Chapter 274 No one is completely alive
Luo Jiuli also followed closely behind them.

Aunt Chen doesn't have many clothes to wash, and she has already kneaded them all before, so now she only needs to wash them.

When Mrs. Chen finished washing her clothes, Luo Jiuli saw that she was limping a little, so he suggested that he go back first and look at the river monument another day when he had time.

But Mrs. Chen disagreed, "I'm here now, why wait for the next time! Let's go, let's go this way!"

Luo Jiuli couldn't resist Mrs. Chen, so he smiled helplessly, followed her for two steps, and looked back at the clothes still on the bank, "These clothes are just here? Don't you want to take them away?"

"Don't take it, don't take it. One or two pieces of rags, what's there to take? It's all in vain." Aunt Chen urged without looking back, "Hurry, hurry, follow the old lady, the old lady will take you to see the natural scenery in our village." A river monument erected by one person."

"Haha!" Luo Jiuli responded with a smile, "Okay!"

She followed Aunt Chen's pace, and within a short while she heard a loud sound of water, like... the sound of a waterfall.

Sure enough, as we turned along the shore, there was a waterfall at the end, and the originally slow river began to rush here.

On both sides of the river, there is fertile green grass. There is a river monument half a man tall standing on the edge, which reads - 'Baixia River'!
The handwriting is very clear, and if the blank spaces were not faintly black, it would be difficult to tell that it has been standing here for more than ten years.

Mrs. Chen limped over, took out a crumpled handkerchief from her arms, and wiped the river monument while saying, "People who experienced the flood more than ten years ago cherish this river monument."

"Every time I pass by here, I come to wipe the dirt on it."

"No wonder it's been as new as ever for ten years." Luo Jiuli said, "If I hadn't looked carefully, I would have thought it was just erected this year!"

"Hahahaha, I think his father and three other people worked together to carry this monument back then."

Aunt Chen smiled kindly, with nostalgia in her lowered eyes.

"It's a pity that more than ten years have passed and the monument is still the same, but people have their own lives!"

Hearing Aunt Chen mention Chen Tingting and Chen Wang's father, Luo Jiuli remembered that he had forgotten to give him a fortune.

She secretly thought that she must calculate it first when she goes back later, otherwise she would have to forget it again.

"I think of the four people who carried the river monument back then. They were all dead, sick, and injured. Not one of them was completely alive."

Aunt Chen looked sad and sighed heavily, "Oh! I'm getting old!"

After wiping away the dirt on the river monument, Mrs. Chen put away the handkerchief, and her sadness seemed to disappear at this time.

She put her hand on the river monument, took two shaky steps, pointed to the bottom of the waterfall and said, "This is Youjiang. There are many tributaries of Youjiang. I think I saw Youjiang when I followed his father to the south. Woolen cloth!"

"South?" Luo Jiuli spoke at the right time.

"Yes, to the south." Aunt Chen looked across the Youjiang River to the half-fogged mountains in the distance. "At that time, there was no Ating. In order to have a full meal, I followed his father all the way south, asking everyone I met. Just knock on the door and ask if you want to make tables, chairs, benches, beds and dressers. We can also carve flowers, and the carvings are really beautiful!"

"Auntie! Auntie!!"

A shout came from behind.

Luo Jiuli and Aunt Chen turned their heads when they heard the sound. It was Chen Tingting!

She was coming from a short distance carrying the crutches that Mrs. Chen had left at home and the untaken clothes that she had left on the shore. "Auntie, I just went up the mountain to hunt wild vegetables, why did you sneak out to wash clothes!"

"If I hadn't heard from my fifth aunt that you were here, I would have thought something had happened to you just by seeing the clothes on the shore!"

Chen Tingting passed by Luo Jiuli, smiled at her, nodded, and handed the crutch to Aunt Chen.

"You don't even have crutches, how long have your legs been like this!"

"It's good to be able to walk around the house and hang out! What if something happens? Awang and I will be worried!!"

"What do you mean by sneaking out to wash clothes? You kid, what are you talking about! Isn't there Jiuli following you?" Aunt Chen took the crutch and held it under her arm skillfully, "Hey! It took me a long time to walk out. Yes, I’m a little tired, but it’s still comfortable to use the crutches!”

"You! You're just stubborn!!" Chen Tingting looked helpless, "I told you that it won't be too late for you to come out when you are better, but you have to come out now, and you don't even bring a crutch! Aren't you afraid of falling?"

"Isn't this Jiuli here! What am I afraid of, old lady! What is there to be afraid of!!! If I really fall, Jiuli girl will support me and carry me back, right?"

Aunt Chen looked at Luo Jiuli, who smiled and nodded, "Yes, yes."

Chen Tingting also smiled and said nothing more. She helped Aunt Chen to go back, but Aunt Chen refused to leave. She looked at Luo Jiuli and asked, "Girl Jiuli, have you enjoyed the scenery here enough? If not, we will Look at my legs for a while, it’s okay.”

While Chen Tingting was not paying attention, Aunt Chen winked at Luo Jiuli. Obviously, she wanted Luo Jiuli to say that she hadn't seen enough.

But Luo Jiuli knew that if she continued to watch like this, Mrs. Chen's legs would really be unable to bear it. "That's enough, enough, let's go back!"

"Hey! You girl!!" Aunt Chen glanced at Luo Jiuli, as if she had betrayed him.

Luo Jiuli stuck out his tongue, "See you next time, see you next time!"

"Hahahahaha!!!" Aunt Chen knew that Luo Jiuli was doing it for her own good, so how could she really be angry with Luo Jiuli, "Okay, okay, I'll watch it next time, I'll watch it next time."

Chen Tingting knew what Aunt Chen was thinking, and she said, "Auntie, I know you don't want to go back. You want to stay here to see more of the river monument, but your legs are just right, so how can you stay in a humid place forever."

"In the past, we wouldn't have stopped you, but it doesn't work now. If you really want to see it, then get better quickly. When you get better and can really never use crutches, I will never care about you and let you go wherever you go. "

"You girl, how can you talk like an old woman?" Aunt Chen walked back with the support of Chen Tingting, "Okay, okay, grandma, I know, I know, let's go back."

When a few people slowly walked to the door of the house, there was already a long queue in the courtyard.

"Didn't Ating go look for it? Why hasn't Jiuli girl come back yet??"

"Oh, it's almost noon now. I'm still waiting for Jiuli girl to calculate for me whether the baby is a boy or a girl, so I can go home and cook!"

"Is it a boy or a girl? You should ask the doctor, why do you come here to tell fortunes!"

"Those old guys, they think they are old doctors and they don't care enough about taking pulses!"

"Do you know about the second daughter-in-law of the old squad leader in Yangjia Village!?"

(End of this chapter)

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