Chapter 276 Guidance to the old apprentice

"Hey! Don't rush, don't rush! Little Master, please continue, continue!!!"

The old team leader nodded and bowed, led the second son and the midwife into the main room, and sat down next to Luo Jiuli.

"What?" Luo Jiuli asked the old man who came in behind them.

The old man was probably in his seventies, already in his seventies. His face was crisscrossed with ravines and full of vicissitudes of life. There were large patches sewn on his trouser legs. The dark green patches did not match the white and yellowish clothes.

He supported a piece of wood that was taller than a person, walked over, and sat across from Luo Jiuli. He took out a crumpled piece of paper from his arms and handed it to Luo Jiuli tremblingly, "Buji."

The old man may have stood for a long time, and his breathing was loud and rapid.

Luo Jiuli hummed, took the crumpled paper, opened it, and saw two birth dates and names written on it.

Yang Silei, male, was born in the Xinchou year, Weishi, July [-]th.

Yang Fanghua, female, lived on the eighth day of March in the Renyin year, Mao hour.

"Third uncle, why didn't you tell me earlier that you were coming to marry Lao Si and Xiao Fanghua?"

The old team leader was sitting on the right side of Luo Jiuli. He didn't need to peek, he could clearly see the content above with just a glance.

He snatched the paper from Luo Jiuli's hand and said to the old man, "There is no need for my little master to do things like combining eight characters. It's so convenient for you to find me. You don't have to go all the way to Chenjia Village. What a hassle!" "

Hearing this, the old man snorted disdainfully, "Looking for you? Are you as powerful as Jiuli girl??"

"This, this is not the case!"

The old squad leader is also older than Luo Jiuli. In terms of true ability, he cannot compare to Luo Jiuli.

"That's it, don't you think you are more capable and want to be a good boy to the old man?"

The old man sat for a while, took a breath, and regained his energy instantly.

He waved his hand at the old team leader in disgust, "You go, go, go, don't get messed up here!"

"Oh!" The old team leader muttered, not daring to say anything more.

He returned the piece of paper with his birth date written on it to Luo Jiuli.

Luo Jiuli refused to accept it.

Just kidding, she has been calculating for so many days, either the horoscope or the horoscope, and she is almost getting moldy just sitting here. Now someone finally comes up to help her calculate, she is afraid that she is a fool to let it go!
"Ahem!" Luo Jiuli cleared his throat and said to the old leader in a high-sounding voice, "Disciple, I have never fulfilled my responsibility as a master in these years. Since you are here today, you should be a master." I’ll give you some pointers.”

"Guide?? How to give guidance???" The old team leader's face was full of question marks.

Luo Jiuli smiled warmly, got up from his seat, pulled the old team leader over, and pressed her down where she was sitting. He could see a long queue of people in the courtyard.

"You will be responsible for the rest of the people in the back." Luo Jiuli sat where the old class leader had been, his smile not diminishing. "Master, I sit here. If you don't understand anything, you can always come to me." Just ask.”

Wen Yi held Kuang Yan's hand and just happened to drift in. She happened to hear Luo Jiuli's two words and saw the successful smile on Luo Jiuli's face.

"Eh!" Wen Yi scorned, "Anyone who gives me advice or doesn't give me advice is obviously Mrs. Wang who wants to be lazy!"

Wen Yi hit the nail on the head. As expected, she knew Luo Jiuli quite well after spending some time with her.

Even if Wen Yi saw through it, Luo Jiuli didn't panic at all. She just wanted to be lazy. What's wrong?
Moreover, no matter what she said, no one except her could see or hear it.In the eyes of everyone, she is still the mysterious and powerful Master Luo!

No matter what Luo Jiuli's original intentions were, in short, for the old team leader, it was a rare opportunity to get some guidance from her.

So, the old team leader agreed without even thinking about it.

However, the old man sitting opposite him was not happy, "Humph! Let him do the calculation. Jiuli girl, the reason why the old man came all the way here is because he admires your name. You, how can you let him do the calculation now? !”

"Old man, he is my apprentice. He counts me the same. Besides, wasn't I sitting on the side?" Luo Jiuli dropped his buttocks and had no intention of moving. "If he counts wrongly or speaks wrongly, , I will correct it myself, and please give me a chance to teach my disciples."

The old man glanced at the old man and groaned unhappily, but he didn't say anything, so he acquiesced.

Luo Jiuli winked at the old team leader, indicating that he could start.

The old team leader nodded, spread the wrinkled paper on the table, pointed at one of the eight characters and said, "Uncle Third, you see that the fourth child was born in Xin Chou..."

The old man listened perfunctorily at first, but when the old leader mentioned what position Xin Chou Nian corresponded to and what position Ren Yin Nian corresponded to, he started to listen seriously.

He also asked the old team leader, "What's the point of these two positions? Can they be combined???"

"Of course they are in harmony. Look at the last hour and the last hour. These two hours are..."

The old man explained every aspect in great detail, and Luo Jiuli would add a few words if he heard the shortcomings. The old man finally nodded with satisfaction and asked the old man to calculate a good day and write it on the paper, and put the paper in the He left in his arms.

After the old man left, the next villager came next...

The old team leader was busy all afternoon, and did not stop until it got dark.

During this period, the midwife waited impatiently and wanted to leave, but the second child begged her to stay.

After sending away the last villager, Luo Jiuli asked the old team leader and the second son to go out, leaving only the midwife talking to her in the house.

No one knows what they talked about specifically, but the shock on the midwife's face was still clearly visible until she walked out of the main room.

The old boss and the second boss came around and asked her what was wrong, but she refused to say anything and just said it was fine.

Luo Jiuli followed the midwife out.

The midwife heard the noise, turned to look at Luo Jiuli, and said with a slight smile, "Miss Luo, I have written down all the things you mentioned about the old woman. I will practice more diligently when I get back, so the old woman will go back first."

The second child next to me was shocked by the midwife's attitude towards Luo Jiuli at this time. She was so impatient in the afternoon, but why did she become so respectful after talking to Luo Jiuli for less than half an hour? ?
"Well, go back!" Luo Jiuli said quietly.

As soon as she walked under the eaves, Xiao Huang stuck out his tongue, wagging his tail, and kept circling her.

The midwife stood up, nodded to the old team leader and the second child next to her as a greeting, and then left.

"Hey! Mrs. Liu, wait for me!!" The second child followed.

The old team leader looked at their departing figures and said to Luo Jiuli, "Little master, this Mrs. Liu is the best midwife in the surrounding area. She is usually very proud and complacent. But I spent a lot of money to hire her." To her!"

"You, how on earth did you make her become like this!!??"

"What is it like now? What is it like now?" Luo Jiuli asked.

(End of this chapter)

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