Chapter 260 is still a bit too much! !

"Why did you come out!" Seeing a trace of blood soaking out of Jun Mohan's chest, Luo Jiuli's expression was not very good, and he ordered in a deep voice, "Wei Yan, help your father back quickly."


"I do not!"

The two voices sounded almost simultaneously.

"Huh?" Luo Jiuli frowned slightly and said in a serious tone, "Don't joke about your body, go back quickly!"

Wei Yan didn't dare to move, so Luo Jiuli went to help him personally, but Jun Mohan refused to leave. He snorted unhappily, "My wife is about to be abducted, how can my husband still raise such a disabled person?" What’s the use of the body?”

"It's better to come out and try to persuade him to stay. Maybe the wife will stay because she feels sorry for her husband!"

Seeing that he didn't care about his body so much, Luo Jiuli was obviously very angry, but hearing his childish words, he couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"What do you mean I'm going to be kidnapped?"

"Aren't I a big man here? Besides, can I run away with anyone?"

"No one can escape me except you!"

Luo Jiuli's last words simply touched Jun Mohan's heart, making him feel warm.

He linked his backhand with Luo Jiuli's fingers, glanced at the old team leader and others in the courtyard from the corner of his eye, and raised the corners of his lips as if proudly, "That's true."

Wei Yan failed to watch the show and was stuffed with dog food: "..."

Too much!
It’s still a bit too much! !

He doesn't deserve to live without a wife, right? ! ! ? ? ?

"Husband?? Wife???" The old squad leader looked back and forth between Jun Mohan and Luo Jiuli.

Finally, his eyes fell on the two people's tightly interlocked hands, and he asked in disbelief, "Little Master, you... got married at a young age?!"

, not small, but when the old man said it, there was a sense of regret that Luo Jiuli married young.

"Uh-huh!" Luo Jiuli raised his two tightly clasped hands, "He is my husband!"

This was the first time Luo Jiuli called him husband in front of so many people. Jun Mohan was so happy that he immediately said, "She, my wife!"

Wei Yan: “…………”

Got it, got it all, no need to say any more! ! ! !
The old team leader said he was very unhappy because he was not taken to Luo Jiuli as his daughter-in-law.

But when he looked at Jun Mohan and then at his son, they were so different that they couldn't bear to look at him.

The sons who were suddenly disliked by their father: "..."

"What are you looking at at these useless things?"

There are so many people who can't even marry a little master, so their children are in vain!
"Why don't you call me Junior Master!"

The old squad leader could only direct his anger at his own son.

"Oh, hello, little master!"

"Hi, little master!"

"Hello, little master!!"

The voices in twos and threes were uneven and collapsed.

When the old team leader heard this, he was very dissatisfied. He was about to ask them to call him again, but Jun Mohan responded with a smile, "Hey! Hello!! Hello!!!"

Luo Jiuli also saw his good mood and couldn't help laughing, "You can always go back and lie down now, right?"

"Well, okay." Jun Mohan looked proud and nodded like an uncle, and then returned to the bed with Luo Jiuli's help.

"Look at you, you are not obedient at all. Master Qiao said that your injury is serious and it is not advisable to move much for the time being. You are healed now. The wound has been torn open by you. It is soaked with blood. You know it hurts!" Jiu Li muttered while taking out a new strip of cloth from the corner to change for Jun Mohan.

This little injury and pain was nothing to Jun Mohan, but he liked the way Luo Jiuli cared about him and talked about him.

So... when Luo Jiuli started to change the cloth strips for him...

"Hiss!" Jun Mohan frowned and took a breath of air.

Luo Jiuli's hand holding the cloth trembled slightly, and he asked with concern, "What's wrong? Does it hurt?"


Jun Mohan had a forbearing look on his face, which made Luo Jiuli feel heartbroken.

"Well, I'll be gentler then."

Luo Jiuli's hand movements were slower and gentler, as if he was afraid of hurting Jun Mohan.

Jun Mohan's heart felt warm, and there was a hint of smile in his eyes, "Yeah."

By the time Luo Jiuli changed the cloth strips for Jun Mohan and walked out of the room again, it was already a stick of incense.

"Hey! Little Master, you figured it out!" The old squad leader was sitting on the eaves and dozing off. He turned around when he heard the noise and asked with concern, "Little Master... your husband, how is your husband?"

The old squad leader wanted to say Junior Wife, but Jun Mohan's gender was wrong. After much thought, he didn't know how to address Jun Mohan, so he could only say 'your husband'.

"It's nothing serious." Luo Jiu came to the door and looked at the old boss and his sons sitting in a row by the eaves, "Why haven't you left yet?"

She hadn't heard any movement in the house for so long, and she thought the person should have left long ago.

"Jiu Li! You finally came out!" Mrs. Chen stood by the main room with a cane, looked at Luo Jiuli and said, "Hurry up and let the old team leader and his father and his sons come in and sit down!"

"The old lady saw that they had been standing in the courtyard for a long time, and wanted them to come in and sit down, but every one of them refused to listen and insisted on standing in the courtyard. If they couldn't stand anymore, they would sit on the edge of the roof and didn't know how to come in and sit down. On the stool, very stubborn!"

Luo Jiuli said 'hmm', looked at the old team leader and said, "You are so stubborn, can your injury from yesterday be cured?"

"Hehehe." The old team leader said with an embarrassed smile, "It's okay, it's okay, the medicine from Miracle Doctor Xiao Zuo is good. I only took it three times and my chest pain is gone."

"Internal injuries, don't be fooled by the appearance. You still need to take care of yourself." Luo Jiuli passed by the old squad leader and headed towards the main room, "Come in and sit down!"

"Hey! OK, OK!!!" The old team leader immediately followed Luo Jiuli into the main room and said to his sons without looking back, "You guys, move all your things in!"

"Good dad!"


The small main room was instantly packed.

Chen Tingting came over with sugar water, one bowl for each person.

The sugar water should be prepared in advance, not particularly hot, just warm.

The old man drinks sugar water just like drinking alcohol, he raises his head and drinks it all in one gulp.

"Ating, hurry up and give Lao Bantou another bowl."

As soon as Aunt Chen finished speaking, Chen Tingting responded, "Okay."

"Hey, no, no, no!" The old boss put the empty bowl on the table, wiped his mouth, waved his hand and said, "This is good stuff, I can't stand drinking it all the time."

"Good things are just for people to drink. You have another bowl, drink another bowl." Aunt Chen took the old boss's empty bowl and gave it to Chen Tingting, "Quick, go get another bowl."

"Okay." Chen Tingting took the bowl, turned around and went to the kitchen. After a while, she came back with a bowl of boiling sugar water.

She placed the sugar water in front of the old supervisor, "Grandpa Yang, be careful with your sugar water."

(End of this chapter)

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