The Almighty Princess: She makes waves in the capital with her metaphysics

Chapter 284 The 3rd cousin’s aunt comes to visit with her nephew and daughter-in-law

Chapter 284 The third cousin’s aunt visits with her nephew and daughter-in-law

Luo Jiuli glanced at the person who was speaking and thought to himself, "This face is destined to be a single man. If you can get a wife in this life, I will lose!" '

"Girl Jiuli, my old house is no longer going to be inhabited, and I am going to build a new one. Which location in the village do you think is suitable?"

After watching the excitement alone, he sat down in front of Luo Jiuli, and while talking, he took out a copper plate from his waist and placed it in front of her.

Luo Jiuli moved the pen, ink, paper and inkstone he had prepared beside him and said to him, "Write a word on it. If you don't know how to write, you can just draw anything."

"This...then, that's okay!"

The person in front of me really couldn't write, or even hold a pen, but after hearing what Luo Jiuli said, he could only pick up the pen and draw crookedly horizontal and vertical strokes on it.

"But, is it okay?" the man asked Luo Jiuli nervously.

Luo Jiuli glanced at the words on the paper and said, "Well, that's it."

"From beginning to end, the sky is round and the sky is round. Your family has lived in the current old house for at least 50 years, right?"

"Well, that's right, my grandfather left this house to my father, and now it's left to me. If the house hadn't been too dilapidated, we wouldn't have wanted to change it."

"You can change it." Luo Jiuli said, "But the old house has a spirit and lives on the foundation. I don't recommend that you build it elsewhere."

"Then, what should I do???" the man asked, "Can't we build a new house???"

Luo Jiuli, "It can be repaired. Just demolish the old house and rebuild it on its original foundation."

"In this way, the foundation will remain unchanged and the blessings will continue to be extended to future generations."

"Okay, okay, I understand, I understand." The man smiled and thanked, "Thank you, Jiuli girl, thank you Jiuli girl!"

"No problem." Luo Jiuli waved his hand, "I just take people's money and share their worries, but what else do you want to ask?"

"No more, no more, thank you! Thank you very much!!"

The man stood up and walked out, and the people lined up behind him came in.

Luo Jiuli spent the entire afternoon doing fortune telling. By the time she finished the last fortune telling, the sky was already dark.

She stretched out a lot and was about to go to the house to find Jun Mohan and Feng Qingze when Aunt Chen came over with a bowl of sugar water.

"You're tired. Come on, drink a bowl of sugar water."

Aunt Chen put the sugar water in front of Luo Jiuli.

"I made it for you when there were only two or three people left. It's just right now and it's not hot, so feel free to drink it."

Luo Jiuli didn't like sweets, but after talking all afternoon, he was really thirsty.

She thanked Mrs. Chen, picked up the sugar water and drank it.

"Hey! It's still early in the day, why are all the people gone?"

Suddenly the voice of my third cousin came from outside the gate.

Luo Jiuli and Aunt Chen looked up and saw the third cousin's uncle coming in from outside with a plate of something dark, followed by the girl from Xiaojiabiyu.

The girl wore her hair in a woman's bun. She was not tall, only half the height of her third cousin's aunt. If she hadn't been dressed like a woman, she would have been thought of as someone's child. "It's already dark, it's still early." Aunt Chen looked at her third cousin and asked, "Why are you here?"

The third cousin held up the plate in her hand and said with a smile, "My wife has cooked something new, what is it called candy... What is the candy?"

The girl next to my third cousin answered, "Sweet and sour fish."

"Oh! Yes, yes, yes, it's called sweet and sour fish." The third cousin suddenly understood and stepped in. "I can't eat such a new thing when you cook a fish and add sugar to it, but I think about Jiuli. The girl must like to eat it, so I’ll send you a portion."

Luo Jiuli doesn't like sweets, but her food is different. For example, sweet and sour fish and sweet and sour pork ribs are her favorites!

It's just that... Luo Jiuli looked at the dark lump that his third cousin placed on the table. Is this fish... delicious?
" the eldest daughter-in-law of your family???" Aunt Chen's eyes fell on the girl next to her third cousin.

"Ah, yes!" The third cousin put her hands on the girl's shoulders and pushed her forward gently, "Xiaofeng, hurry up and call Auntie."

"Auntie." Xiaofeng said shyly, with a soft voice.

"Hey! Good boy!!" Aunt Chen touched the little phoenix head, "On the day you and Atian got married, I felt unwell and didn't go to dinner. Don't blame Auntie!"

"Hey! What are you talking about? There's nothing to blame!" Before Xiaofeng could say anything, her third cousin said, "You didn't go, but Ating and Awang did, and they brought our family's lucky star with them. The Jiuli girls are all gone!"

"Okay, okay, the fish has been delivered, so I won't say much more. We are still waiting for us to go back for dinner in the house. Let's go back first, go back!"

The third cousin must be very satisfied with Xiaofeng as her nephew-in-law. She has nothing in her hands and holds Xiaofeng's hand whenever she goes out.

"Wait a minute." Aunt Chen called to her third cousin, "Wait while I bring a bowl to put the fish over, and you can take the plate back, lest I have to send Awang to you later."

"Okay." The third cousin stopped, stood under the eaves, watched Aunt Chen enter the kitchen, and asked, "Why don't you see Ating and Awang at home so late?"

"Awang went up the mountain to dig wild vegetables with Ating after school." Aunt Chen came out of the kitchen with a big bowl and looked up at the increasingly dark sky. "She should be back soon."

As soon as Aunt Chen finished speaking, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door, followed by Chen Wang's voice, "Auntie! We are back!!"

"Haha." The third cousin smiled and looked at Chen Wang and Chen Tingting who came in from the door with backpacks on their backs and said, "What a coincidence, as soon as I talked about you, you came back!"

"Third cousin! Sister-in-law Tian!!" Chen Wang put down his backpack, "You are here like this???"

Chen Tingting also said hello to her third cousin and entered the kitchen carrying a basket on her back.

"I'm here to bring you sweet and sour fish." After the third cousin finished speaking, she added, "Your sister-in-law Tian cooked it."

"Wow! Fish!!" Chen Wang had never eaten sweet and sour fish, so he could only take it literally, "Thank you, Sister-in-law Tian!"

Xiaofeng smiled slightly and said, "It's okay."

Aunt Chen poured the fish into a bowl, took out the plate from her third cousin, handed it to her, looked at Chen Wang and said, "Just leave the basket there. Go to the kitchen to light a fire for your sister."

"Well, okay!" Chen Wang waved his hand and entered the kitchen.

The third cousin took the plate and held hands with Xiaofeng, as close as a biological mother and daughter, "Okay, let's go first!"

Aunt Chen said 'hmm', "Slow down on the road."

"I know, I know, it's not completely dark today! I can see the road clearly!" Third cousin's aunt walked into the courtyard, turned back to Luo Jiuli and said, "Jiuli girl, you will be free some other time." , but remember to come to your third cousin’s mother’s house for dinner!”

(End of this chapter)

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