Chapter 270 Is the food enough?

Seeing Luo Jiuli eating so deliciously, Wen Yi became greedy.

She swallowed and looked at Luo Jiuli eagerly, "Sister-in-law Wang, I want to eat too!"

The coquettish voice was so coquettish that Luo Jiuli got goosebumps all over his body.

Ah!Now I think of her as Mrs. Wang, but she didn't show mercy at all when she was mocking her.

Luo Jiuli was vindictive, so she snorted secretly, picked up the chicken legs, and took a bite, "Well, it tastes so good!"

"Yeah, yeah, it smells so good, so delicious, so delicious!!!"

Chen Wang had a big mouthful in his mouth, his cheeks were bulging like a little squirrel, and he moved when chewing, which was very cute.

Wen Yi was even more greedy. She licked her lips, blinked her eyes, and stared at Luo Jiuli with watery eyes, "Sister-in-law Wang~"

It's soft and waxy, with a long ending that makes the listener feel soft-hearted.

Luo Jiuli swallowed a mouthful of meat, picked up a clean and empty bowl next to him, filled it with rice and vegetables.

When Wen Yi saw it, his eyebrows lit up with joy.

She knew that Luo Jiuli was relenting and he was serving her rice!

“Sister-in-law Wang!! I don’t want vegetables or other meat!!!”

She pointed to the plate of chicken that had not much left, but was delicious and tasty.

"I only want this, I only want this!!!"

When Luo Jiuli heard this, he put half of the vegetables back and then picked up the chicken pointed by Wen Yi.

"Sister Luo, I want to eat too, I want to eat too!!" Kuang Yan raised his little hands high, "Cut more, clip more!!!"

Luo Jiuli, who originally planned to leave two more pieces of chicken for Chen Wang, heard this and instantly took most of the few pieces of chicken left on the plate.

She placed the rice bowl on the edge of the table in the empty seat next to it, and turned her head to look at Chen Tingting, "Two pairs of chopsticks, ready to go."

Chen Tingting didn't react at first, but when she realized that Luo Jiuli meant to ask her to help with the chopsticks, she was confused. She didn't say anything, but nodded dully, "Oh! Two pairs. Chopsticks!! Good, good, good!!!”

Chen Tingting turned around and went to the kitchen to get chopsticks.

Looking at the bowl of fragrant food, Wen Yi and Kuang Yan could not wait to surround it, but Luo Jiuli had not yet drawn the talisman. Even if they surrounded it, they could only smell and look at it, but they could not eat it at all.

Chen Tingting came back with the chopsticks and handed them to Luo Jiuli respectfully with both hands.

"Thank you." Luo Jiuli took the chopsticks and placed them one on the side of the bowl.

Under Chen Tingting's puzzled gaze, she dipped her fingertips in water and began to draw on the table smoothly. When she stopped her hand, a faint rune mark quickly appeared on the water that had dried where she first drew.

The mark is very light, and becomes lighter every time Wen Yi and Kuang Yan take a bite.

The mark will disappear until they finish the bowl of food.

Chen Wang raised his head at some point and looked at the bowl of food at Leijian, "Sister Luo, who is this bowl of rice for? Is Brother Jia not full?"

As soon as Chen Wang finished speaking, before Luo Jiu left his mouth, Chen Tingting said, "Why are you asking so many questions? It's not for you to eat anyway."

Chen Tingting's face turned a little pale, and her fingertips hidden in her sleeves were stiff. It was obvious that she had remembered something.

Last night, besides Grandpa Axiang, she saw three other ghosts at the door.

Originally, she thought that the three ghosts had left with Grandpa Axiang, but now... So, the princess added this meal to the three ghosts! ! !

Chen Tingting was standing next to Luo Jiuli, and Luo Jiuli felt her emotional changes almost immediately.She knew that when she stayed with Chen Tingting last night, due to the influence of Grandpa Axiang, Chen Tingting was able to see ghosts.

Therefore, Luo Jiuli naturally guessed what Chen Tingting was thinking. She tilted her head and said softly, "Don't be afraid."

Just these four simple words made Chen Tingting feel a lot more relieved. She moved her stiff fingertips and looked at the full bowl of rice, thinking that there were three people, no, three ghosts eating it. I don’t know if it’s enough.

Then he asked in a low voice, "Is the food enough?"

"If it's not enough, I'll cook two more dishes."

Luo Jiuli glanced at Wen Yi and Kuang Yan who were devouring their food with disgust.

Wen Yi ate the chicken that she had been craving for, with a satisfied look on her face, "Enough, enough!!!"

Anyway, it would be a waste to stir-fry two dishes, and she wouldn't eat them.

"Yeah, yeah." Kuang Yan nodded, "That's enough, that's enough!!!"

"That's enough." Luo Jiuli repeated their words.

"Miss Luo, you..."

Chen Tingting glanced at the half bowl of rice left in Luo Jiuli's bowl, and then glanced at the only two plates of vegetables on the table.

"I, I'd better cook you two more meat dishes!"

Chen Tingting finished speaking and turned to leave. Luo Jiuli called out to her, "Wait, no need."

Chen Tingting turned around and said, "Then..."

"Quick!!!" Luo Jiuli burped without any image, and she touched her round belly, "I'm full, so I won't eat anymore, so you don't have to cook any more."

"Oh! Then, okay then!!" Chen Tingting gave up and stood back to her original position.

Chen Wang finished the last piece of chicken on the plate. He licked his lips and turned his head to look at the food in the base bowl. "Sister Luo, if you put this bowl of rice..."

"Shut up!" Chen Tingting scolded. She was afraid that Chen Wang would disturb Yin Hun's interest in eating and cause trouble for nothing. "What did my sister teach you on weekdays? Don't be greedy and don't fight for food. Remember?"

"Sister, I remember everything you taught me." Chen Wang felt aggrieved, "I just want to say that the food doesn't taste good when it's cold. Brother Jia's injury hasn't healed yet, let alone eating it cold, otherwise it will Diarrhea."

Hearing this, Chen Tingting knew that she had misunderstood Chen Wang, and she felt guilty, "Awang, it's my sister who is wrong this time. It's my sister who has been impatient and misunderstood you. I'm sorry!"

"It's okay." Chen Wang smiled and said it really didn't matter.

He put down his chopsticks and stood up, "Sister, Sister Luo, I have to go to school tomorrow morning, so I won't be here to accompany you. I'll wash my face first, and then go to bed."

Luo Jiuli nodded, smiled and said, "Go and go to bed early."

"Yeah." Chen Wangren walked out.

Chen Tingting looked at his leaving figure and said, "I just finished eating. Let's take a rest before going to bed. Have you completed the homework assigned by Master today?"

"Well, it's done." Chen Wang said.

"Then after you wash your face, go and massage my mother's legs. After I finish washing the dishes, I'll whip you for your homework and see how you've learned in the past two years."

Originally, Chen Tingting could not read a word, but after following Eunuch Chen to the capital, the other party intended to arrange for her to be an informant in Prince Yi's Mansion, which would inevitably involve reading or writing secret letters.

Therefore, during those days in the small courtyard in the capital, in addition to etiquette, literacy was also an essential part of daily practice.

(End of this chapter)

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