Chapter 268 Picked up in Baixia River
"it's okay no problem!!!"

Luo Jiuli waved his hands repeatedly, indicating that he would not care.

"Hehe, you are indeed Jiuli girl, so grand!" The third cousin gave a thumbs up. She held Luo Jiuli with one hand, touched her arms with the other, and said mysteriously like offering a treasure, "Look at the three My cousin brought you something good."

The third cousin's aunt put her hand on Luo Jiuli's hand. When her hand left, she saw a few beautiful, small candies in Luo Jiuli's hand.


"Hey! It's candy!!" The third cousin said with a smile, "This candy was used by the bride's family to entertain us when we went to propose marriage at noon today. I think this candy is good, and I think it's good for you, girl." I must like it, so I secretly grabbed a handful and brought them back. Please peel one off and try it to see if it tastes good or not."

Candy is indeed a good thing in the countryside. It can only be eaten during festivals or when guests are at home.

On weekdays, if children are greedy, they can only drink sugar water.

Luo Jiuli didn't like sweets or candies, but seeing her third cousin's eyes looking at her expectantly, she was too embarrassed to refuse.

He picked one at random, peeled off the sugar coating, and put it in his mouth.

"How is it? Is it delicious?" asked the third cousin.

"Yeah, it's delicious." Luo Jiuli nodded.

This time, she didn't lie, but it was really delicious.

The sugar is sour and sweet, sweet but not greasy, with a hint of green fruit aroma. It is not like ordinary sugar, just sweet and cloyingly sweet.

"As long as it's delicious! As long as it's delicious!!" Third cousin's eyes narrowed with laughter, and she held Luo Jiuli's hand tightly, "These are all yours, all yours!!!"

"Hey! Don't, don't, don't! Let's eat together, eat together!!!"

Luo Jiuli took out his hand, spread his palm, and gave one to everyone present, except Aunt Chen, who received two because one of them belonged to Chen Wang.

Finally, there was one left in her hand, and the candy coating was the same green color as the one in her mouth.

This one was left to Jun Mohan by her.

"Girl, you gave us everything, what do you want to eat?"

The third cousin's aunt wanted to return the candy, but Luo Jiuli refused to take it.

She said, "It is better to have fun alone than to have fun together. Let's eat together and be happy together!"

"And if you like it, you can just buy it after eating, it doesn't matter!"

"Oh! This thing is so expensive!!" The third cousin said with a pained look on her face, "Only those rich people can eat what they want. Don't buy it, don't buy it!!!"

"If you have this spare money, why not use it to buy two more taels of pork!"

Luo Jiuli smiled and said nothing to what his third cousin said.

"Hey! Jiuli girl!!" The third cousin peeled off the sugar coating and took the candy into her mouth, "My boss's daughter-in-law is reliable???"

Luo Jiuli sipped the candy, "It's certainly reliable."

"You didn't even ask how his wife got here, and you said she was reliable??" The third cousin looked unbelieving.

"Picked it up." After Luo Jiuli said it, he felt it was inaccurate, so he added lightly, "Picked it up in the Baixia River."

The third cousin was astonished, " did you know?!!!"

"Everything is fate, the secret of heaven must not be leaked!" Luo Jiuli put his hands behind his back, quite like a master.

Third cousin, "Well, then my boss's fate is determined by fate?? Reliable???" "Reliable." Luo Jiuli said with certainty.

"Hey!" The third cousin slapping her thigh excitedly, "This is good, this is good!!!"

"I was thinking that the girl committed suicide. Although she was rescued by Ah Tian, ​​she is still a normal girl. She is a good girl. Why, how could she like my boss!"

Although my third cousin thought that A-Tian was very good, she still had a clear idea of ​​what A-Tian was like.

"Although, the marriage is settled, but on the way back, to tell you the truth, I have been feeling empty in my heart. I was afraid that the girl's promise to marry her was just words. When the time came, she would regret it. You said , how embarrassing isn’t it!”

"Yeah." Luo Jiuli nodded cooperatively.

"But, now that you've said this, Jiuli girl, the big stone in my cousin's heart has finally fallen away!"

The third cousin's aunt held Luo Jiuli's hand affectionately.

"You said it's reliable! It's absolutely reliable!! There's no need to run away!!! My cousin believes in you!!!"

Luo Jiuli smiled, "Hehehe..."

There is no need to trust her so much, thank you!

The third cousin squeezed in and sat down next to Luo Jiuli, patting her hand, "Girl Jiuli! Thank you very much this time!!"

"It's not just A-Tian's marriage, but also Yinhun's."

"If it hadn't been for you yesterday, my cousin's life might have been lost!! You are such a kind-hearted girl. My cousin treated you like this before, and you still tried so hard to save me!"

"You are such a good girl! Cousin..."

The third cousin aunt said a lot of words of thanks, and she could keep talking no matter whether Luo Jiuli responded or not.

Anyway, I kept saying what I said, just picking up a few words back and forth, and kept saying them without getting tired of.

It wasn't until the sun set in the west and the sky became dark that the third cousin's uncle reluctantly expressed her last thanks to Luo Jiuli and invited her to have a wedding banquet at home the day after tomorrow.

The third cousin's aunt left, but more people in the village heard the news and came one after another.

They all heard about the third cousin's natal family and knew that Luo Jiuli was a good fortune teller, so they came to her specifically to tell fortunes and fortunes.

Luo Jiuli's internal strength is weak, so it is impossible to calculate too deeply to avoid insufficient energy and spirit.

She only looked at the face and said things that were simple and could be seen at a glance.

After the third cousin's aunt left, before dinner was cooked, Luo Jiuli had already looked at the faces of three people one after another.

The fee is one penny.

It's no different from free. Luo Jiuli is not short of the money, but some money has to be collected!
Chen Tingting had cooked dinner, and Luo Jiuli had just finished looking at the face of the last person and counted the coins on the table. In just half an hour, he had earned more than a dozen coins.

A dozen coins is nothing to Luo Jiuli, but to the people in the village, especially in such a short period of time, a dozen coins is simply a huge amount of income.

"Hahaha, Jiuli, you are so awesome. In such a short time, you have earned more than ten cents!" Aunt Chen said, "You know, the guy from Lao Liu's next door helps people wash clothes every day. If he washes his hands, he will only be able to do it in one day." I make six or seven cents! When I’m good, I barely make more than a dozen cents!!”

"It's not like you. You made more than ten yuan in less than half an hour. It's really amazing!! Amazing!!!!"

Luo Jiuli smiled and didn't say anything, just a faint 'hmm'.

She divided the twelve copper coins into two parts and put one part in Aunt Chen's hand, "We will divide it equally. These six copper coins are yours."

(End of this chapter)

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