned, revealing only three smoky black teeth.

Looks a little wretched.

"Eh!" Luo Jiuli couldn't bear to look at it and waved his hand, "Hurry up, let's go for a walk!!!"

Yinhun was digging his stomach to look at it just now. Luo Jiuli was afraid that he would not be able to think about it, so he took out his only three teeth one by one to look at it.

"Hey! OK, OK!!! Let's go, let's go!!!! I'm going, I'm going!!!!"

The ghost turned around and was about to leave, but Luo Jiuli suddenly called him, "Hey! Wait, wait, wait!!!"

"Huh???" Yinhun turned around with a look of joy on his face, "Have you changed your mind? Agree with the old man that I will take my wife away???"

"What a beautiful idea!" Luo Jiuli rolled his eyes, "I just want to say, don't come back after you leave."

"I have been living in the Chen family during this period. If you are caught by me next time, it will not be as simple as being wiped out in ashes!"

The ghost's calculation failed, and the smile froze on his face.

Luo Jiuli saw this and raised his eyebrows slightly, "What? Do you really have this plan? You want to come back while I'm away? You won't give up until you achieve your goal???"

"Uh, hehehe..." Yinhun shook his head guiltily, "No, no, no, it's impossible, it's impossible, I will come again..."

"Huh? Will you come again??" Luo Jiuli's tone increased.

"Oh, no, no!!!! Bah, bah, bah!!!!" Yin Hun clapped his mouth, a little annoyed.

How could he accidentally tell the truth?

"I just said the wrong thing, I said the wrong thing, hahahaha."

"I won't come again, I really won't come again!"

Yinhun raised his fingers to the sky and made a rising movement, "I promise! I really will never come again!!"

"Well, that's okay, then let's go!" Luo Jiuli waved his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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