The Almighty Princess: She makes waves in the capital with her metaphysics

Chapter 282: Does your senior brother still take concubines?

Chapter 282: Does your senior brother still take concubines?
Feng Qingze: "......"

Eight concubines, a dozen children, a dozen wives...

Hahahaha, that’s really cool!
I'm afraid only she can orchestrate such random nonsense.

"Of course it's true!" Luo Jiuli patted his chest, "Don't you believe what I said!"

"Yes, yes! Jiuli girl has never told a lie!"

"Yeah, we believe it, we believe it!!!"

Luo Jiuli chuckled, thinking that the matter was over, so he helped Jun Mohan into the house.

Unexpectedly, when the time passed and the fortune-telling began, the sister-in-law who had just asked Feng Qingze if he was married whispered to Luo Jiuli again, "Girl Jiuli, does your senior brother still want to take a concubine?"

"Let me tell you, my mother-in-law has a niece. Hey, she is called a water spirit. Anyone who has seen her once will not dislike her, and she has a very lovable temperament!"

"This...I don't know if he still wants to take concubines." Luo Jiuli's almond-shaped eyes were flowing, and he came up with an idea: "Why don't you go and ask yourself, sister-in-law?"

She pointed to a place with her finger, "Senior brother, he is in that room, chatting with my husband! You can go over and knock on the door and ask."

"Ouch! How can I ask this directly!" The elder sister-in-law held Luo Jiuli's hand and spoke in a very low voice as if she was afraid that others would hear her. "You are an acquaintance. She must be Jiuli. It's easier for you to ask questions."

"Anyway, your senior brother has already taken eight concubines. One more is not more, one less is not more, don't you think?"

"Haha." Luo Jiuli pulled out his hand with force and put the hair on his face behind his ears, with a troubled expression on his face, "That's true, can I, a junior junior sister, interfere in senior brother's room?" Regarding the matter, it would be better for you, sister-in-law, to ask it yourself."

"Oh! What's so important about this!!"

Seeing that Luo Jiuli was not getting enough food, the sister-in-law was anxious and spoke louder.

"You are his junior sister. As long as you open your mouth, he will give you three points of thin noodles no matter what!"

"You're such a Jiuli girl!" The eldest sister-in-law approached Luo Jiuli's ear and discussed in a low voice, "As long as you can make your senior brother take my niece as a concubine, my niece's family has been raising an old scalper for ten years. I’ll give it to you, what do you think?”

The eldest sister-in-law's breath went down her cheek and into the tip of her nose, causing Luo Jiuli to lean back and stay away from her.

"No, no, sister-in-law, it's not that I don't want to help you match up, but if I, the junior junior sister, really interfere in the affairs of senior brother's room, it will not sound good if word gets out!"

The sister-in-law didn't seem to notice the disgust on Luo Jiuli's face at all. Luo Jiuli leaned back and followed her with her mouth.

"Oh! God knows about this and the earth knows about it. You know about it and I know about it. As long as the few of us who know about it don't spread the word, it will be fine!"

"Just help and tell me, if this thing really comes to pass, it will be indispensable for you to benefit!"

"If you think one old scalper is not enough, I'll give you another acre of farmland at worst!"

"Oh, sister-in-law! This is not a matter of cows or cows, fields or fields!" Luo Jiuli turned his head to avoid his sister-in-law's mouth, and sat up straight back to his original position.

joke!She is the daughter of the richest man in Yuansheng, but not the richest man. With her ability, she can casually tell fortunes for high-ranking officials, and the money she gets is enough for her to buy a lot of wealth. How can she be short of her cow? A piece of field.

"It's not about Niu Hetian? What is it?" asked the sister-in-law.

Luo Jiuli was speechless: "..."

Can she say that it has nothing to do with money, but wants to watch the excitement! "Uh... Anyway..."

"Is it possible that an old scalper and an acre of fertile land are missing in your opinion???"

After the sister-in-law asked, before Luo Jiuli could speak, she continued, "Oh! Jiuli girl! We can't be so greedy!"

"A cow and an acre of land here can get a wife. You, you say you......Oh! That's fine!!"

The eldest sister-in-law said, patting her leg hard and gritting her teeth, "As long as you can make your senior brother take my niece as his concubine, at worst, sister-in-law, I will give you another acre of fertile land!"

"One old ox and two acres of fertile land, that's a lot, right?"

"Yeah, yes, it's quite a lot, it's quite a lot, but sister-in-law, this is really not Niu Hetian's problem. As a junior sister, I really can't interfere in the affairs of my senior brother's room. Please spare me!"

She wants to watch a show, and she won't do it unless she is allowed to get involved in the show!
Luo Jiuli decided not to watch the excitement!

She said, "Sister-in-law, if you don't want to ask yourself, then this matter is over and we won't mention it again. What are you thinking about today?"

"Oh! Mother-in-law of the Jiu family, who do you think you are? It's been so long, why haven't you finished it yet? My legs are numb standing here, can you hurry up!"

The fortune teller who was waiting in line behind the sister-in-law thought that it would be his turn soon after the sister-in-law went in, but after waiting at the door for so long, the sister-in-law had no intention of coming out, so he urged her.

"I know, I know! Why urge? It's the same as urging the soul!!!"

"I don't usually see you being so active in anything I do, but now you're really pushing me!"

The elder sister-in-law muttered a few words impatiently, sat down next to Luo Jiuli, and asked without answering, "Then I'll ask myself, can he open the door for me?"

"I see there are two fierce guards at the door. If I don't get close, they will kill me..."

Listening to the meaning of his sister-in-law's words, Luo Jiuli felt that there was still a chance to see her excitement.

"It's okay, it's okay, just say I asked you to go there. For my sake, the door will definitely open."

"Well, okay then!" Sister-in-law stood up, "Then I'll go over and ask first?"

"Yeah, yeah." Luo Jiuli's eyes flashed with cunning, "Go, go!!!!"

"Sure!" The sister-in-law turned around and went out, and an uncle who was behind her walked in.

The uncle sat down opposite Luo Jiuli, covered his chest, and coughed twice, "Ahem! Jiuli girl, my chest has been tight and my head has been dizzy for the past two days. Please show me what's going on. thing."

Luo Jiuli watched his sister-in-law go to the door of the house, but was stopped by two guards, Wei Yan and Feng Qingze.

Then, the elder sister-in-law pointed in her direction and said something. Wei Yan then retracted his hand and asked the two guards beside him to do the same.

The eldest sister-in-law successfully knocked on the door, and then seemed to have received permission from the people in the house before opening the door and walking in.

"Girl Jiuli! Girl Jiuli!!"

The uncle stretched out his hand and waved it in front of Luo Jiuli's eyes. Luo Jiuli then looked back and came to his senses, "Ah? What's wrong???"

(End of this chapter)

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