Chapter 267 Chen Laoba!You coward! !

"Let me see if I want her to look good today!!!!"

"I've given you a hard time today, haven't I? You dare not even listen to what I say!!!"

Chen Laoba forcefully tore off Chen Laoba's wife's hands from the door frame one by one.

Chen Laoba's daughter-in-law struggled, but as a woman, no matter how strong she was, there was no way she could be stronger than a man.

In the end, he struggled to no avail and was dragged out by Chen Laoba.

From a distance, Luo Jiuli, sitting in the main room, could clearly hear Chen Lao's eighth daughter-in-law cursing.

"Chen Laoba! You coward!!! You have to die!!!!"

"Look at how much other people protect their mothers!!! Look at you again!!! You coward!!!"

"How can you bear it when someone throws dirty water on your mother-in-law in front of you!!! You coward!!! You don't deserve to have a son!!!!"

"Chen Laoba! You coward!! You coward!!! You are so lacking... ah!!!"

'Snapped! ' With a slap, Chen Laoba's daughter-in-law's scolding suddenly stopped.

Chen Laoba's face turned livid, "Why do you have no idea when others say that to you?!"

Luo Jiuli pricked up his ears when he heard this, his eyes widened and he blinked twice.

Wow wow wow! ! ! ! !

What's the meaning? ? ? ? ?
Could it be that all the scoldings made by the third cousin are true? ? ? ?
Luo Jiuli suddenly regretted it. She thought that her third cousin's aunt was quarreling with Chen's eighth daughter-in-law, and she was just attacking randomly with her mouth open. There was no truth in it.

What a pity, what a pity! ! !

If she had known what she was doing sitting in the room, causing her to not even see the face of Chen Laoba's daughter-in-law, she should have been a little tired and leaned against the door to watch.

As long as she could see Chen Lao Ba's wife's face clearly, wouldn't she be able to know whether Chen Lao Ba's daughter-in-law had stolen someone or something?

well!What a pity! !What a pity! ! !

She actually missed such a big melon because of laziness!
Tsk tsk tsk...Don't open the forest, don't open the forest! ! ! !

On the path outside the hospital, Chen Laoba's words made Chen Laoba's daughter-in-law's pupils tremble, she stammered and her voice became much softer, "You, you, you, what do you mean!?"

"What do I mean, haha!" Chen Laoba said with a smile, "Since you are shameless and insist on mentioning it here, then I am not afraid to say it!"

"Last month No. 15, what shameful things did you do in that little bamboo forest to the east? Do you think I don't know?!!!"

When Chen Laoba's daughter-in-law heard this, her heartbeat slowed down by half a beat.

"Why are you bringing this up again? Didn't I tell you before?! I was pulling grass in the field and suddenly had an urgent need to urinate. I went to the bamboo forest to urinate!!! Why don't you believe me! !!!”

When Chen Laoba's daughter-in-law said this, she looked aggrieved and cried, "Ouch, Chen Laoba, do you still have a conscience? I have been married to you for more than ten or twenty years, and just because of a small bamboo forest, you, You actually doubt me!"

“Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu !”

"Go back and die! Don't block everyone's way here!!" Chen Laoba looked ugly and roughly grabbed Chen Laoba's wife and dragged her away.

At first, Chen Laoba's daughter-in-law dared to make a fuss, but now she was as quiet as a quail, not daring to move. Even after being dragged for a while, she stood up obediently and followed Chen Laoba home. Walk.

Not only Luo Jiuli, but also the third cousin and his uncle who had not left the courtyard heard these movements clearly. "Haha!" The third cousin snorted disdainfully, "Look, when it comes to going into the bamboo forest, she is too proud to speak out!"

"I just said that her dry land was plowed by other cows, and she was so stubborn! Bah!! What an old slut!!!!"

"Okay, okay, everyone is gone, you can still curse a few words." The third cousin said, "Other people's affairs are none of your business!"

"Hey! It's none of my business! What's wrong with me drawing a sword to help when there's an injustice!!" The third cousin put her hands on her hips, "You think I'm like you, everyone is different from what I appear to be. If you see it, you'll know it if you don't see it. I keep thinking about it in private!"

"If you read it this way, forget it if it's true. If it's false, I'm afraid it will become true if you read it!"

"I can't stand those old sluts. Even in front of them, I dare to talk face to face. Unlike you, you know what's the use of nagging in private!!!"

Third cousin's aunt's strength is in the open. She puts a lot of shameful things in the open.

For example, so-and-so stole two eggs from so-and-so today!

And so and so pulled the grass and threw it into other people's fields!

Someone else secretly drugged a field of fish in the village with someone else!
Want to refute?invalid!

These were all seen by her with her own eyes! ! !
Therefore, except for a few people who are not afraid of slanting shadows, most people in the village hate the third cousin.

The third cousin's uncle blushed when his third cousin said, "When did I secretly say bad things about others?"

Third cousin, "last time you..."

"Hey! Okay, okay!!! The past is in the past, don't mention it anymore!!!!"

I don't know if he felt guilty, but the third cousin interrupted his wife.

"You've been arguing with people all afternoon, maybe you forgot what you came here for!"

"Oh! Yes, yes!!!" The third cousin looked around, "Hey? Where's Jiuli girl? Wasn't she still standing here just now? Where is the person??? Where did she go???"

Luo Jiuli: "…………"

Just now? ? ? ? ?

How long ago was that? ? ? ?

She has already sat in early, okay?
"Back there." The third cousin pointed helplessly at the main room.

"Oh!!" The third cousin turned around, with a fierce look on her face just a second ago.

The next second he saw Luo Jiuli, he smiled and said, "Oh! Jiuli girl! I'm so sorry. Look at my cousin, she's obviously here to say thank you, but she didn't even say a few words to you. There are people who are so ignorant that they insist on being scolded!"

The corner of Luo Jiuli's mouth twitched, "Hehehe... No, it's okay."

What's the point of thanking you? If you can do the big show again, it's more sincerity than anything else!
The third cousin's aunt was still dressed as Zhanzhan when she came. After a big fight, her hair was messed up and her clothes were wrinkled, looking quite funny.

However, she didn't care about it and wiped her messy hair casually, "Girl Jiuli, my cousin was quite offended by you earlier. You don't care about the faults of villains, so don't worry about your third cousin!"

 Although we had a Valentine's Day without a lover, we still want to wish you a happy Valentine's Day! ! !

  May all lovers in the world get married eventually! ! !Sprinkle flowers! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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