Chapter 291 Awang will change

"Perhaps... Dad has some unavoidable reasons." Chen Tingting said.

"What kind of troubles does he have?" Aunt Chen let go of Chen Tingting. The usually clean and tidy old lady had tears and runny eyes on her face. "No matter what kind of troubles he has, he can't let me take care of him as a woman." Two children have lived as an orphan and a widowed mother for more than ten years!"

“呜呜呜,我们为此遭了多少白眼,还差点吃不上饭被饿死,呜呜呜呜,我告诉你这些都怪他!明明这些都是他的责任,他却一走了之,管It doesn’t matter how we whine, whine, whine, whine, whine, whine, whine, whine, whine, whine, whine.”

"Sister, what's wrong with grandma?" Chen Wang heard the noise and came in from the door.

A quarter of an hour passed, and it was time to take a break. The children liked to join in the fun. When they heard something moving in the main room, they came over and stuck their little heads out to look at the door.

"Aunt Chen, what's going on???"

"I don't know. She was fine just now, but I don't know why she cried."

"Are you hungry? I cry like this when I'm hungry."

"Well, it's possible, I cry like this when I'm hungry."

"Yes, yes, me too."

So, as soon as Chen Wang crossed the threshold, his friends grabbed him by the corner of his clothes.

"What's wrong?" Chen Wang looked back at them and asked.

"Your grandma is crying. She must be hungry. Go find something for your grandma to eat so that she won't cry." Xiao Huzi leaned close to Chen Wang's ear and whispered.

"Yes, yes, brother Awang, hurry up and find something for Mrs. Chen to eat!" Little Mantou touched his stomach, "It's so uncomfortable when you're hungry!"

Chen Wang said, "But...we just had breakfast not long ago!"

"Oh, sir, you are getting hungry quickly!" Xiao Huzi and a few children pulled Chen Wang out, "Anyway, you are right to believe us. Aunt Chen must be crying when she is hungry. Go quickly, go quickly Well!"

"Uh, then, okay then!" Chen Wang was half-pushed to the kitchen by a group of children. He returned to the main room with the remaining porridge in the pot, put the porridge on the table, and served it to Mrs. Chen. Put the bowl in front of her, "Grandma, drink porridge."

"Huh???" Aunt Chen sobbed, "Didn't I just have dinner? What happened?"

Luo Jiuli glanced at the little guys piled outside the door, with an unstoppable smile in his eyes.

Chen Tingting and Aunt Chen might not be able to hear what the little ones said outside, but Luo Jiuli had internal power and his hearing was several times better than ordinary people, so naturally he could hear everything the little ones said clearly.

Seeing Luo Jiuli looking over, the little ones dispersed in a hurry as if they had been caught by the master and made a mistake.

Luo Jiuli couldn't help but want to laugh as he looked at it.

Hahaha, these little guys are so interesting!
"Aren't you hungry?" Chen Wang placed the porridge in front of Aunt Chen and pushed it towards her. "After drinking this bowl of porridge, I will feel full and stop crying."

"Pfft!" Aunt Chen burst into tears and laughed, "Who told your grandma that she cries because she's hungry?"

"Huh? Isn't it because I'm hungry?" Chen Wang asked without answering, "Then why is grandma crying? Did Awang do something wrong to make grandma angry?"

Chen Wang reached out and wiped the tears hanging on Aunt Chen's face, "Auntie, don't cry. If A Wang did something wrong, tell A Wang and A Wang will change it."

"Haha, our Awang has done nothing wrong. He is the child who makes grandma the most worry-free."

Aunt Chen gently stroked Chen Wang's cheek.

"Unconsciously, our Awang has become so old and sensible, which is great."

"In a few days, your father will be happy to see you look like this." Chen Wang said, "Father?"

"Yes, dad." Aunt Chen held Chen Wang's hand, "Your dad is still alive. Let's go find him in a few days!"

"Dad is still alive?" Chen Wang had not seen his father since he was a child, and he didn't know how he should feel now.

"Yes, your father is still alive, still alive." Aunt Chen felt that everything seemed so unreal, and she repeated slowly, "still alive, still alive..."

"Then Dad is still alive, why hasn't he come back to us for so many years??" Chen Wang said with his mouth aggrieved and his eyes red, "Does he not want us anymore?"

"No, no." Aunt Chen stroked Chen Wang's head and borrowed Chen Tingting's comforting words just now, "Your father has his own reasons. It's not that he doesn't want us anymore, he's just stuck by what he's doing. He can’t come back to us, he’s waiting for us to find him!”

"Then, when will we come back to find Dad?" Chen Wang asked.

"In two days, I'll go in two days..."

The children had been walking all morning, and their whole bodies were weak. As soon as noon came, they went back to their homes without stopping.

Xiao Zuo was left to have lunch by Aunt Chen. Perhaps out of gratitude to Luo Jiuli, Aunt Chen kept picking up dishes for her at the dinner table.

"Girl Jiuli, fish heads are a good thing, eat them!"

"And this, chicken legs, chicken legs are good!"

"Eat more! Eat more!!"

Luo Jiuli looked at the food at the base and said, "..."

Actually...she has a very small appetite.

Seeing that Aunt Chen was still adding vegetables to her bowl, she hurriedly stretched out her hand to stop her, "Hey! No, no, no, no, no, no, there's too much for me to eat, I can't eat it!!!"

"You can eat it! You can eat it!!" Aunt Chen dodged Luo Jiuli's hand, piled the vegetables in her bowl, and said, "This is the fish tail. There is a fish head in your bowl. There is a head and a tail. Every year Having more than enough is a good sign, so you can’t stop eating, you can’t stop eating!”

"Hehehe..." Luo Jiuli's mouth twitched slightly, "Well, then okay!"

"Hey! Good boy!! That's right!"

Mrs. Chen smiled and started to put vegetables into Luo Jiuli's bowl again. This time Luo Jiuli had experience. Since she couldn't stop it with one hand, she directly used two hands to protect the bowl firmly in the middle without leaving any traces. A slight gap.

"Aunt Chen, there is really too much food in my bowl. I can't eat so much. Just keep the chicken wings in your hand for yourself!"

"Hey! You kid..." Aunt Chen saw that Luo Jiuli was guarding the bowl so tightly that she couldn't get it through, so she turned around with the chicken wings between her hands, "Then, Xiao Zuo will eat the chicken wings!"

Xiao Zuo looked at the chicken wings in the bowl and laughed, "Thank you, Mrs. Chen!"

"Well, it's okay. Eat more! You have to eat enough, otherwise you'll be hungry quickly in the afternoon!"

Aunt Chen served food to everyone present, except Jun Mohan.

Because after these few meals together, she knew that Jun Mohan would only eat Luo Jiuli's dishes, so her efforts were not in vain.

He only greeted Jun Mohan, "My dear husband, please eat more. If it doesn't suit your appetite, tell Auntie, and I will let Ating cook whatever you want!"

(End of this chapter)

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