Chapter 283 Can we find her now? ? ?

"Hey! I've been talking about co-writing for so long and you haven't heard a word of it!"

The uncle muttered, but had no choice but to repeat what he just said.

Then, with an anxious look on his face, he said, "Girl Jiuli! Quickly do the math!! Look what's going on with me!!!"

"Chest tightness? Dizziness??" Luo Jiuli doubted his life.

Can we find her? ? ?

She is a fortune teller, do these people think of her as a doctor?

In other words, fortune telling only costs a copper coin, which is cheaper than seeing a doctor, so...

"Yes, yes!! Do the math for me and see what's going on with me!! Cough cough cough cough cough!!!!"

The uncle coughed hard, took out a copper plate from his waist, and placed it in front of Luo Jiuli.

Luo Jiuli: "…………"

He really treated her like a doctor!

"If you're sick, go see a doctor. It's no use calling me."

Luo Jiuli put the copper plate back to the uncle. The uncle coughed twice and pushed it over to her again, "You're here, Jiuli girl, just let me do the math!"

"I went to the doctor and took medicine, but it didn't work!"

"Ahem, cough, cough...I think I'm really going to do this this time..."

The word 'death' came to his lips, but the uncle swallowed it down and did not say it out loud.

He looked at Luo Jiuli with a pleading look on his face, "Girl Jiuli, just do the math for me! Just do the math!"

Luo Jiuli knew what her uncle was worried about, so she glanced at his face.

The ears are large and thick, the chin is round, and the longevity palace is thick, which is the appearance of longevity.

"Don't worry! You have a long life! You can't die!!!"

Luo Jiuli returned the coin to him, "Take this money to the doctor and just live well. Don't scare yourself by thinking about what you have and what you don't have all day long."

"Hey! My life is very long? Does that mean me, ahem, nothing will happen to me this time???!!!"

"Nothing, nothing, don't scare yourself if nothing happens all day long!" Luo Jiuli waved his hand and turned his head to look at the closed door not far away, with a strong sense of schadenfreude in his eyes.

Why haven't you come out yet? I don't know what's going on?Has Senior Brother been annoyed to death? ?
Hahahaha, if you are being begged and asked to take a concubine before you even get married, you probably won’t look very good, right? ? ?

Hey!Deserve it! !
Who told him that he hadn't sent a letter since he returned to Fenglan Country, and that he and Lao Bai had something secretly hidden from her!
snort!Make him mad! !

"Hey! It's good, it's good! If you don't scare yourself, if you don't scare yourself, then Jiuli girl, I'll leave first!"

The uncle knew that he had a long life, and his heavy mood instantly improved. He stood up to leave, but Luo Jiuli turned around and shouted, "Hey! Wait!!"

"What's wrong???" The uncle stopped.

"Don't work hard just because you think you have a long life. There are countless changes in numerology, and you may not know what it will be like in the future!" Luo Jiuli warned, "So, whether you should see a doctor or whether you should take medicine, remember Living?"

"Hey!! Remember!!! Remember!!!!"

The uncle nodded and bowed and walked out. At this time, the closed door not far away was also opened from the inside.

Feng Qingze personally sent his sister-in-law out with a gentle smile, "Thank you very much, sister-in-law, but I really don't have any intention of taking concubines these days. Please come back!" "Hey! Why are you like this? You don’t know what is good and what is good!” The elder sister-in-law complained in the room.She didn't say anything to Feng Qingze, she put her hands on her hips and looked very ugly, "My niece is very beautiful and graceful. If it weren't for the sake of Jiuli girl, why would I think of introducing her to you as my sister-in-law?" concubine!"

"How dare you do this to..."

Before Feng Qingze could speak, his bodyguards scolded him harshly and even wanted to draw their swords.

Feng Qingze waved his hand, and then the guard gave up.

"Thank you sister-in-law for your kindness, but it is true that I have no intention of taking a concubine in recent days. Please come back!"

Feng Qingze's expression remained unchanged, his words were still the same, his voice was still as gentle, and his smile was still as gentle and elegant.

But the eldest sister-in-law was already frightened by the actions of his guards just now and did not dare to say anything more. She just nodded casually and ran away in despair.

Luo Jiuli was listening with his ears pricked up, enjoying the excitement and couldn't hide the smile on his face.

Suddenly, a pair of smiling peach blossom eyes looked over the crowd and happened to meet Luo Jiuli's apricot eyes.

She didn't give up, and waved hello to Feng Qingze with a bright smile.

Feng Qingze's smile deepened and he glanced at Luo Jiuli.

What a vindictive little girl!

Luo Jiuli stuck out his tongue and spread his hands, pretending not to know anything.

"Haha!" Feng Qingze chuckled, shook his head helplessly, and stepped into the house.

"Bang!" Luo Jiuli rolled his eyes and continued to tell people's fortunes, hearing the villagers' comments in his ears.

"Hahaha, this old lady from the Jiu family is really determined not to fight against the south wall. I told her that people look down on people from our ravines, but she actually licked her face and asked, tsk tsk tsk... …”

"No! Even though I'm daydreaming, I still want to climb a high branch and fly to the branch to become a phoenix. How can it be so easy!"

"That's right, she also said that her niece's child is so beautiful, tsk tsk tsk, that's a fart!"

"I have seen her niece. Her skin is fair, but her face is pockmarked and her teeth are buckled. She is not pretty at all, so her family only treats her as a treasure! "

"Let me tell you, her niece is not as beautiful as the daughter-in-law A Tian married a few days ago!"

"Hey! You can't say that! Ah Tian's wife is a little short, but her face is really beautiful!"

"Hey! Speaking of Mrs. A Tian, ​​I just can't figure it out. Even though her mother-in-law is short, she still has a pretty face and she is a normal person anyway. How could she... fall in love with that fool A Tian! "

"It's all fate. I heard that his mother-in-law committed suicide by jumping into the river, and she happened to be rescued by A Tian who was playing by the river, and then they naturally agreed to marry her!"

"Oh! That's it!!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, it's really for nothing that that fool picked up a wife! It seems that I have to go to the river to wander around when I have nothing to do. What if I also catch a wife from the river one day? Hehehe, that would be great!!! "

"But go ahead and dream about your spring and autumn dreams! That is the Baixia River, not the Daughter-in-law River. There are people jumping into it every day, waiting for you to rescue them, and then they will pledge themselves to you!"

"Hehehe, it's just talk. Besides, everything is always possible. Look, even fools have married. How can I, a normal person, not get one?"

"Those were picked up by people who relied on their skills. Now I am holding my wife on the hot bed. If you have the skills, you can also pick one up!"

"Hey! Just pick it up!! I'll be hanging out by the Baixia River every day from tomorrow!!! I can't believe I can't pick it up!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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