Chapter 261 People from Yangjia Village next door
The old team leader’s surname is Yang, and he is from Yangjia Village next door.

"Thank you so much!! Sister Chen, you are so polite!"

"Hey!" Aunt Chen said, "Why are you so polite?"

"How often do you come here? It's not easy to see you on weekdays. Now it's hard to come here. It's just a bowl of sugar water. What's the big deal?"

"It's Jiuli!" Aunt Chen looked at Luo Jiuli, "I didn't expect you to be so powerful, even the old team leader would call you little master!"

"Then why did you lie to me two days ago, saying that you just learned the skills from a parade master!"

After the lie was exposed, Luo Jiuli had nothing to say and could only giggle awkwardly, "Hehe, hehehe..."

"Auntie, Miss Renluo just keeps a low profile!" Chen Tingting helped Luo Jiuli speak from the side, "If she told you directly that she was a master of Xuanmen and could do calculations, you wouldn't believe it, would you? "

"Hey! Why don't you believe this!!" Aunt Chen's eyes widened, "Jiuli is such a good girl, as long as she says it, I will believe it!!"

Luo Jiuli and Chen Tingting laughed and said nothing.

The old team leader nodded in agreement and said, "Yeah, Sister Chen, you really have a sophisticated eye!"

"My little master is kind and beautiful. She is really a very nice girl!"

"The old woman has always had a very good taste!" Aunt Chen was not modest at all, "I knew she was a good girl from the first moment I saw her!"

"Yes!" The old team leader nodded, shook his head, and sighed heavily, "Oh! It's such a pity. It's all my fault that these boys in my family are unlucky!"

"Otherwise, it would be great if I could marry my little master back home!"

"Young maknae!" the old squad leader called.

"Hey!" The youngest standing in the corner raised his hand high, holding the fish in his hand, his tail swaying back and forth, he said, "Dad, I'm here!"

"You kid, why are you standing so far away!" The old class leader glared at the sons crowding in front of him, "How many times have I told you to give way to your younger brother, give way to your younger brother! Why do you always squeeze him in?" at last!"

"He is so short, standing at the back, who can see him!"

"Dad! It's not us who squeeze..."

The third child was unconvinced and wanted to explain, but before he could finish his words, the old man yelled at him: "It wasn't you who squeezed him, who squeezed him! Could it be that he could still get in behind by himself!!"

"Dad, it was me who crawled behind me." The youngest walked up to the old class leader, looking down at his toes like a child who had made a mistake, and said weakly, "Brothers walk fast, I, I They have short legs and are afraid of delaying their walking.”

The slap in the face came so fast that it was like a tornado. The old class leader clenched his hand into a fist and put it to his mouth, coughing twice in embarrassment, "Ahem, you kid, why are you standing back by yourself?"

"Tell me about you. You are the youngest and not very tall. If you stand at the back, who can see you? Next time, remember to stand at the front, do you know?"

"I know, Dad." The youngest responded obediently.

"Ahem, it's good to know. Quick, give the fish in your hand to your little master, don't let you carry it to death!"

The youngest said "Oh", walked around from behind the old squad leader, stopped next to Luo Jiuli, and handed the fish he was carrying to her, "Little Master, this is what my elder brother went to the lake to feed you in the morning." The fish, Dad said that the fish must be fresh to taste, so he asked us to bring it to you."

"Ahem." Luo Jiuli, who was drinking sugar water, choked.

That suffocating name again!

She put down the bowl and turned her head to look at the youngest next to her.

The youngest is nine years old. She is quite delicate and tall... as tall as she sits.

"Why is it Little Master????"

"Who told you to call it that????"

"Your father???"

Luo Jiuli could not think of anyone else with such a strange title except the old squad leader.Just like when he insisted on letting her call him old apprentice.

However, things are often unexpected. The youngest shook his head and said, "No, it was the big brother who thought about it!"

"On the way here, I haven't decided what we should call you, so my eldest brother said, my father is called grandpa, and my master is also my father, so we should call my little master little master, but little master Master, you are a woman, so it is not right to call you Junior Master, so I call you Junior Master!"

Although the youngest is young, he has a flexible mind and a smooth tongue. He doesn't get stuck in his words at all and almost stuns Luo Jiuli.


What a father whose father is called grandpa!
A good master is also a father! !
What a little mistress! ! !

It really made her see what it means to have a wonderful family in the world! ! ! !
"Actually... you can call me Jiuli, elder sister, younger sister, whatever you want!"

It's meow! ! ! !

No matter what you call her, it’s still better than Junior Mistress! ! ! !
Junior mistress, mistress, second mistress......

It’s easy to think crookedly!

"Hey! This can't be done!!" The old team leader waved his hand and said, "They are my sons, I am your apprentice, and you are my master. If they call you elder sister or younger sister, won't this generational hierarchy be messed up? No, no, no. !!!”

"It doesn't matter whether the seniority is chaotic or not, as long as you don't call me Junior Grandma!"

She really didn't want to hear a word of that suffocating name again!

Luo Jiuli said, "We all have our own issues. If anyone dares to call me Little Master again, I will fight with you!"

"How can this be done..."

As soon as the old team leader spoke up, Luo Jiuli glanced at him mercilessly, "The matter has been decided happily!"

"If you don't agree, then don't be a teacher!"

"As a master, I should consider myself as a disciple without you!"

"Hey! No, no, no, no!" The old class leader waved his hands repeatedly, "This, this is not okay! Once a teacher, always a teacher!! Old apprentice, I will always be your apprentice!"

Luo Jiuli, "Then this title......"

"Of course it's you, little master, who has the final say!"

The old class leader didn't want to be expelled from the school yet, so he went against the norm and stood firmly on Luo Jiuli's side.

"Whatever you say, they can call you whatever you want. It doesn't matter if you are a sister or a sister!"

"If anyone dares to disobey you, I will break their legs, old apprentice!"

The six sons of the old squad leader: “…………”

Why are they always the ones getting hurt! ! !

"It's almost there!"

After getting rid of that suffocating title, Luo Jiuli was finally satisfied.

She glanced at the large and small bags of things piled on the ground, "What did you do with these things? Give them to me????"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." The old team leader nodded repeatedly, "Yesterday, I accidentally heard Doctor Zuo mention that you were injured a few days ago and you need to make up for it!"

"No, I've been busy all morning and brought you all the things at home that can help you!"

(End of this chapter)

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