Chapter 281 Maybe some people look so scary!
Feng Qingze took a bite of food, glanced at Jun Mohan lightly, tilted his head and said with a smile, "Did some people scare Miss Chen with their stern faces?"

"No, no, no, no, I'm really not hungry, really not hungry."

Chen Tingting shook her head and waved her hands repeatedly. She glanced at Jun Mohan out of the corner of her eye, then quickly looked away, lowered her head, not daring to look again.

This was the first time that Jun Mohan had served dinner since he had been at her house for so long. In the past, Luo Jiuli would bring the food to the house to feed her.

If she said she wasn't afraid, that would be a lie, but even if it were true, she wouldn't dare to tell the truth!

"Perhaps some people look so scary. At first glance, Ms. Chen was so frightened that she instantly lost her appetite."

Jun Mohan has never been a light-hearted person. If he is criticized in person, he will naturally repent back.

"So scary??? Who are you talking about??? Me???"

Feng Qingze smiled nonchalantly. He knew very well what he looked like!

He is the first of the three most beautiful men in Fenglan Kingdom!

ugly? ? ?
It has nothing to do with it at all!

Feng Qingze put down his chopsticks, rubbed his face with his fingertips, looked at Luo Jiuli with a pair of peach blossom eyes, and asked seriously, "Junior sister, senior brother is ugly???"

Luo Jiuli: "Senior brother, don't..."

"Madam, I want to eat that for my husband."

Jun Mohan's hand placed under the table pinched Luo Jiuli's thigh, which made Luo Jiuli almost jump from the itch.

She pulled his hand away and glared at him secretly, but her voice was as soft as water, "What do you want to eat, husband? I'll give it to you."

Isn't it just that he doesn't want her to say that Feng Qingze is good-looking and show off his affection by the way? She just wants him to do it!
Jun Mohan raised the corners of his lips, glanced at Feng Qingze provocatively, and pointed at the dish on the table, "This is too far away for my husband to pick it up."

Feng Qingze's expression remained unchanged, but he snorted unhappily in his heart.

Delicate and artificial!

Pack! !

"Okay, okay, I'll pinch it for you."

Luo Jiuli stretched out his hand to help Jun Mohan pick up the dishes. However, before the chopsticks arrived, Aunt Chen directly brought the plate pointed to by Jun Mohan in front of him.

He smiled kindly and said to Jun Mohan, "It's convenient now. If my husband likes it, just eat more. If it's not enough, there's still more in the pot."

Luo Jiuli took back his hand and spread his hands helplessly, but he was laughing in his heart.

hahahahahahahahahaha! ! !
It’s a pity that Mrs. Chen doesn’t become an anti-hypocrisy expert! ! !
Does Jun Mohan really want to eat this dish?

He clearly wants to show love, but unfortunately ... hahahahahahahahahaha .............. It's no wonder that she doesn't cooperate!
The gloom in Feng Qingze's heart also dissipated instantly, and he continued with a smile, "Well, it's convenient now, you have to eat more."

"Haha." Jun Mohan chuckled, staring at Luo Jiuli affectionately with his phoenix eyes, "My husband just wants to eat the food served by my wife."

Feng Qingze: "......"

So thick skinned!

Luo Jiuli: "…………"

Six, man!Sprinkle the sugar! !
It doesn’t matter whether you want a face or not! !

In the end, Luo Jiuli helped Jun Mohan pick up the food and cooperated with him by spreading waves of dog food to everyone.

"Hahahahaha." Aunt Chen laughed loudly, "You two are really in love."

Chen Wang nodded while eating the rice, "Yeah, yeah."

"Haha." Feng Qingze smiled softly.Wen Yi floated to the side with her hands on her hips, "Brother Wang and Sister Wang are the most loving, don't you think so?!"

Kuang Yan nodded immediately, "Yeah, yeah, that's right."

The man in black, Lao Wu, floated on the coffin in the corner, "Ugh! Boring!!"

The drizzle stopped at some point, and before the meal was finished, villagers came one after another.

Luo Jiuli had previously made a rule that fortune telling would only happen after the event has passed.

Therefore, the villagers who came did not rush, they just said hello to Luo Jiuli and then lined up skillfully outside the house.

By the time Luo Jiuli finished eating, there were already seven or eight people lined up outside the door, and there were even more and more people.

Queuing was boring, so they chatted back and forth.

"Hey! Look, the one sitting next to Jiuli Yatou must be Jiuli Yatou's husband!"

"Oh! This face is really good-looking!"

"Yeah! Not bad, not bad, worthy of Jiuli girl!!!"

"Hey! Look, there's that one, the one sitting opposite Jiuli girl, oh! What a handsome little husband! I don't know if he's married or not!"

"What does it have to do with us whether we are married or not? Don't you still want to introduce your niece to him?"

"But don't think about it anymore. Look at how he is dressed and how he behaves. You can see that he is a learned person. He may be a scholar. His family is extremely rich! How could he be as good as our mountain valley?" People in the ditch!”

"Hey! Why don't you look down on us? We can't belittle ourselves. The girls in our village are pretty and simple-minded. Those young men in the city have seen many rich girls with dark hearts, and maybe they like this kind of girl. !”

"Shui Ling? What kind of shit are you saying with your mouth open? Everyone is blackened, and the skin is very rough, but it is still watery. Isn't the most juicy person in our village Ating! But look, Ating is standing on the side, then Has the young husband ever looked at her?"

"Hey! Okay, okay!!! Stop talking, stop talking!! People are coming out, it’s not good to hear!!!"

"Hey! It's time for male seniors to get married, and for female seniors to get married, there's nothing to say!" The speaker immediately raised his voice and called out to Luo Jiuli who was passing by, "Hey! Jiuli girl!! This little husband next to you! , are you getting married?"

Luo Jiuli supported Jun Mohan, paused slightly, followed the speaker's gaze and glanced at Feng Qingze beside him, "Never..."

"Married!" Feng Qingze interrupted Luo Jiuli, "Married! Already given birth to a child!!"

"What? Real or fake??" The person who spoke looked at Feng Qingze and then Luo Jiuli with a look of disbelief, "Didn't Jiuli girl say that you haven't..."

"Ah! Oh! Yes, yes, senior brother, he has married a wife and has a child!"

Luo Jiuli received Feng Qingze's look and immediately changed his words. In order to increase his credibility, he also added a sentence.

"In addition to marrying a wife, he also had eight concubines! Those concubines gave him more than a dozen children!! There were so many children, they were noisy and very naughty!! Every time I go there, it makes me noisy. pain!!!"

"Oh! By the way, he has not only eight concubines in his house, but also more than a dozen maids who live in the same house! Tsk, tsk, tsk, don't mention how messy it is!!"

"Oh! Is it true??"

The way everyone looked at Feng Qingze suddenly changed.

Some people regard him as a piece of cake. It is normal for a wealthy family to marry a wife and have concubines.

Some people are self-reliant and despise them. They feel that Feng Qingze is just a skinned man. The inside must have been corrupted by money. He is a playboy with a lot of wealth but a lot of ruin. He doesn't want to join them and become the same!
 Before I knew it, five months had passed, and Quanqin had finished holding the exam. Although the data was not very good, overall, I was very satisfied with it.

  Now I'm faced with two choices.

   1. It will be completed at the end of the month and a new article will be opened. (If this is the case, time is short, and I will definitely not be able to fill in all the pitfalls in the article, but I will try my best.)
   2. Continue writing as normal, but starting from next month there will be no full attendance. (Actually, according to my own wishes, I want to continue writing, but I am worried that no one will read it, and it will be a waste of energy to continue writing, so I am very entangled and have difficulty choosing.)
  If it is completed by the end of the month, it is expected to be about 60 words. If I continue writing, it is expected to be about 100 million words. It is also a breakthrough for me, but I will start to generate electricity for love starting next month.

  It's not scary to generate electricity for love. What's scary is that no one is watching and you are entertaining yourself.

  I’m really, really confused, please help me choose one!What should I do? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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