Chapter 290 In a place called Changen Town
"I don't know." Luo Jiuli shook his head, biting his chopsticks, "I originally planned to tell him a fortune, but I forgot about it when I got busy, and I haven't had time to tell it until now."

"Then, hurry up and figure it out for him!" Aunt Chen grabbed Luo Jiuli's hand, her eyes red and moist, "We found his body back then, how, how could it..."

Aunt Chen paused slightly, and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with her wrinkled hands, "It's okay, it's okay! If I had known he was okay, I, I should have gone to find him!"

"Huh???" Xiao Zuo finished the last mouthful of porridge, put down the bowl, and wondered: "If everything is fine, then why have you been away all these years? Didn't you come back to see Aunt Chen and Ating???"

"How do I know?" Luo Jiuli spread his hands and guessed, "Maybe he was delayed by something? So he can't come back!"

Luo Jiuli turned his head and looked at Aunt Chen, comforting her and saying, "Don't worry, I don't know where they are now. Let me tell you after I tell you, okay?"

"Yeah." Aunt Chen nodded vigorously, a glimmer of light ignited in her cloudy eyes, called hope, "Okay! Okay!!"

After breakfast, Luo Jiuli asked the children to gather together, and she demonstrated the correct posture of Zamabu.

"Put your feet shoulder-width apart, squat slightly, turn your toes forward, and shift your center of gravity downward."

"Slowly squat down, feet wide apart, hands flat, palms down."

Luo Jiuli stood up and looked at the children in the courtyard, "Do you hear everything clearly?"

"Listen clearly!" the children responded in unison.

"Okay, let's teach today. We'll start with the Zama Step. Everyone listen to my instructions and keep your feet shoulder-width apart!"

A group of children lined up from short to tall. The difference in height was not too big. Only Xiao Zuo, who was in the last corner, was more than half a body taller than the other children.

Upon hearing the Zama Bu, the children all looked serious, except Xiao Zuo, who looked disdainful.

There is no other reason, just because when he first practiced Qing Gong, Zama Step was the foundation. Although his Qing Gong was not better than Luo Yao's, nor better than Qiao Su, he was still among the best in the world, and Zama Step was nothing more than a trivial matter to him. One pile can easily stick for half an hour.

Seeing the serious expressions of the children in the courtyard, Luo Jiuli was very satisfied, "Very good, now squat down slightly, turn your toes forward, shift your center of gravity downward, yes, yes, that's it, little Huzi did a great job!" "

"Well, Azhong also did a very good job. The little steamed bun movements are very standard, but you must pay attention to the strength of your feet and don't be vain."

"Okay, now squat slowly, with your feet wide apart, no more than two or three feet wide apart, and your hands placed straight and flat, palms down."

"Yes, that's it, keep it up, let's do it slowly, hold on for a quarter of an hour first."

It was the first time for the children to do the horse step. After only a few of them were counted, the foreheads were covered with sweat, and some couldn't hold on. Only Xiao Zuo could do it as steadily as a mountain, with ease.

Luo Jiuli asked Wei Yan to help watch, and there was no need to call her after a quarter of an hour. Anyway, she had been walking on horseback these days.

After a quarter of an hour has passed, let them rest for a while and then continue walking.

Ever since she was able to leave the crutches, Aunt Chen would go out for a walk after breakfast, but today she didn't. Instead, she sat in the main room, looking past the children walking in the courtyard to the distant sky, with no expression on her face. Look. There is no joy.

It wasn't until Luo Jiuli dug out the pen and ink to find it that she came back to her senses and called out, "Jiuli girl."

"Yes." Luo Jiuli sat down next to Aunt Chen, "What is your husband's birth date?"

Without thinking, Aunt Chen blurted out, "At three o'clock on the 28th day of the twelfth lunar month of the Gengzi Year."

"Okay." Luo Jiuli wrote the birth date on the paper and asked, "Name?" "Chen Dagang."

Luo Jiuli wrote his name on the paper again, put down the brush, and then began to calculate.

Originally, she wanted not to tell Aunt Chen until she calculated the results through the clothes worn by the host.

Although this is more troublesome, if the result is bad, Aunt Chen, mother and daughter will not be happy in vain.

But now that she has said it in advance, it must be relatively simple to use the birth date and horoscope at this time.

"Auntie, I'm back." Chen Tingting placed the basket at the door of the kitchen, patted the dirt on her body, and walked into the main room, "What are you...this is?"

"Shh!" Aunt Chen put her index finger on the corner of her lips, fearing that Chen Tingting would disturb Luo Jiuli, "If you have anything to do, we'll talk about it later."

"Oh!" Although Chen Tingting didn't know why, she shut up obediently, turned around and walked out, "Then I'll wash the wild vegetables first. It's time to cook lunch later."

Before Chen Tingting could step out of the door, Luo Jiuli suddenly said, "To the south."

"What???" Aunt Chen's voice trembled.

Chen Tingting also stopped and looked back at the two people in the room with a confused look on her face.

"South, no!" Luo Jiuli shook his head and continued: "To be precise, it is in the southeast, in a place called Chang'en Town."

"Are you okay? Are you really okay???" Aunt Chen burst into tears and asked again uncertainly.

"Well, it's okay." Luo Jiuli said with certainty.

"Auntie, who is it? Who is okay?? Who is growing up, Changen Town??"

Chen Tingting came back, and as soon as she walked in front of Aunt Chen, Aunt Chen hugged her and cried bitterly, "Oh, oh, oh, oh, baby! It's your daddy, it's your daddy!!!"

"Dad?!" Chen Tingting's heart trembled, and she let Aunt Chen hug her, turned her head stiffly, and asked Luo Jiuli with her eyes, is this the case?

"Yeah." Luo Jiuli nodded.

After learning that her biological father, who had been dead for more than ten years, was still alive, tears fell uncontrollably from Chen Tingting's eyes.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!" Aunt Chen howled loudly, "That heartless old guy didn't even know how to write a letter to his family even though he was still living well. It's been so many years. Boo hoo woo hoo! Wuwuwuwu, it’s a good thing that the old lady thought that the corpse she claimed was his and had been worshiping it for so many years!”

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu not not not !!”

Chen Tingting wiped away her tears and patted Aunt Chen on the back, "Auntie, don't, stop crying. Dad, just be fine!"

"Yes! No, it's good that he's fine!" Aunt Chen felt the joy of regaining something, but thinking about being separated from her husband for so many years, she still shed tears unconsciously, "Oh, oh, oh, that old guy is really heartless. , black-hearted!!!”

"You don't even know how to go home when you're alive, all you know is fooling around outside!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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