The Almighty Princess: She makes waves in the capital with her metaphysics

Chapter 269 I can’t finish it, I really can’t finish it

Chapter 269 I can’t finish it, I really can’t finish it

"Ouch! How dare I accept this...?"

"I didn't do anything, I can't accept it, I can't accept it!!"

"Take it back quickly! Take it back!!"

Aunt Chen understands the principle that a gentleman loves money and acquires it properly.

She wanted to return the coin in her hand, but Luo Jiuli shook his head and refused to take it.

She said, "Why can't I accept it? I am sitting on your stool, stepping on your land, and using your territory. Now that I have made money, I should pay you some rental fees. Isn't it right?" Do you think six copper coins is too little?"

"Ah! No, no!!!! !!!" Mrs. Chen waved her hand again and again, "But just take a stool, step on the ground or something, and not worth it, how can I accept you six Copper!"

"Too much, too much. If you really want me to accept it, then... one copper plate, at most one copper plate."

Aunt Chen took out a copper plate and handed the remaining five copper plates to Luo Jiuli.

Luo Jiuli shook his head, pushed Aunt Chen's hand back, and said with a smile, "Aunt Chen, you must accept this copper!"

"Ah?? Why???" Aunt Chen was confused.

"Look, it's already dark, and my third cousin has only been gone for a short time, and there are already so many people coming to my house to ask me for fortune telling. So there can't be more people waiting for tomorrow, right?"

"Yes." Aunt Chen nodded, "But what does this have to do with you and the old lady sharing money?"

"I want to do a short-term business partnership with you!" Luo Jiuli said, "If someone comes tomorrow, you can move a stool for them to sit on and give them a bowl of water. This way, we will have a good service experience. Then they will all come to me for fortune telling in the future, right?"

"Yes, yes." Mrs. Chen nodded.

"So, feel free to accept this copper plate. We are doing business as a partnership. I am responsible for the craftsmanship and you are responsible for the service. We will share the money earned equally."

Luo Jiuli didn't want to do this kind of business, but he was idle, so he should just accumulate virtue for himself!

Moreover, this also gave her an honest reason to help Aunt Chen's family, didn't it?
Since it relieves boredom and can repay kindness, why not do it?
"Aniang, Miss Luo has said so, just accept it!"

Chen Tingting came in from the door with a plate of dishes. There were no ghosts to disturb her in the middle of the night last night. She had a good sleep and her face looked much better.

"Well, that's fine!"

Since her own daughter said so, Aunt Chen no longer hesitated and put the copper plate around her waist.

Chen Tingting was grateful in her heart. She didn't expect that she had released her ghost and done something wrong. Not only did the princess not argue with her, she also thought of ways to help their family.

She put down the dishes and smiled at Luo Jiuli, "Miss Luo, it's time to eat, sit down quickly."

"Yeah." Luo Jiuli smiled slightly and sat back to his previous position.

Just like before, she didn't eat by herself first. Instead, she served the rice and added vegetables, then went to the room to feed Jun Mohan. When Jun Mohan was full, she then ate by herself.

Chen Wang came out to eat after reviewing his homework. When Luo Jiuli arrived in the main room, he had just filled a bowl of rice and sat down.

Seeing Luo Jiuli coming, he hurriedly waved to her, "Sister Luo, come and eat!"

He looked at the empty bowl in her hand, "Is Brother Jia full? Do you want to add more??"

"No, he's full." Luo Jiuli went over and sat down, putting the empty bowl aside.

Just as she was about to take the bowl to fill the rice again, a figure was faster than her, "Miss Luo, sit down, I'll serve you the rice."

Chen Tingting moved quickly. Before Luo Jiuli could speak, she had already filled the rice and placed it in front of her, "Quick, eat while it's hot!"

"Hehehe..." Looking at the full bowl of rice, Luo Jiuli's mouth twitched slightly, "I think I might not be able to eat so much."

"No, you can eat it!"

The speaker was Wen Yi, who was floating above and to the right of Luo Jiuli.Kuang Yan was also holding a hand beside him, and Kuang Yan nodded repeatedly, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, you can eat it, you can eat it!!!"

Luo Jiuli rolled his eyes, "..."

You know shit!

Wen Yi seemed to know that Luo Jiuli was speechless. He smiled and said, "Sister-in-law Wang, you have to believe in yourself! You see, when you were at Ruyi Restaurant, you could eat enough for three people by yourself!"

"This bowl of rice is only so much. It's not enough for two people at most. How can you not eat so much? Eat it, eat it. I believe you!"

Luo Jiuli: "…………"

Is this a roundabout way of saying she has a big appetite? ? ? ?

No!You’re not beating around the bush, you’re clearly saying it! ! !

Dog thermometer!If you don't learn from her, you will learn to talk! !
"Oh, I can't eat so much, then, I'll rush you some!"

Chen Tingting held the bowl and put half of the rice back into the pot.

Suddenly, as if he remembered something, he put the rice in front of Luo Jiuli, turned around and trotted out.

When she came back again, she had a plate of steaming chicken in her hand, and the aroma was very tempting.

"Xiao Zuo brought this up last time. I cooked it and steamed it in the pot. I almost forgot to take it out."

Chen Tingting put the chicken on the table, and Chen Wang drooled when he saw it, "Wow!!! It's so delicious..."

"Eat your meal!"

Chen Wang was interrupted by Chen Tingting before he finished speaking.

"This is what your brother Zuo brought specially for Miss Luo to eat. You are not allowed to take advantage of it!"

"Oh!" Chen Wang pursed his lips, a little disappointed.

"Whatever you eat and I eat, here it is for everyone to eat!" Luo Jiuli put a piece of chicken in Chen Wang's bowl, "Come on, eat it!"

Chen Wang looked at the chicken in the bowl and swallowed, but he did not move his chopsticks. Instead, he looked up at Chen Tingting, as if asking her if she could eat it?
Chen Tingting smiled and rubbed Chen Wang's head, "Miss Luo gave it to me, eat it!"

"Yeah! Okay!" Chen Wang grinned and started eating. While eating, he said incoherently, "Well, my teeth are so white!!!"

'Well, delicious, delicious, delicious! ! ! '

Chen Tingting said, "Slow down, slow down, no one will compete with you!"

Chen Wang, "Yeah, yeah."

Luo Jiuli also picked up a piece of chicken and put it into his mouth. It was full of meaty aroma and it was indeed delicious. tastes a bit like Salt Bureau Chicken, so fragrant!
Luo Jiuli had a great appetite and finished a bowl of rice in a short time.

Chen Tingting had been standing by the side. When she saw this, she quickly took Luo Jiuli's bowl and said, "Miss Luo, I'll give you some."

Luo Jiuli chewed the chicken in his mouth and did not refuse, "Yeah."

Chen Tingting happened to take the rice she had just taken out of the bowl and put it back into Luo Jiuli's hands.

Wen Yi clicked her tongue twice, "Tsk, tsk, tsk, I can't finish it, I really can't finish it."

That tone was not too yin and yang at all.

Luo Jiuli rolled his eyes, didn't bother to pay attention to her, and continued to work hard.

(End of this chapter)

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