Chapter 285

"Xiaofeng's cooking skills were specially learned from the chefs in restaurants in the city. The taste is quite good. If you have time another day, you must remember to come. Don't be embarrassed, you know?"

Looking at the dark fish on the table, Luo Jiuli was speechless, "..."

That's it? ? ? ? ? ?
Or did you learn it from a chef? ? ? ?
Which chef? ? ? ? ?

With such poor craftsmanship, I'm afraid it should have gone out of business long ago!

Even with such slander, Luo Jiuli still responded: "Okay, I understand. If I have time someday, I will go and complain about it. Then my third cousin will not mind if I eat too much."

"Hahahaha, don't be too dissatisfied!!!" The third cousin laughed loudly, "With your small body, you can eat as much as you want! Come as long as you want!!!"

Wen Yi walked out of the door and added lightly, "She can make your family poor."

Luo Jiuli: "…………"

The third cousin and Xiaofeng left hand in hand. Chen Tingting had been busy in the kitchen since she came back. Chen Wang helped light the fire, and Aunt Chen was beside her giving advice.

"Here, here, wash this dish first. You need to rinse it with water, otherwise there will be sand."

"Oh! Awang, there is still a firewood here. You burn this first, burn this first!"

Luo Jiuli glared at Wen Yi.

snort!How dare you say she ate a lot!

Fortunately no one could hear her, otherwise it would have ruined her reputation!
Wen Yi timidly shrank his neck and stuck out his tongue.

Woohoo...why is she so miserable!

The truth is not allowed to be told!

The moonlight was hazy, the sound of cicadas was heard, the breeze was blowing, and there was a slight drizzle.

Under the eaves, two men were confronting each other.

"Miss Chen said that she gave me her room so I can stay there. I just went to your room to talk to my junior sister. What does it have to do with you?"

Feng Qingze bypassed Jun Mohan and wanted to enter the house. Jun Mohan moved a step and stood in front of him, "If you want to talk during the day, it's late at night and I want to sleep, so you are not allowed in!"

"Miss Chen gave her house to you because she is generous and generous. You are a guest, so she doesn't care about you!"

"But... that's my boudoir, are you embarrassed to sleep in it?" The two of them were similar in height. Jun Mohan looked directly into Feng Qingze's eyes and said lightly, "If it were me, I would be embarrassed to sleep in it. I suggest you, senior brother Don’t sleep either, otherwise if someone with a lot of talk spreads this matter, it won’t sound good, so senior brother should go back to Beijing overnight!”

Aunt Chen and Chen Tingting brother and sister were watching under the eaves of the main house. There were outsiders, so Jun Mohan followed Luo Jiuli and called Feng Qingze senior brother.

"Haha." Feng Qingze chuckled and said like a joke, "Then I won't sleep in Miss Chen's boudoir, so I will just squeeze in with you tonight."

"No! My injury has not healed, and it will be inconvenient to get up at night. Senior brother, you should go back to the capital!"

Jun Mohan couldn't help but let Feng Qingze return to Beijing with three words.

Feng Qingze looked away, took two steps, stretched out his hand to catch the rainwater, and the breeze picked up his sleeves, robe and blue silk.

"This rain is likely to get heavier. The mountain road is already rugged, and the muddy path after the rain is even more difficult, junior sister."

Luo Jiuli and Wei Yan were on one side, leaning on the wooden pillars with their arms folded, enjoying the excitement.

Suddenly she heard Feng Qingze calling her, and an unknown premonition still arose.

As expected, the next moment Feng Qingze's words made Jun Mohan's face darken.

"Junior sister, my brother is weak and cannot get wind or rain. What if I slip on the road and fall off a cliff? How can you bear to let my brother suffer this fate?" Luo Jiuli: "... …”

She is just a spectator, why should she be brought in? Hey! ! ! ! !
If she dared to say that she couldn't bear it, Jun Mohan's look in his eyes would probably eat her on the spot!

But she had to say... Ren seemed to be somewhat cruel to Feng Qingze.

Renfeng Qingze has been weak since he was a child. Even if he got the red flame ice silkworm, he might not have had time to eat it. What if something happened along the way...

"I can't bear it, but senior brother can..."


Before Luo Jiuli finished speaking, a man dressed as a guard suddenly rolled down from the eaves.

I don't know what he said in Feng Qingze's ear. A dark color flashed in Feng Qingze's eyes. He looked at Jun Mohan and smiled, "King Yi, you are really good at it!"

In order not to reveal his identity, Feng Qingze kept his voice very low, keeping it within the range that only a few of them could hear.

Jun Mohan raised the corners of his lips and said, "Senior brother, you are too praised!"

"Ha!" Feng Qingze sneered, "Aren't you afraid that I will publicize the fact that you are hiding here when I return?"

"You won't!" Jun Mohan said firmly, "I believe in the brother-sister relationship between the prince and his wife!"

"Hmph!" Feng Qingze snorted coldly, looked deeply at Jun Mohan, and ordered: "Let's go!"

"Yes!" The three guards clasped their fists and bowed, following Feng Qingze.

"??????" Looking at the people leaving, Luo Jiuli looked confused, "What's going on?? Why did you leave so suddenly when you didn't leave just now????"

Feng Qingze didn't stop walking, nor did he say the reason. He only left one sentence, "Junior sister, brother, I'll see you another day!"

"Wow! That uncle just now was so awesome!!!"

Chen Wang seemed to have discovered a new world, his eyes lit up with excitement, and he tugged on the sleeve corners of Aunt Chen and Chen Tingting.

"It flew down from the roof! It didn't hurt at all!! Nothing happened!!! It's so awesome, so awesome!!!!"

After Feng Qingze left, Jun Mohan snorted loudly as soon as he entered the door. Luo Jiuli tried to help him, but he refused to help him, "Huh! Madam, please help your senior brother!"

"??????" Luo Jiuli's head was full of questions, "What the hell? Senior brother is not injured, why should I help him??"

Jun Mohan walked to the table and snorted again, "My lady means that if Feng Qingze is injured, you will help him???"

Luo Jiuli originally wanted to say that was right, but she couldn't help others when they were injured?
But seeing Jun Mohan's dark eyes staring at her, as if if she really dared to say that, he would really dare to eat her.

Luo Jiuli was so frightened that he swallowed the words he almost blurted out and shook his little head cowardly.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, I won't help him, I won't help him. If he is really injured, he must be in Fenglan Country, not Yuansheng Country. The two countries are far apart, and my hands are not like this It's so long that it can't reach Fenglan Country, it can't help him, it can't help him."

Originally, Jun Mohan was very satisfied with the first half of the sentence and his face regained his youth, but in the second half of the sentence, Jun Mohan's face turned dark again.

"What do you mean, madam, if he gets hurt right in front of you, you have to help him!?"

Luo Jiuli, "That's willing..."

"Oh, Mrs. Wang! Shut up!!!"

Wen Yi was so anxious that he suddenly emerged from the safety buckle.

(End of this chapter)

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