Chapter 278
"Hey! Why, why does it hurt! Are you okay? Where does it hurt??? Did the wound open again???"

Luo Jiuli was a little anxious and bent down to help Jun Mohan.

However, as soon as her fingertips touched the hem of his clothes, Jun Mohan sat up straight, took her hand and pulled her hard, and her whole body fell into a warm embrace, with a faint scent of sandalwood lingering on the tip of her nose.

grass!Scammed! !

Luo Jiuli gritted his teeth, sat down and was about to attack Jun Mohan.

Suddenly, a gust of cool breeze came, and then there was a hidden guard by the window.

The secret guard held his sword and knelt down, "Master! Princess!!"

Luo Jiuli looked at her and Jun Mohan's current posture awkwardly, and moved twice uncomfortably, "Well... I won't disturb you..."

Luo Jiuli said that she was about to stand up, but was held tightly by the big hand on her waist.

She reached out and tried to pry the big hand away.

However, no matter how hard she tried, the owner of that big hand showed no signs of slacking off.

Instead, as if nothing happened, he asked the secret guard with a cold face, "What's the matter?"

Luo Jiuli snorted secretly.

Little one!The face changes quite quickly!

One second she was smiling and looking coquettish, and the next second she turned into a serious and ascetic person!
snort!If it weren't for the fact that he was injured, she would have just used her internal strength to break free!

The secret guard said, "The man in black who was locked up in Dr. Qiao's room escaped..."

"What!" Luo Jiuli sat up straight. If Jun Mohan hadn't dodged quickly, he almost hit his chin, "Escaped?? How is that possible!"

"Weren't we tied up in the woodshed and fed Ruanjin powder? Why did you escape???"

Luo Jiuli clutched Jun Mohan's chest tightly, "Then what should we do now? Should we run away in advance? What if those people go back and call a lot of people to come and we can't fight them!"

"Yeah! The 36 strategy is the best strategy!! A good man never suffers the consequences!!! Let's go, go, go, go!!!!"

Luo Jiuli hurriedly wanted to get up, but Jun Mohan refused to let her go. He held her firmly in his arms and raised his thin lips, "My husband will protect my wife!"

"But pull him down! It's great if you can protect yourself!! And you can also protect me! I am a person with inner strength, very powerful! It's not like you, tsk tsk tsk tsk!!!"

Luo Jiuli glanced at Jun Mohan up and down, and said four words lightly, "You are so weak."

"So weak??? Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!"

This was the first time Wen Yi heard someone use the word "weak and frail" to describe Brother Wang.

She thought that her brother-in-law was a god on the battlefield and would not shy away from anyone who saw him. Now someone actually described him as weak!

This made Wen Yi unable to hold back his laughter.

Jun Mohan didn't care much, but took advantage of the situation and answered, "Then please protect your husband."

"..." Luo Jiuli was speechless for a moment, "Are you sorry? You are a grown man and I am a weak woman. You want me to protect you???"

"Weak woman???" Jun Mohan raised his sword eyebrows slightly, with a meaningful look in his eyes.

Luo Jiuli was embarrassed, "..."

Fine!She doesn't seem to be a weak woman.

"Oops!" She patted him on the shoulder, "Should we leave or not? If you want to leave, hurry up, otherwise you won't be able to leave until someone comes!" "I can protect you, but if we fight, we are not afraid of ten thousand I’m afraid what if it’s not, what if they hurt you while I’m not paying attention???”

"Don't worry, Princess, all the men in black who escaped have been killed by us..."

"Sister Luo! It's not good!! Sister Luo!!!"

Before the black man could finish speaking, he was interrupted by a sudden sound outside the door.

"Xiao Zuo? What's wrong?? What's wrong??? What happened???"

Mrs. Chen couldn't sit still after her legs healed. Even in the drizzle, she held an umbrella and weeded on the path outside the door.

Xiao Zuo ran over with wet hair. Without saying what happened, he gasped and asked, "Aunt Chen, where is Sister Luo? Where is Sister Luo???"

"Oh, she is talking to her husband in the house. You can find her..."

Before Aunt Chen could finish her words, Xiao Zuo ran in and said, "Sister Luo is not good, she is not good!!!"

'Squeak! 'With a sound, the door was opened from the inside.

Luo Jiuli came out from behind the door and crossed his arms, "It's not good, it's not good, what's wrong, I'm fine!"

"Hey! It's really bad!!"

Xiao Zuo pulled Luo Jiuli into the house and closed the door. When he turned around and saw Jun Mohan sitting at the table and the man in black who had stood up and stood by the window, he was stunned for a moment.

"What's wrong? You're telling me?" Luo Jiuli took out his hand and walked to the table. As soon as Xiao Zuo opened his mouth, she interrupted and said, "If the man in black escaped, you don't have to say anything. Yes, I already know."

Xiao Zuo, "Huh??? How did you know!"

Luo Jiuli calmly opened the teacup that was upside down, picked up the teapot, poured a cup of tea, and took a sip. The fragrance of the tea overflowed.

Well, the tea is really good!

"You really know how to enjoy it!" Luo Jiuli was talking about Jun Mohan.

The best Kowloon tea, a tribute from a foreign country, except for the emperor and the queen mother, even the extremely favored concubines have not had a few sips.

The reason why Luo Jiuli could drink it was because he drank it accidentally during those years of traveling around.

"That's natural." Jun Mohan smiled, picked up the teapot, and slowly added a cup of tea.

He turned his head and looked at Xiao Zuo, "Does this young master want to try it?"

"I don't want it." Xiao Zuo refused and went over to sit next to Jun Mohan. "Your killers have escaped, but you are still in the mood to drink tea!"

"Just run away, don't let me cry!" Luo Jiuli put down the tea cup and turned his head to look at the secret guard, "You haven't finished what you just said, what do you want to say? Keep talking!"

"It's not that I'm crying, but you guys are too calm!" Xiao Zuo muttered, "What if one person comes back with a large group of people to kill! With my three-legged cat kung fu, I can't stop him!"

"The escaped men in black have been controlled by our people. Don't worry, Master! Don't worry, Princess!!"

The secret guard's words made Luo Jiuli raise his eyebrows unconsciously, and sure enough!
She was anxious before Xiao Zuo came, but after seeing Xiao Zuo, why was she not anxious anymore?
It wasn't because she had already guessed what the secret guard hadn't said!
"What!!!! You have already caught me!!!!" Xiao Zuo slapped the table and stood up, "No wonder! No wonder I couldn't catch them when I tried to chase them the first time!! I thought they were all gone, Fei Fei You have to be faster than me!"

Luo Jiuli glanced at Bai Xiaozuo, "You took Ruanjing San and you didn't even notice anyone. What's the use of you?"


Xiao Zuo gritted his teeth and wanted to refute, but I couldn't refute him in a complete sentence after waiting for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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