Chapter 280
Luo Jiuli: "…………"

Did he think this was wine? ! ? ?

And drunk! ! !
Get him drunk! ! ! !
"Haha." Feng Qingze said with a smile, "I was negligent and forgot how long King Yi stayed in this small village."

"The village has very little information, so it's understandable that we don't know what kind of trouble I'm in."

Feng Qingze picked up the tea and took a sip, "Oh! That little trouble is not harmful at all. I treat it as if I have met a mad dog. If I am bitten by a dog, I can't chase him back and bite him back. Don't you think so? , King Yi."

Luo Jiuli: "…………"

You call me a mad dog in front of others, but you still say it’s harmless? ? ? ?
The innocuousness of Shen Te Ma!

"Shameless thing! How dare you insult my princess and my brother!!!" Wen Yi put her hands on her hips, "Huh! Let's see if this princess doesn't bite you to death!!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he bared his teeth and pounced on Feng Qingze, biting Feng Qingze's shoulder.

Kuang Yan was a little follower. He saw Wen Yi biting Feng Qingze and followed him up to bite Feng Qingze together.

The man in black, Lao Wu, crossed his arms and floated in the corner, as if the matter had nothing to do with him, "Hey! Childish!!"

Seeing Wen Yi and Kuang Yan biting Feng Qingze like crazy, Luo Jiuli was speechless: "..."

This... seems to be... quite appropriate with the mad dog Feng Qingze described.

"Well, you can't bite him back." Jun Mohan nodded and said matter-of-factly, "A dog bites a dog until it's full of hair. It's just a show of excitement. This is not good, not good!"

"Pfft!" Luo Jiuli couldn't hold it back and laughed out loud.

Seeing both of them looking towards her, she hurriedly waved her hands and smiled, "Haha, it's okay, it's okay. Keep going, keep going."

hahahahahahahaha! ! ! !

A dog bites a dog with a hair in its mouth! ! ! !
incredible! ! !
So, even if Jun Mohan can't get to the shore himself, he has to drag others into the water too! ! !
hahahahahahahaha! ! ! !

Good!The two of them are dogs together! !That’s pretty good! ! !Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! ! !
"I heard that you two were injured and fell off the cliff. I was worried at first, but now..."

Feng Qingze paused slightly and glanced at Luo Jiuli and Jun Mohan. The meaning was obvious.

One is in the mood to laugh!
One can still be talkative!
He was living a good life, what could he have to worry about?
"Thank you for your concern, Prince." Jun Mohan answered the question faster than Luo Jiuli.

The corners of Luo Jiuli's mouth twitched and he said, "It's nothing serious. Senior brother, don't worry."

"Junior sister, good people are rewarded. I don't have to worry about my brother, but there are just some..."

Feng Qingze glanced at Jun Mohan and hesitated to speak, but the half-sentence that was left unsaid was probably unknown to everyone present.

"Hehehe." Luo Jiuli smiled awkwardly.


Again! !

The barrage is about to start again! ! !
"I have been guarding the border for many years, protecting the prosperity of thousands of people, and the blessings are profound. I don't worry about it, the prince."

What Jun Mohan said was right, but did Renfeng Qingze mean it this way? ? ?

What people clearly want to say is that some people do a lot of bad things, so they are afraid they will suffer retribution!

In the next few hours, Feng Qingze asked Luo Jiuli how he escaped from danger.How did you get to Chenjiacun? ?

Luo Jiuli chatted with him one by one. During the chat, Feng Qingze and Jun Mohan secretly and openly made innuendoes at each other from time to time.

At first, Luo Jiuli was embarrassed and wanted to be a peacemaker, but after hearing more, it became natural and he let them go.

She just drank tea with Xiao Zuo and enjoyed it very much.

Until Chen Tingting shouted outside the door, "Miss Luo, it's lunch!"

The chatter stopped only after this dilemma in the room.

"Here we come!" Luo Jiuli stood up quickly and glanced at the three people who were still sitting still. "Do you want to eat? If you don't want to eat, I will go by myself." Xiao Zuo said, "If you don't want to eat, I won't even drink tea." Drink enough!”

"My husband's injury has not healed yet, and he still needs to be fed by my wife." Jun Mohan had a smile on his lips, as if he was mumbling something.

But Feng Qingze didn't even look at him, "Being able to sit at the same table with my junior sister is something I can only dream of as a brother!"

Luo Jiuli: "…………"

Didn't she just ask if she wanted to eat? Can the two of them talk to each other properly? ?
One wants to be fed, and the other cannot beg for it!

It can't be simpler, it's over if you eat or not eat, there's so much nonsense!

"Okay, let's go and eat!"

As soon as Luo Jiuli took a step, two of the three people sitting stood up.

"Hey!" Jun Mohan held the table with one hand and covered his chest with the other, crying out in pain.

Luo Jiuli tilted his head and hurriedly went over to support him, "Why did you stand up? Don't you want to wait for me to feed you if you don't want to eat??"

"I have heard that King Yi is very brave on the battlefield. He can fight against ten enemies one at a time. Even if he is slashed several times, his expression remains unchanged. Why is it that now... he only got hit by an arrow and it hurts so much?"

Feng Qingze almost said that Jun Mohan was just faking it.

However, this is no different from telling the truth.

Anyway, everyone knows it!
What's more, it's Luo Jiuli.

Before they came, Jun Mohan had lied to her once by pretending to have chest pain.

How could she not know now that Jun Mohan was just pretending.

But Jun Mohan is her man after all, and she can't get involved in the scolding battle. Now... she can still cooperate.

She said, "An arrow in the chest doesn't hurt? Isn't that a stupid person?"

"My husband is of flesh and blood, so he naturally knows pain. Senior brother, please don't make any sarcastic remarks."

"Hmph!" Feng Qingze snorted and muttered in a low voice, "You heartless little girl knows how to turn her elbows outward!"


Luo Jiuli heard it, but pretended not to hear it. She supported Jun Mohan and asked, "What are you going to do now? Go to bed and lie down? Or continue to sit here???"

Jun Mohan said, "As a husband, I want to eat at the table with my wife."

Luo Jiuli: "…………"

Man, really fickle!
The drizzle hadn't stopped yet. After Chen Tingting called Luo Jiuli, she held an umbrella in the courtyard and waited for her to come out.

'Squeak! With a sound, the closed door opened, but when she saw the person coming out, Chen Tingting was so frightened that her feet became weak.


Chen Tingting stammered, but before she could shout, Luo Jiuli interrupted her in time, "Long wait, Miss Chen."

"Oh, no, no, it's okay." Chen Tingting glanced at the man who followed Luo Jiuli.

The man was dressed in a white ink gown, like a walking splash-ink landscape painting, gentle and elegant, with a bookish atmosphere.

Chen Tingting didn't know the man, but looking at the two extra guards, she knew that his identity was not simple.

As a result, Chen Tingting, who was already panicking, became even more panicked.

She was so panicked that she didn't even dare to go to the table to eat. No matter how Luo Jiuli and Aunt Chen asked her to sit down and eat, she always said, "I... I'm not hungry yet. You eat first. Don't worry about me. Don't worry about me." .”

(End of this chapter)

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