Chapter 272: Confrontation with Water
"Cough! Cough! Cough! Cough! Cough!!!!" The little steamed bun, who had choked on water and was frightened, was scolded by the third aunt and cried out, "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... Woo woo......"

"You still have the nerve to cry. You are being naughty and mischievous every day, and you are playing with whether you have even forgotten your last name!"

Third Aunt stretched out her hand to pinch the steamed bun, but Aunt Chen who followed her stopped her and said: "Okay, Third Aunt, as long as the child is fine, look at you, the child is already frightened, why don't you?" He is so cruel."

"Sister!" The third aunt was also frightened, with tears in her eyes, "Just leave it alone, this child is getting more and more skinny every day, and if he is not beaten for three days, he will go to bed!"

"Look, I haven't seen him for a while while I was washing my clothes. He went to the middle of the river to play with others. If it hadn't been for Jiuli girl this time, if something had happened to the child, how would I have explained it to his parents when I got back? Yo!"

"If something happens to him, I have no choice but to follow him!"

"Then things have happened, what's the use of your cruel child?" Aunt Chen pulled back the third aunt's hand that was trying to pinch someone, looked at the little steamed bun, and asked with a kind and kind face, "Little steamed bun, are you okay? How do you feel? Sample??"


"Look at you, you really scared the kid."

Aunt Chen glanced at the third aunt, then slowly knelt down, stretched out her hand to half-hug the little steamed bun in her arms, patted him on the back, and comforted him softly.

"Be good, little steamed bun. Don't cry. If you have anything to do, tell grandma. It's all over. Don't be afraid! Don't be afraid!"

The third aunt was too impatient just now, so she became more arrogant now.

She looked at Little Steamed Bun sobbing and trembling in Aunt Chen's arms, feeling very distressed, and her voice softened a lot, "Little Steamed Bun, be good, stop crying. Grandma was worried about you just now. What if something happens to you?" What should I do, grandma?"

"You are the only one in our family! Be good, let's stop crying! Stop crying!"

"Tell me, grandma, did you hit anything and did it hurt?"


"Ouch! Grandma's sweetheart! Are you choking? Come on, let Grandma give you a hug. Grandma will give you a pat."

Third Aunt took the steamed bun from Aunt Chen's arms, patted him on the back and coaxed him softly.

"Oh, little steamed bun, stop crying, stop crying, let's just cough out the water we choked on, right?"

Perhaps the blood relationship is more comforting. After being held and coaxed by the third aunt for a while, the little steamed bun slowly stopped crying.

"Look, this is a child. Just coax him. How can he be so cruel as you were just now?"

Aunt Chen had just lost her crutches for a long time, and now she had just squatted down for a while, and her legs and feet were extremely numb.

She supported her waist with one hand and wanted to stand up, but just halfway through standing up, her whole body tilted to the left and front uncontrollably.

"Hey! Aunt Chen!!" Luo Jiuli took a big step and reached out to pull her in time.

The third aunt was also shocked. Seeing Luo Jiuli holding Aunt Chen, she breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Huh! Sister, you scared me to death. Are you okay?"

"Auntie! What's wrong with you? Are you okay!!" asked the woman who came with Auntie Chen.

Aunt Chen calmed down with Luo Jiuli's support and waved her hand, "It's okay, don't worry, I just lost my crutches and I'm a little uncomfortable with it." "That's good, that's good, but you're not in good health. Quanhu, next time it’s better to let your Ating do the rough work like laundry.”

The third aunt put the coaxed little steamed bun on the ground, held his little hand, looked at Luo Jiuli and said to him, "little steamed bun, it was sister Luo who saved you when you fell into the water just now. What did grandma teach you before? Sister Luo I saved you, what are you going to say to my sister?"

"Thank you! Thank you!" Little Mantou sniffed and looked up at Luo Jiuli, his eyes red, "Thank you, Sister Luo, for saving Little Mantou."

Little Mantou was five or six years old, very small, wet all over, and looked pitiful.

Luo Jiuli's heart softened at the sight, and she bent down and touched his head, "You're welcome, little steamed bun! This kid is so good and polite!"

The last two sentences were addressed to the third aunt.

"Haha, what the hell!" The third aunt smiled, knelt down and picked up the little steamed bun, "After this happened, the clothes can't be washed. I have to take the child back to change clothes first, so as not to catch the cold. "

The third aunt shook the little steamed bun in her arms, "Little steamed bun, quickly say goodbye to Sister Luo and Grandma. Let's go back and change clothes."

"Ahem." Little Mantou was still choking on water in his throat and felt a little uncomfortable. He sobbed softly. Hearing the third aunt's words, he waved his hands obediently, "Goodbye sister Luo, goodbye grandma, cough cough, and goodbye fifth aunt."

Aunt Five was the woman who came here with Aunt Chen. She looked to be in her thirties, and she was carrying a baby on her back that was babbling.

"Hey! Goodbye, little steamed bun!"

"Hey! This child is so good!" Aunt Chen had completely recovered. She glanced at the third aunt, "Don't be so mean next time, little steamed bun, or I won't be able to spare you!"

"I know, I know, wasn't I anxious just now?"

"Then I'll leave first, and you guys can wash up slowly."

The third aunt passed by several people holding a small steamed bun.

Luo Jiuli suddenly said, "This child has a problem with water. Before he is ten years old, he must not stay away from rivers, ponds, wells and other places where water can easily drown people."

The third aunt paused slightly, looked back at Luo Jiuli, and said anxiously, "Girl Jiuli, what do you mean by this? Does it mean that little steamed buns are prone to drowning before they are ten years old???"

"It can be understood that way." Luo Jiuli said, "If your child comes into contact with water, you should avoid places with a lot of water if you can! If you really can't avoid it, it would be better to have someone accompany you to watch."

"Hey! OK, OK!!!" The third aunt nodded cautiously, "A few days ago, the child's father said that the child is now so old that he can be taught to swim. Fortunately, fortunately, the teaching has not started yet, otherwise, If something happens, what should you do?"

"Girl Jiuli, it's fortunate that you reminded me in time, otherwise the consequences would have been disastrous if it had been two days later! You are the savior of our family!!"

The third aunt held the little steamed bun, turned around, and bowed to Luo Jiuli.

"I thank you! Thank you!! Thank you!!!"

"Hey! No, no, no, no!" Luo Jiuli stopped the third aunt from bowing, "I just saw it and just reminded me casually, it's no big deal, no need to be so polite!"

(End of this chapter)

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