Chapter 288 Installed again
"Hey! How can you not accept it!!" The third aunt handed the egg in her hand to Luo Jiuli, "I need to accept it. I have brought everything. Quick, accept it, accept it. !”

"Yeah, I've brought it all, take it! Take it!!"

Everyone put their things in front of Luo Jiuli.

"Okay, sisters-in-law and aunts, it's not easy for everyone. These things are very valuable. You'd better keep them and take them home to eat at home."

Eggs, duck eggs, crispy duck, etc. are nothing to Luo Jiuli, but to the people in the village, they are things that can only be eaten during the holidays, so naturally she cannot accept them.

"Oh! No matter how rare things are, they are not meant for people to eat. Jiuli girl, just accept it, accept it!"

"Yes, yes, no matter how rare things are, they are not meant for people to eat. Jiuli girl, hurry up, take it! Take it!!"

"Third aunt, third cousin, please stop trying to persuade me." Luo Jiuli pushed the things in front of him back the way they came. "I won't take them if I say you won't take them. Take them quickly and go back. , go back, I have to teach the children how to practice martial arts later!"

"Jiu Li said he won't take it, so he won't take it. Why are you talking so much nonsense!" Aunt Chen's voice came from the kitchen, "Go back quickly! The work in the fields is still waiting for you to do. Woolen cloth!"

"This.........Oh! Then, then okay!!!"

The third aunt compromised and stopped, and the women who came with her also stopped.

"Girl Jiuli, thank you very much! Let's leave first and go back!"

"Yeah." Luo Jiuli nodded and waved his hand, "Go back! Go back!!"

"Girl Jiuli, let's go back, the children will have to worry about you!"

"It's okay, it's okay, go back!" Luo Jiuli watched several people leave.

Mrs. Chen came out of the kitchen with a bowl of porridge and said to Luo Jiuli, "Let's have breakfast first and let the children play for a while."

"Okay." Luo Jiuli responded. She looked at a child in the courtyard and said, "Zhong, Sister Luo has to eat first. You are the elder brother. You have to play with your younger brothers and sisters. No fighting or making noise. Please be careful. Do you know safety?"

Azhong looked up at Luo Jiuli, "I know, Sister Luo!"

Luo Jiuli smiled, "Okay, let's go play!"

"Hmm! OK!!!" the children cheered.

Luo Jiuli turned sideways, took the brown sugar cake from Wei Yan's hand, and took a bite. It was so sweet that she couldn't eat it after just one bite.

"Old Wei, how long have they been here? Why have they been waiting for me outside the door and you didn't know how to call me?"

"I told you not to disturb me and to let you sleep a little longer."

Wei Yan's words made Luo Jiuli freeze on the spot, "Master! Jun Mohan????"

Wei Yan looked at Luo Jiuli suspiciously, "Well, what else?"

Luo Jiuli was embarrassed: "......"

damn thing!
I woke up early after a long time! ! !

Then what happened when she secretly kissed him just now...ahhhh! ! ! ! !Didn't he get caught again? ! ! !

"Jiuli, call your husband to have breakfast together!"

Aunt Chen's voice came from the main room.

"Oh!" Luo Jiuli was in an extremely depressed mood. He gritted his teeth as he looked at the closed door. After gathering his emotions and pretending not to know anything, he pushed the door open and entered.

She walked to the bed, looked at the sleeping man, and hummed to herself.

damn thing!If you're not asleep, you won't pretend to be a bit like you, and you're still smiling with your mouth raised! !
It’s all her fault that she got up early in the morning and was obsessed with beauty, and she was obsessed with it!
She didn't notice such poor acting skills just now! !Wuwuwu... Shame on you!Don't be too embarrassed! ! !

Luo Jiuli wailed in his heart, but he pretended to be calm and calm. He pushed Jun Mohan with his hand and said, "Husband, breakfast is ready. Get up and have breakfast!"

Jun Mohan didn't move or react at all.

Luo Jiuli: "…………"

grass!It’s even installed! ! !

She pushed Jun Mohan hard again, "Hey! Get up!! It's time to have breakfast!!! Wake up, wake up quickly!!!"

"Well~" Jun Mohan frowned slightly, turned over and lay down, stretched lazily, and slowly opened his narrow phoenix eyes, "Madam, you are up, when is it now?"

It looks like you are just waking up from sleep!

Normally, Luo Jiuli would have been crazy about it, but now...she just snorted secretly!

snort!damn thing! !

Pack!Keep pretending! ! !
"Why do you think your wife is looking at your husband like this?" Jun Mohan put his hands on the bed and stood up, leaning half of his body towards Luo Jiuli. His black hair was scattered randomly on his chest, and he was unrestrained, with a smile on his lips, "But I feel that... My husband is too handsome? So, you are fascinated by it?"

"Haha." Luo Jiuli glanced at him and sneered, "Please give me some face!"

Handsome! What handsome!
She is obviously coquettish! !
Show off! ! !

"Then why is the lady staring at my husband?" Jun Mohan frowned and asked innocently but persistently.

"Because..." Luo Jiuli's apricot eyes were slightly curved, and the corner of his lips raised a smirk, "I want to see how thick-skinned you can be!"

"Oh?" Jun Mohan was not angry, and raised his eyebrows and asked, "What did the lady see?"

"Well, I can see it!" Luo Jiuli nodded with a solemn look on his face, "Your face... is thicker than the city wall!"

"Really?" Jun Mohan's eyes were joking. He sat up straight and touched the right side of his face with his fingertips. "Oh! I just had a dream about my husband. I dreamed that someone was molesting my husband!"

As he spoke, Jun Mohan turned his head to look at Luo Jiuli and asked seriously, "Madam, do you think that man is thicker-skinned than his husband?"

Luo Jiuli: "…………"

He could tell her name directly!
No need to beat around the bush, thank you!
Seeing that Luo Jiuli didn't speak, Jun Mohan's eyes flashed with interest and he asked again, "Madam, do you think that man is thicker-skinned than his husband?"

"Hon you, uncle!" Luo Jiuli gritted his teeth and cursed.

"Hahaha!!!" Jun Mohan laughed loudly, "What are you doing, my wife? My husband is talking about the man who molested my husband in the dream, not my wife!"

"Humph!" Luo Jiuli snorted and rolled his eyes at him, "It's almost time, why are you still lying in bed? You can't get up for breakfast, and you can't wait for me to feed you!"

Jun Mohan said, "Madam, if you wish..."

"Bah!" Luo Jiuli crossed his arms and interrupted him, "I don't like feeding dogs!"

Especially a dog who turns around after being fed and says that her skin is thicker than his, thicker than the city wall!
"Huh??? Dog???" Jun Mohan tilted his head and thought for a moment, "Is the lady talking about the man who was indecent to his husband in the dream?"

Luo Jiuli: "…………"

Indecent assault, you big-headed devil!
Why don’t I just give you a kiss?

As for? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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