Chapter 289 Not Dead

"Well, that man does look like a dog!" Jun Mohan pointed to his face and said, "That man is right here. If he insists on kissing me, it will be useless even if he wants to stop me."

Luo Jiuli: "…………"

Stop your uncle!
If you wake up and pretend not to wake up, you are clearly trying to seduce her!

snort!damn thing! !It's indeed a dog! ! !
"Jiuli! Why haven't you come yet? The porridge will be cold if you don't come!!!"

Aunt Chen's urging voice came from outside the door.

Luo Jiuli glanced at Jun Mohan lightly, "Did you hear that? What are you doing in bed? Get up, get up, get up!!!!"

"Hahahaha!!!" Jun Mohan laughed happily, "I obey, my lady!"

Jun Mohan sat on the edge of the bed, put on his boots, and walked to the clothes rack. While putting them on, he persistently asked Luo Jiuli, "My wife is not angry when someone molests her husband in a dream? Don't you think that man is as shameless as a city wall?" Is it still thick??”

"..." Luo Jiuli gritted his teeth, "Don't be angry."

"Why aren't you angry?" Jun Mohan paused slightly while changing his clothes, turned to look at Luo Jiuli, and said with an aggrieved face, "If someone dares to molest the lady in her dream, my husband will definitely be very angry. That man found it and cut it into pieces!"

Luo Jiuli: "…………"

damn thing!Are you addicted to acting?

That person is herself, and she is so angry!
If you want to be angry, be angry that he seduced her!
If it weren't for his temptation, would she be addicted to beauty so early in the morning?
"It's just a dream, how can it be more real."

Even if he knew that Jun Mohan was pretending, he still knew that Jun Mohan was pointing fingers at Sang Huai and saying that she was thick-skinned.

However, as long as he didn't point it out, Luo Jiuli would never admit it to himself!
"You have to find people and cut them into pieces just for a dream. That's an atrocity! It's not advisable!!"

"Haha, what the lady said is that atrocities are not advisable!" Jun Mohan had already put on his clothes. He walked up to Luo Jiuli and looked at her with a smile in his eyes, "In the future, I will change my ways for my husband! "

From those smiling eyes, Luo Jiuli thought she could see what was going on with Sisi's indulgence?

"Yeah." She blinked twice, her cattail-like eyelashes trembling, "Correct well and make progress every day!"

"Hahaha!!!" Jun Mohan smiled and rubbed Luo Jiuli's forehead, "Okay!"

He took Luo Jiuli's hand and walked out, opening the door. Wei Yan at the door bowed, "Master!"

Jun Mohan said, "Yeah."

In the courtyard were the sounds of children playing.

"Wow! Brother Azhong is so amazing!! He can jump so far!!!"

"Brother Xiao Huzi is also very powerful!"

"Only the little steamed bun is the stupidest!!!"

Seeing the two of them coming hand in hand, Aunt Chen stood up and filled the porridge for them, "You are here. If you don't come, the porridge will be cold!"

Aunt Chen placed the porridge on an empty seat. Jun Mohan took Luo Jiuli and sat there, "Thank you, Auntie!"

"Hahaha, what my young husband is so polite to do is nothing more than a simple effort!"

Aunt Chen filled another bowl of porridge and placed it in front of Luo Jiuli.

Luo Jiuli also thanked him, and then turned his head to look at Xiao Zuo, who was sitting on the other side drinking porridge, "Why are you here?"

Xiao Zuo raised his head from the bowl, "I heard from the aunts in the village that you wanted to teach the children martial arts, so I came!"

"Besides, the master is not here, and I am too lazy to cook alone, so I just came over to eat!" "..." Luo Jiuli, "You are so embarrassed!"

"You guys have been having fun for so long, why should I be embarrassed?" Xiao Zuo said confidently.

Luo Jiuli was speechless and just drank his porridge silently.

"Hahahaha." Aunt Chen laughed, "It's just a few homely meals. What's the point of being embarrassed? If you like it, you won't leave. You will eat at my house every day, and I will be happy to do so!"

"Yeah, yeah." Chen Wang sat on the left side, nodded vigorously, and drank the porridge with a look of satisfaction on his face.

Since Luo Jiuli came, the food at home is better than before.

In the past, when he and his mother were the only ones in the family, the food they ate was always accompanied by bran, which made their throats sore and uncomfortable. The vegetables were only wild vegetables. If you wanted to eat meat, you had to do it during the holidays.

Unlike now, there is meat and fish on the table every day!
Luo Jiuli smiled but said nothing.

Xiao Zuo shook his head and said, "It's just morning, I still have to go home for lunch and dinner."

"What's the big deal!" Aunt Chen said, "Anyway, you're alone and too lazy to cook. It just so happens that there are many people in our family now, so we cook a lot of food. If you have one more, it won't be too much, and if you have one less, it won't be too much, so you don't have to worry about it. It’s troublesome to go home and cook, so it’s better to eat here.”

"Hey! You can't do it!!!"

Xiao Zuo shook his head and refused, and did not continue the topic.

Luo Jiuli took a sip of porridge and asked Aunt Chen, "Where is Ating? Why didn't she see her?"

"She got up early, washed her clothes and went to the mountains to dig wild vegetables." Aunt Chen looked out the door, "It's time, the sun is getting brighter, I guess she should be back soon."

Chen Wang raised his head from the bowl, looked at the children playing in the courtyard, and asked, "Sister Luo, can I practice martial arts with them after dinner?"

Luo Jiuli said, "Of course."

"Yeah!" Chen Wang cheered, "Sister Luo is so good!!!"

"Awang, come out and play! We have already won several games!!" Xiao Huzi shouted in the courtyard.

"Yeah, I'm almost here, right now!!!" Chen Wang sped up, finished the porridge in a short while, and went out to join the children in a frenzy.

"This kid!" Aunt Chen looked at Chen Wang jumping up and down and said with a smile: "Normally, he looks quite stable, but when there are many people, he goes crazy and doesn't even know his last name!"

Luo Jiuli took the food with his chopsticks and took a sip of the porridge, "This is how children's nature should be."

"Yes!" Aunt Chen's cloudy eyes were originally smiling, but looking at the carefree Chen Wang in the courtyard, they gradually turned to sadness. She sighed heavily, "Oh! If only the child's father was here, alright!"

"With his father here, life will be better than it is now! The child won't have to suffer so much with me!"

Mentioning Chen Wang's father, Luo Jiuli paused in his eating of porridge, then returned to normal, and said casually, "Then let's get the child's father back!"

Aunt Chen shook her head, "Everyone is gone, where can we find them?"

"Maybe he's still here!"

Luo Jiuli's words made Mrs. Chen's eyes widen, and she asked in disbelief, "Girl Jiuli, what do you mean by this? Is he, the other person not dead??? Still alive!"

Luo Jiuli hummed and no longer concealed anything, "I saw A-Ting's face. She looks like both parents, and so does A-Wang."

"Wha, what!!" Aunt Chen's heart heaved violently, "He's not dead, then, where is he now?!"

(End of this chapter)

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