Chapter 271

Chen Wang obediently agreed, and when he came back from washing his face in the kitchen, Wen Yi and Kuang Yan had just finished their meal, with their stomachs rounded and floating on the side, looking satisfied and happy.

Wen Yi burped, "It's so delicious!"

Kuang Yan also burped, louder than Wen Yi, "Yeah!! It's delicious!!!"

Luo Jiuli glanced at the two of them with disgust, and said to Chen Tingting, "Okay, take it!"


Chen Wang just returned to the room, and Aunt Chen was not in the main room for a long time. Chen Tingting felt blessed before she stepped forward to clear the dishes.

When she picked up the bowl of rice, it was cold, cool, and gentle. The touch and weight were the same as an empty bowl.

"The food in the bowl has been poured out, no more can be eaten," Luo Jiuli said.

"Yes." Chen Tingting responded.


On the day Luo Jiuli regained her internal strength, Aunt Chen was in much better health. At least she could walk around the house without the use of a cane.

Jun Mohan can also get out of bed and walk around appropriately and bask in the sun.

Just after breakfast that day, Aunt Chen took Luo Jiuli to see the legendary Bai Xiahe.

Aunt Chen and several women from the village were washing clothes on the shore. A few children were playing and playing nearby. Luo Jiuli stood aside, watching the gentle breeze blowing up her skirts.

She looked at the sparkling water and smiled.

It turns out that this is the Baixia River that the master, the master, and the woman named Xia worked together to build!

The Baixia River is narrow on both sides and the river is long and endless as far as the eye can see.

She asked, "Where does this river end?"

A woman squatting next to Mrs. Chen said, "It goes up to Youjiang River, down to Hengshui River, and extends in all directions. We don't know where the end is."

Aunt Chen raised her hand, pointed in a direction, and said to Luo Jiuli, "Go a little further down from here and you can see the river monument that was erected in the past. After I finish washing these clothes, I will take you to see it. .”

Luo Jiuli said 'hmm', "Okay!"

"Girl Jiuli, where is your husband from?" Another woman asked Luo Jiuli while washing clothes.

These days, Luo Jiuli has become famous in the village because of his fortune telling.

Different from when she first arrived, no matter where Luo Jiuli goes now, someone in the village will greet her. The older ones will affectionately call her Jiuli Girl, and the younger ones will also call her Sister Luo.

Now she is known to everyone in Chenjiacun.

Luo Jiuli walked to a big rock and sat down, then picked up a piece of weed and said, "The capital."

"Oh! It's the capital!!" The woman kept rubbing her clothes, "I'm just telling you that our Jiuli girl looks like a fairy. Who can match her!"

"I didn't expect your husband to be from the capital. He must be a young master from a wealthy family, otherwise he would not be worthy of our Jiuli girl!"

"That must be a young master from a rich family!" A woman next to him said, "Didn't you see it when you went to find Jiuli girl to tell her fortune yesterday? In the house where Awang slept before, wasn't there a man standing at the door? A tall and powerful guard!"

"If we weren't rich, how would we have the spare money to hire a guard? Don't you think so?"

"Oh! That's it! Yes, yes!" The woman who spoke before was suddenly enlightened, "I was in such a hurry yesterday when I went to have my fortune told that I didn't have time to pay attention to who was standing at the door. "I just remembered that that person was a guard!" "Girl Jiuli, you are so lucky! If you marry a rich family, you won't have to worry about food and clothing for the rest of your life!"

"Look what you are talking about!" Aunt Chen was a little unhappy, "If you don't know, you might think you are talking about someone we Jiuli have climbed up to!"

"Ouch! Auntie! How could we mean this! Don't misunderstand us!!"

Aunt Chen, "What's the big deal if I'm not wrong? You should explain it to Jiuli!"

"Oh! Yes, yes!!!" The woman who was rubbing her clothes stopped and turned to look at Luo Jiuli, who was sitting on a stone not far away. "Girl Jiuli, the third aunt and I were just talking casually, you can Don’t seriously misunderstand us!”

The woman who was called the third aunt also said, "Yes, yes! Jiuli girl, we regard you as one of our own, so we have no control over talking in front of you. We did not say that you are too high-ranking." Who do you mean, please don’t misunderstand us!”

"It's okay." Luo Jiuli smiled and played with weeds in his hands.

She could feel that they meant no harm to her.

"Hahahahaha, Jiuli girl is so big-hearted!"

Knowing that Luo Jiuli would not argue with them, the third aunt and the other woman felt relieved.

"Yes, yes! She has a big heart, can tell fortunes, and has real abilities! Jiuli girl should be called a strange woman!!!"

"It would be better if she was a man, so that she can enter the court and serve the country. With Jiuli girl's ability, maybe she can make a career in the court!"

"Haha." Luo Jiuli smiled but said nothing.

At this time, a 'Plop!' suddenly came from not far away! 'Sound.

Everyone turned their heads and looked, their expressions suddenly changed.

Someone fell into the water!

"Ah!!! Grandma, help! Uh-huh!!!" The child who fell into the water struggled and choked a few mouthfuls of water, and his head came out of the water, "Help! Oh! Grandma!!!! Help!!! Help! !!!”

A child who seemed to be the oldest ran over from a short distance away, panting and anxious, "Aniang! Third grandma!! The little steamed bun fell into the water!!! Please save him quickly!!! Help!" he!!!!"

A few children were playing behind them, but somehow they became farther and farther away from the adults while playing.

The third aunt looked familiar to the figure who fell into the water. Now when she heard that it was her little grandson, she was immediately anxious, "Oh! Why did he fall into the water!!! Come on, come on!!!! Save him, save him!!!!" "

The third aunt dropped the clothes in her hands and was about to run to save people. The woman next to her stopped her and said, "Third aunt, the child has floated to the middle of the water. We don't know how to swim..."

Before the woman could finish her words, the sound of clothes flying around interrupted her.

I saw Luo Jiuli, who was sitting on the stone leisurely, stepping lightly on the water, and reached the middle of the water in a few steps. She stretched out her hand to grab the child, picked up the child's back skirt, and returned to the shore in a few steps. .

Everything happened in a flash of lightning, and everyone was stunned.

It wasn't until the child's cry came that he came back to his senses.

The third aunt staggered over and ran over, her voice slightly crying, and she complained all over the child.

"Why are you so disobedient!"

"How many times have grandma told you that when grandma is washing clothes, you are not allowed to be so far away from grandma! And you are not allowed to go near the water!! You can't understand human words, can you!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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