Chapter 287: Full of bad intentions? ? ?

"No." Jun Mohan said, "My husband just sent him false news to make him think that Fang Xinman had escaped."

"Eh! You are so... eh!"

Luo Jiuli said that something was wrong, so she sat up from his arms, looked around, and saw that he was holding her effortlessly, grinding his molars resentfully.

"Aren't you seriously injured?"

"Don't you even need my help to walk?!"

"Don't you even want me to feed you!!!"

"But I see you are holding me effortlessly now!!!!"

"Hahahahaha!" Jun Mohan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Now that Luo Jiuli had seen through it, he no longer hid and tucked him up and directly picked him up.

"Ah!!!!" Luo Jiuli lost weight on his feet, and reflexively wrapped his arms around Jun Mohan's neck with both hands, yelling, "You're still laughing, you bitch! You're laughing your ass off!!!"

"Huh? Are you laughing your ass off???" A hint of smile flashed in Jun Mohan's eyes, "It is the lady who is laughing for her husband. Isn't that lady the one you said..."

Jun Mohan didn't say the last word aloud, he just mouthed the word "fart".

Luo Jiuli's face instantly turned green, and he hit his chest with his hand, "Get out!"

"Hiss!" Jun Mohan muttered, frowning.

"What's wrong? Did I hurt you??" Luo Jiuli panicked, picking up his clothes to see his wounds, but suddenly she remembered that Jun Mohan had lied to her so many times, and maybe he was just pretending this time.

She stopped her hand and raised her eyes to look at Jun Mohan. As expected, she met a pair of eyes that contained a smile.

"Hmph! Liar!!!" Luo Jiuli pouted.

"Hahahahahaha!!!" Jun Mohan laughed heartily and without explaining, walked towards the bed, placed Luo Jiuli on the bed, leaned down and kissed the corner of his forehead gently.

"My husband just didn't say anything, how could he lie to my wife?"

"Hmph! You are a liar anyway!!"

"Oh?" Jun Mohan raised his eyebrows slightly, "Then why did you lie to your wife?"

"You lied to my heart!" Luo Jiuli said a simple love story.

However, as soon as she finished speaking, she regretted it.

Wuwuwuwu... What did she just say? ? ? ?

She should... say nothing, right? ? ?
"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!" Jun Mohan laughed even louder, leaned over and kissed Luo Jiuli's forehead again, smiling lovingly: "That lady must be the first to cheat. The one!"

"Huh????" Luo Jiuli blinked, looking innocent, "Why???"

Jun Mohan straightened the messy hair on Luo Jiuli's face and raised the corners of his lips, "Because my husband's heart has been deceived by my wife!"

"..." Luo Jiuli was stunned.

damn thing!I’m pretty good at learning and applying it now!
She was wrapped in a quilt and rolled in, "Ahem, go to bed early!"

In the early morning, a ray of sunlight scattered on the ground through the window.

Luo Jiuli opened his eyes and saw a handsome, almost perfect face with clear outlines.

"When I'm awake, I'm full of bad ideas, and I know how to lie to me, but when I'm asleep, I'm still very good!"

Luo Jiuli muttered quietly, for fear of waking someone up.She raised her head, placed a gentle kiss on that almost perfect face, then took her big hands from her waist, stood up quietly, put on her clothes, and walked out.

She never noticed that when she turned around, her closed eyes suddenly opened.

Looking at Luo Jiuli's leaving figure, Jun Mohan unconsciously raised the corners of his lips, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

Full of bad ideas? ? ? ?
Have it? ? ?when? ? ? ?

Luo Jiuli yawned and stretched while opening the door.

The door opened, but the scene in the courtyard made Luo Jiuli stop yawning and stretching.

"Girl Jiuli, you're awake!"

"Oh! Jiuli girl, you are finally awake!!"

"Sister Luo, sister Luo, we have been waiting for you for a long time!!!"

"Why are you here??" Luo Jiuli put away his movements gracefully, put his hands on his waist, and looked at the eight or nine women in the courtyard, each of them holding a bamboo basket, "What are you doing??? ?”

"Oh! This!!" The third aunt raised the bamboo basket in her hand, "These are the wild vegetables I dug up in the mountains myself, as well as ten eggs and five duck eggs."

"The third aunt is here to thank you for saving Little Mantou a few days ago. The second thing is that I heard from your fifth aunt that you want to teach these children martial arts, so I want to give Xiao Mantou as well. Come here and learn together."

"That's right, Jiuli girl." The fifth aunt next to her said, "You said you don't want to be a cultivator. We are poor and can't afford much money, but we can still send you some food and gadgets. !”

"Look, this is the brown sugar cake I made myself. It's delicious! Try it!"

"Uh... Haha, thank you." Luo Jiuli took the brown sugar cake from Aunt Five and asked Wei Yan beside him to help hold it, "I'll eat it later."

"Girl Jiuli, look at mine, look at mine. This is the roast duck that my third cousin's sister in town brought back to me specially."

"I heard that this roast duck is very popular in restaurants in town. She worked so hard to buy half of it. My third cousin didn't even want to eat it, so she brought it to you."

"You can try it if you have time while you're teaching the children martial arts. It's very fragrant. I heard the skin is crispy!"

"Girl Jiuli, Xiao Huzi is not teaching in the school today, so the second sister-in-law will bring Xiao Huzi over and let him learn from you so that he can defend himself in the future."

Sister-in-law Chen was holding the bacon in one hand and holding the little tiger in the other.

"Second sister-in-law has nothing to give, so she brought you a piece of bacon. This bacon was smoked by herself last winter. Take it and try it and keep it. Once you eat one piece, you will want to eat the second piece. It smells great!”

"Yeah!" The little tiger beside him nodded vigorously, "The bacon smoked by my mother is so delicious!"

"Girl Jiuli, you should also take a look at Sixth Aunt's and see what good things Sixth Aunt has brought you..."

"My, my, my, Jiuli girl, my third cousin's aunt also brought you delicious food! Take a look..."

Luo Jiuli looked at the women, one head and two big, scrambling to deliver things.

She asked them to be quiet first, and then went to the kitchen to wash up.

After washing up, the sleepiness disappeared.

Luo Jiuli put his hands behind his back and stood energetically under the eaves. He looked at the women in the courtyard and said, "Thank you, sisters-in-law and aunts, for your kindness, but please take these things back. I won't accept them."

"I teach children martial arts, but because of their interest, I can't teach them anything in more than ten days, and they can't learn anything. It's just to let them briefly understand some basics, which is nothing."

"Take all your things back, otherwise I will be angry!"

(End of this chapter)

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