Chapter 262 But.........the loss of his wife!
"Look at this fish." The old team leader picked up the fish in the youngest's hand and patted it hard. The fish's tail swung back and forth. "It's fresh and used to make soup. It's best!"

"And this duck, this chicken..."

"Aren't you also injured?" Luo Jiuli said, "It's better to take it back and patch it up for yourself."

"Hey! How much stuff is this!!" The old squad leader put the fishing rope into Luo Jiuli's hand, "These are all used by the old apprentice to honor you, Master. I still have them at home, there are many, enough for me to eat, you Don’t worry, keep it, keep it!”

"I just mentioned a few words to you in passing. It was nothing. There is no need for your filial piety."

Luo Jiuli pushed the fish back, but the old team leader refused to accept it, "Hey! How could you say that!!"

“Once a teacher, always a teacher!”

"Also, although you didn't teach much at the beginning, the book you left me was a good thing. Over the years, whenever I encountered something I didn't understand or didn't know, I would look for answers in the book. Most of the confusion can be solved, and it’s all thanks to you!”

"Now that you are injured, and you are in my territory, whether as a host or as your apprentice, isn't it the duty of an old apprentice to give you something to replenish your health?"

Luo Jiuli couldn't refuse what she said, but she was not embarrassed to accept these things for no reward.

So, he thought about showing the faces of his six sons. Unexpectedly, this look, eh!I really saw the problem.

"Who is this?"

Luo Jiuli looked at a tall and thin man in the crowd.

The old squad leader followed Luo Jiuli's gaze and said, "This, this is my second child."

The old class leader waved to the second boy, "Quick, come here and call me Junior...Sister, call me sister!"

The old squad leader almost blurted out the name "little master's wife", but under Luo Jiuli's death gaze, he changed his name in time and became his younger sister.

The second child walked around a big bag of rice on the ground and shouted with a smile, "Hello, sister."

"You are destined to have three sons and one daughter..."

Before Luo Jiuli finished speaking, he looked happy when he heard that his second son had a daughter.

"Then this baby is a girl???"

Seeing that Luo Jiuli didn't say anything, the second child said again, "Baby boy????"

Seeing that Luo Jiuli still didn't speak, Lao Er's face darkened a little and he tried to say, "Could it be...a twin of a dragon and a phoenix?"

"Yes, twins." Luo Jiuli confirmed at first, but then changed his tone, "But..."

"But what!!??"

The second child and the old team leader looked at Luo Jiuli nervously.

"But.........I lost my wife!"

Luo Jiuli's words made Lao Er's eyes turn red instantly.


He staggered two steps in disbelief, but the old squad leader beside him and the boss behind him caught him in time.

"Don't, don't, don't worry! Don't worry!!!"

In ancient times when medical standards were low, the probability of dystocia was extremely high when giving birth to twins.

The old squad leader knew this in his heart, but people's lives were at stake. He comforted his second son, but he was still panicking in his heart.He looked at Luo Jiuli and said, "Little master, my second daughter-in-law has always been in good health, and she has already given birth to two children. How could she..."

"It's easy to have difficulty giving birth to one child, let alone two children." Luo Jiuli said bluntly.

"Ouch! Why, why are you pregnant with a twin?" Aunt Chen frowned, "Didn't you ask the doctor to check your pulse when you were first pregnant??"

"It's been checked! It's been checked!!" The second child was crying, "I specially invited the old doctor named Wang from the town to check my pulse. He said it's a son!"

"I just said that my wife's belly is different from when she gave birth to the eldest and second child!"

"Yes, if I had known earlier that it was a twin brother and a girl, I would rather not have children than to keep the adults!"

The second child and the second daughter-in-law have a deep relationship, and all they want is a son and a daughter.

How do you know that two sons were born one after another. When I was pregnant this time and found out that it was a son, I wanted to abort the second son, but the second daughter-in-law couldn't bear it, so she stayed.

The second child felt regretful. If he had known earlier that he was a twin, for the sake of his wife's life, she would have aborted it no matter what.
But now the baby is eight months old, and she is about to give birth. Even if she wants to have an abortion, she can’t!

"Please master, please give me a clear way!! Save my wife!!! Please save my wife!!!!"

The second child plopped down and knelt down in front of Luo Jiuli.

If another person were to talk about twins and the loss of his wife, the second child would never believe it.

But the second child knew about the python at the door many years ago, and he also knew that Luo Jiuli gave his father a fortune-telling, which saved his family from danger.

"Get up quickly!" Luo Jiuli helped the second child, "I have a method, but it is still dangerous, but the risk may be lower than a natural birth."

The second child didn't know what a natural birth was or wasn't. He only heard Luo Jiuli say there was a way. As soon as he stood up, he knelt down again, "Please help my wife, master, any way will do! I don't have any way!!" You can try everything!!!”

"Okay, then I'll tell you." Luo Jiuli said, "The only way to save your wife is to have a caesarean section."

The second child looked up at Luo Jiuli, "Caesarean section???"

"Yes." Luo Jiuli nodded and gestured with his hand on his stomach, "Probably make a cut at this position to take the child out, and then sew up the wound."

Even doctors may not have heard of the word suture, let alone people like Lao Bantou.

The second child was stunned, "Cut a hole! Isn't that person... dead!!"

"Yes!" Aunt Chen shuddered just thinking about it, "My belly, my belly has been cut open, this, this is not giving birth, this is not murder!"

"Little Master, is this method reliable?" the old team leader asked.

Luo Jiuli shook his head, "I can't say it's [-]% reliable, I can only say that it has a higher chance of being safe than her own."

"Sure! Then listen to the little master!!"

Even when faced with a caesarean section that she had never heard of before, as long as Luo Jiuli said it was more likely to be safe, the old boss was willing to believe her, and he believed her unconditionally!

The second child hesitated, "Dad..."

The old team leader looked down at the second child and said, "If you live, you will die! With the little master's method, there is still a chance of survival! You make your own choice."

The second child still had a glimmer of hope for the first choice, thinking that a miracle might happen, but he was afraid that he would make the wrong choice, so he was caught in a dilemma.

"It's not like we have to give birth now, why is it so difficult?" Luo Jiuli said, "There is still one and a half months, oh no, one and a half months is the day to give birth to the baby, it is half a month, I will leave Chenjiacun in half a month, You can think about it carefully in this half month. After you have thought about it, no matter what choice you make, just bring Po Wen here and let me take a look."

(End of this chapter)

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