Chapter 275 The old boss came with the midwife
"You know, didn't the story spread all over the place? I heard that when I was just pregnant, I specially asked Dr. Wang from the town to check my pulse and said it was a son! Who knew that Jiuli girl only glanced at her man's face, even if She was pregnant with a boy and girl!"

"Yes, yes, that's it, but you don't know it yet. There is another thing. I heard that... the second son of Lao Bantou's family, because he didn't believe what Jiuli girl said, he went back to find a new doctor. Checked his mother-in-law's pulse, and the result..."

The woman spoke mysteriously, and after a brief pause, she successfully aroused everyone's curiosity, "What's the result???"

"Isn't it a twin of a dragon and a phoenix!!???"

The woman rolled her eyes at the speaker and said, "Lao Liu's family, can you be more thoughtful when you speak? If Jiuli girl really makes a mistake in her calculations, I can still stand here with all my strength and wait for her to come back. Do you think the baby in my belly is a boy or a girl?"

"Hey hey hey!" The sixth man scratched the back of his head, a little embarrassed, "Then Jiuli girl is right, isn't she? Then the second daughter-in-law is really pregnant with a twin boy and a girl??"

"That's not the case! They must be twins! Otherwise, how could I have found this place?"

As soon as the woman said this, Luo Jiuli's image instantly improved several levels in everyone's hearts.

They all praised: "Oh! You are indeed a Jiuli girl!! She is really amazing!!!"

"I heard that Jiuli girl was only three years old when the old squad leader took her as his teacher!"

"Oh! Three years old!!! Isn't that a child prodigy!!!"

"Yes! Yes!! This is nothing but a child prodigy! When my baby was three years old, he didn't understand anything and was peeing his pants!"

"Yes, yes! My child is six years old, and he still wets his pants! Let alone three years old!!"

"Hahahaha!!! How can ordinary people like us compare with Jiuli girl!!!"

Wei Yan was standing guard under the eaves. When he heard these words, his back naturally straightened, his chin slightly raised, he was very proud!
"Hey! This guard!!" Someone looked at Wei Yan, raised his chin towards the closed door behind him, "The young master in the room must be the husband-in-law of Jiuli girl!"

"How about you let him come out for a walk? Let us open our eyes and see what kind of young master he is, who is worthy of our Jiuli girl!"

One mouthful of our Jiuli girl, I don’t know how familiar she thought she was!

Wei Yan snorted secretly, and just as he was about to speak, there was movement outside the door.

Everyone turned to look and gathered around him.

"Ouch! It's Jiuli girl who's back!"

"Hurry, hurry, hurry! We have been waiting for you for a long time! Come on, let me do the math for my sister-in-law first and see if my sister-in-law is giving birth to a boy or a girl!"

"And me and me!! Do the math for me too!!!"

Luo Jiuli asked Chen Tingting to help Aunt Chen in from the side first, and then said loudly, "A copper plate tells a fortune, line up, and come slowly one by one."

"If you can't wait, you can go back for lunch first and come back after midnight."

After Luo Jiuli finished speaking, no one left, but everyone lined up.


Just outside the door, Luo Jiuli listened to most of the conversations in the courtyard.

I also heard that some people were in a hurry to go back and cook.

She walked towards the pregnant woman and said, "Sister-in-law, you can go back and cook first. I'll be there after midnight. Just come over when you arrive."

"Hey! No! No!!" The woman waved her hand, "There are still few people there now, so I have to finish counting before leaving. Otherwise, when people from nearby villages come over in the afternoon, there will be more people, and I will have to queue up again."

Luo Jiuli looked at the woman's belly and then her face, "Baby boy."

"Ah???" The woman didn't react, "What???"

"A boy." Luo Jiuli repeated it again, "I said you are carrying a boy in your belly."

"Ouch!!! Really, really, really false!!!" The woman was so excited that she stammered.

"A round chin, thick eyebrows, and a bright and full uterine palace are signs of many children and good fortune. A single beady round shape, not pink, indicates a son."

Luo Jiuli's phone call made people confused and shocked.

The woman was even more happy and held Luo Jiuli's hand excitedly, "Girl Jiuli, you are really amazing!"

"Sister-in-law, I gave birth to three daughters. This time, I finally have a son that I've longed for!!!"

Luo Jiuli smiled slightly, "Well, let's go back and raise the baby!"

"Hey! Hey! OK!!! OK OK!!!" The woman nodded happily, took out a copper plate from her sleeve and placed it in Luo Jiuli's palm, "Then sister-in-law will go back first! Go back first Give the child’s father a good news!!”

Luo Jiuli put away the copper plate and nodded slightly, "Yeah."

The woman left, and the remaining people urged Luo Jiuli to continue fortune telling.

Chen Tingting was busy cooking lunch when she came back.

Aunt Chen rested for a while and was not so tired, then she got up and went to the kitchen to pour a bowl of water for everyone.

Luo Jiuli has recovered his internal strength and is very energetic. Even when it comes to in-depth questions, he can do it effortlessly, easily and with ease.

In the afternoon, there were more than twice as many people in the courtyard as in the morning, and a long line of people lined up on the path outside the courtyard.

Among these people, in addition to people from Chenjiacun, there are also many people from neighboring villages who came here because of their reputation.

Taking advantage of the crowd, Luo Jiuli announced the news first.

"Starting from tomorrow, you will not tell your fortunes in the morning. If you want to ask me to tell your fortunes, please come back after this time!"

After Luo Jiuli finished speaking, he did not answer everyone's doubts. He went to sit in the main room and began to tell fortunes one by one.

Some people have finished calculating their marriage, calculating their wealth, calculating their wealth and calculating their lifespan, and they have done it several times in succession.

Luo Jiuli didn't tell everything. She said what she could tell, and what she couldn't tell was a secret that must not be leaked.

Suddenly, there was a noise from the end of the line.

"Hey! Who do you think that is?"

"Hey! Isn't that the old team leader of our village! And his second son!! But...who is the aunt following them???"

"I know that person, he is a famous midwife from all over the country!"

"Huh?? Really?? Why don't I recognize him???"

"You old bachelor, why do you know a midwife? You don't have a mother-in-law to give you a baby!!"

"Now, it doesn't happen now, who can say for sure it won't happen in the future!"

The voice from the end of the team slowly spread to the middle of the team, and finally reached Luo Jiuli's ears.

She knew that the old squad leader must have come to her with the midwife.

Sure enough, after a while, the old squad leader and his second son came to the yard, followed by a midwife.

When Luo Jiuli finished counting one person and replaced the next person, the old team leader bowed respectfully to Luo Jiuli and said, "Little master, I brought the midwife."

Luo Jiuli hummed softly, "Sit down, if you're not in a hurry, just wait until I finish telling them their fortunes!"

(End of this chapter)

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