Chapter 279 The best Kowloon tea

"Keep him for now and deal with him after he returns to Beijing." Jun Mohan ordered.

"Yes!" The secret guard clasped his fists and bowed, "I still have something to report."

Jun Mohan said, "Yeah."

"The Prince of Fenglan Kingdom has been searching along the river for several days. Although his subordinates and others have confused his sight many times, he is still on the way to Chenjia Village at this time."

As soon as the secret guard finished speaking, "Dong Dong Dong!" came from outside the door! 'The knock on the door.

"Jiuli! Someone is looking for you!"

It was Aunt Chen's voice.

"Say he's your eldest brother!"

"Hey! Here we come!!" Luo Jiuli responded and went over to open the door.

Looking at Feng Qingze standing in front of the door with a face as beautiful as a crown jewel, she exclaimed, "Elder brother! It's really you! Why are you here?!"

Feng Qingze's tense nerves finally relaxed the moment he saw Luo Jiuli.

He breathed a long sigh of relief and scolded with a smile, "You are a heartless little girl. You are fine, but you don't know how to ask someone to send a message to your senior brother!"

"Hehe." Luo Jiuli smiled sheepishly, "Isn't it too late?"

"What do you mean you didn't have time? I see you, you are too happy to be in this small village!" Feng Qingze glanced at Luo Jiuli, slightly curled his index finger, and gently scratched her nose.

Such an intimate scene made a trace of displeasure flash in Jun Mohan's eyes, and his hand holding the tea cup unconsciously tightened.

Luo Jiuli puffed up his face, "I didn't!"

"Okay, okay, you didn't, you didn't!" Feng Qingze's lips curled up slightly, looking past Luo Jiuli and towards the two people sitting at the table in the room, "You just plan to let your senior brother stand outside the door and talk to you all the time. ?”

"Oh!" Luo Jiuli turned sideways and made a gesture of invitation, "Senior Brother, please come in!"

"Yes." Feng Qingze responded softly, put one hand behind his back, and stepped through the door.

Behind him were two personal guards.

The guard was about to follow Feng Qingze, but was forcefully stopped by Wei Yan.

"Hey! Two big brothers!! Wait wait wait!!!"

The villagers who led them also reached out and grabbed the guard's clothes. The guard turned his head and glared, and the villagers let go angrily.

"Hey hey hey, um... look at this toll..."

Before the villager finished speaking, the guard took out pieces of silver from his waist and threw them over.

The villagers couldn't catch it and the money was thrown to the ground.

"Woof woof woof!!!" Xiao Huang thought it was food and came over wagging his tail, sticking out his tongue to lick it.

"Go go go go go go go go go!!"

The villager waved Xiao Huang away, picked up the silver on the ground, stuffed it into his mouth, bit it, took it out, looked at the teeth marks on the silver, smiled with satisfaction, wiped his saliva on his body, and then preciously took the silver Put it in your arms.

"Thank you, thank you! Thank you two big brothers!! If you have something to do, I will give you more instructions!!! I will give you more instructions!!! I will not disturb you, I will leave first, I will leave first!!!!"

The villagers trotted away excitedly, waving to Aunt Chen who was still standing at the door of the house, "Goodbye, Auntie!! I'll come see you another day when I have time!!!!"

"You black-hearted bastard! Don't ever enter the old woman's house again next time!" Aunt Chen scolded the departing figure, "You only took me a short distance, and you accepted so much money from me! You are really cruel!" !”

Inside the house, the secret guard had already left from the window while Luo Jiu left the door.

In front of the Sifang table, Jun Mohan and Feng Qingze sat opposite each other, while Luo Jiuli and Xiao Zuo were on each side.

Even though he didn't speak, Luo Jiuli felt a hint of gunpowder in the quiet air.Little Zuo's eyes rolled around to wink at Luo Jiuli, who blinked twice to express that he understood.

She poured a cup of tea and placed it in front of Feng Qingze, "Elder brother, drink tea."

Feng Qingze said 'hmm', picked up the tea with graceful movements, took a sip, and raised his eyebrows unconsciously, "The best Kowloon tea, you two really enjoyed it."

The unhurried words are very comfortable to listen to.

But in Luo Jiuli's ears, it was completely different.

As if questioning her, didn't she say she didn't even have time to write a letter?Why do you still have time to drink tea here?
Luo Jiuli smiled awkwardly, "Hehehehe..."

"What! The best Kowloon tea!!" Xiao Zuo's eyes widened, "Isn't this a tribute from another country! Come on, come on, I want a cup too!! I want a cup too!!!"

Luo Jiuli rolled his eyes, "Pour it yourself!"

"Tsk tsk tsk!!!" Wen Yi crossed her arms and looked disgusted, "I've never seen the world!"

The best Kowloon tea was a good thing only found in the palace. Xiao Zuo was self-sufficient and poured himself a full cup.

Jun Mohan played with the tea cup and said, neither salty nor lightly, "The Queen Mother's birthday banquet has passed, and the Prince should be busy returning to the country. How come he still has time to come to this secluded mountain village?"

The meaning behind Jun Mohan's words is, go back to where you came from and join in the fun!
"The marriage between Princess Jingxian and Emperor Yuansheng is scheduled for the middle of next month. I am invited by the Queen Mother, and I am honored to attend as a member of my natal family."

Feng Qingze's understatement revealed two meanings.

First, she was valued by the palace, but even for a concubine, she still had to arrange a large-scale wedding.

Second, there was an invisible embarrassment. He also wanted to leave, he also wanted to leave early, and he also wanted to return home early, but there was no way. The Queen Mother personally invited him, so he had to stay and wait for the ceremony as a family member before leaving.

Luo Jiuli was surprised: "..."

Getting a concubine and having a wedding? ? ? ?

Wouldn't it be enough to just send it to the palace? ? ?
"Oh?" Jun Mohan seemed not surprised at all, "Congratulations to the prince!"

Feng Qingze smiled, "I'm delighted."

Seeing how the two of them were pretending to respect each other but talking like guns and sticks, Luo Jiuli felt a little unbearable.

She dared to change the subject, "Senior Brother, you are so awesome! How did you find this place?"

"It's not difficult. Just follow the river where you fell and search all the villages along the way." Feng Qingze took a sip of tea, looked at Jun Mohan, smiled and pointedly, "If it weren't for the fact that we encountered some people during the search, Trouble, I should have found you long ago, don’t you think so, King Yi?”

Luo Jiuli: "…………"

What is the difference between his referring to Sang and Huai and his explicit statement?
"Trouble?" Jun Mohan pretended not to understand, "What kind of trouble? Can you stop the crown prince?"

"..." Luo Jiuli clenched the tea cup in embarrassment.

Changing the topic can make a scene!

These two are really enough!
"Hiccup..." Xiao Zuo drank several cups of tea in a row and burped loudly with satisfaction, "Well, this tea is good! This tea tastes delicious!!"

"Hehehe..." Luo Jiuli's mouth twitched slightly, "If it tastes good, drink more."

damn thing!Is it time to drink tea now?

Can't you tell that the two people next to you are making innuendoes and are about to start a fight?

Still drinking, drinking, drinking, why don’t I drink you to death!

"No! No no!" Xiao Zuo put one hand on his waist and waved his hand, "I can't drink anymore, I can't drink anymore, I'll drink until I'm drunk!"

 Ahhhh! ! !It’s finally time to leave Chenjiacun, let’s spread flowers! ! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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