Chapter 292 I am the best in the world in Qinggong
Jun Mohan nodded lightly and hummed.

Luo Jiuli picked up a handful of fish meat with chopsticks and put it into his mouth, and asked Xiao Zuo, "Did Master Qiao say when he would be back?"

"No, since he went to the capital, he hasn't even asked anyone to bring him back a word!"

When Qiao Su was mentioned, Xiao Zuo's face looked gloomy, full of grievances, and he looked like an abandoned child.

"Lao Bai is also in the capital. Maybe they are meeting for a drink, and they are having a good time!"

As for why Luo Jiuli didn't say that Qiao Su had a drinking date with Luo Gan, but instead had a drinking date with Bai Hua.

That's because Luo Gan would let a dog bite him, and it would be difficult for the two of them to sit together peacefully, let alone meet for a drink, which was impossible!
However, everything is unpredictable.

Capital City, Luo Mansion.

In the back garden where the flowers are fragrant, the breeze blows, mixed with the scent of wine.

Under the four-corner pavilion, two figures, one fat and one thin, sat next to each other, with wine bottles scattered on the table.

"Brother! I have wronged you all these years!!!"

Luo Gan's face turned red from drinking, and he who was already chubby now looked more than twice as swollen.

He took Qiao Su's hand and drunkenly said, "Brother, the dogs he let loose over the years didn't bite you, right?"

Qiao Su was also drunk. He stood up unsteadily, waved his hand, and swayed around like a drunken fist, "No, it's okay, no, you didn't bite me!"

"I, come on! I am the best in the world in light kung fu, how can a few local dogs catch up with me!"

Qiao Su was swaying, leaning half of his body, and was about to fall. The housekeeper behind him hurriedly stepped forward to help him, "Hey! Master, be careful!!!"

The housekeeper is an old man from Luofu who has watched Luo Jiuli and Luo Yaozhi grow up since childhood.

Therefore, he followed Luo Yao and called Qiao Su master.

However, this master is not that master, it is just a sign of respect.

"Get away! Get away!!!" Luo Gan slapped the housekeeper's hand away without any clue, "My brother is very powerful, very powerful! I don't need your support!!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, it was 'Bang! ' sound.

Qiao Su fell to the ground and said, "Ouch!"


Don't need his help?
Very powerful? ?
"Hahaha, it's okay! My brother is practicing Qing Kung! Isn't that right, brother?" Luo Gan picked up a wine glass in each hand, stood up shakily, walked around the stool, and stood in front of Qiao Su, He bent down and handed one of the cups to Qiao Su, "Come on, brother, let's do it. After drinking this cup, then you can fly slowly!"

"Okay!" Qiao Su didn't take the wine glass. He stumbled up from the ground and almost knocked over the wine in Luo Gan's hand. Fortunately, Luo Gan held it steady and only a few drops spilled.

"Fly, I fly!"

Qiao Su opened his hands like a roc spreading its wings, and his feet danced like a heavy duck, twisting and turning.

The scene was so funny and hilarious that the butler on the side couldn't help but cover his mouth with his hands and laugh secretly.

A Yuansheng richest man!
A quack poison sect!
He looks like this when he is drunk, hahahahaha! ! ! !
Fortunately, the place was cleared in advance before drinking, otherwise if someone saw this and spread it... I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to keep this face.

"I'm flying, I'm flying!" Qiao Su was still jumping and flying, "Brother! Look at me, brother, if I can fly well! Can I fly high!!!"

"Okay! Good, good!!!" Luo Gan clapped, completely forgetting the wine glass in his hand. The wine glass was hit like this, and all the sake in it was spilled.His hands were wet with wine and he couldn't escape even with his sleeves. He seemed unaware and kept clapping, "Brother is awesome! You fly so well!! You fly so high!!!"

Not far away, on a gravel-paved path.

Shu Yaxian happened to see this scene in the Four Corner Pavilion and felt angry and funny.

The maid who was following behind saw the person in front of her stop and also stopped, "Madam?"

"Yes." Shu Yaxian turned around, glanced at the hangover soup in the maid's hand, and ordered: "Take it back and warm it first."

"Huh???" the maid was puzzled, "Aren't you going to cure the hangover for me?"

"I don't understand." Shu Yaxian turned around and looked at the Sijiao Pavilion not far away, "Let him drink when he is in high spirits!"

"But the master's body..."

"Once or twice, it's okay. Just keep it warm and well from now on." Shu Yaxian said, "On weekdays, I always hold him and don't let him drink. But now he is happy, so just let him drink. I won't Go and spoil the fun.”

"You go down first and warm the hangover soup. Don't let it get cold."

"Yes." The maid leaned over and was about to leave.

Shu Yaxian turned to her side and called to her, "Hey! Wait!"

The maid stopped and asked, "Do you have any other instructions, madam?"

"There is wind all around in the pavilion, and you can't blow it after drinking wine. Find someone to go over and pass a message to the butler and ask him to lower the curtain."

"Yes." The maid leaned and left, leaving Shu Yaxian alone, looking at the Four Corner Pavilion with a pair of beautiful eyes, full of worry.

Qiao Su got tired of jumping and stopped jumping, so the two of them sat back on the table.

After finishing a glass of wine, Qiao Su put his hand on Luo Gan's shoulder, "Brother, it's not me who's the elder brother talking about you, you talk about you, you, you, why are you so stingy!"

"Didn't Yao just follow me to study medicine? What a big deal! You are cutting off his money and letting dogs bite me. You, you, you, you, tell yourself what the big deal is!"

"Hey! Yes, yes, yes!!!" Luo Gan responded, "It's not a problem, it's not a problem!!!"

"If I hadn't accidentally saved your precious baby this time in the village, tell me, you wouldn't have considered me as your brother who we had a life-long friendship with from now on!"

"Hey! No, no, no, no!!!!" Luo Gan shook his head like a rattle, "That can't be done, that can't be done. My brother and I are brothers who have had a close friendship! I am Luo Gan today Even if I don’t recognize anyone, I can’t deny you, brother!”

"Hmph! This, this is almost enough!!!" Qiao Su groaned and filled the wine glass, "Come on! Brother who died!! We have to drink this glass of wine!"

"Okay! Good!! Drink! Drink!!!"

Luo Gan raised the empty wine glass and touched it with Qiao Su. He was about to drink, but Qiao Su held his hand.

He tilted his head, looking left and right, "Eh? Eh??? Brother, is your wine different from mine???"


One is full and the other is empty. It’s crazy if they can be the same!
"Huh? Really???" Luo Gan put the empty wine glass over and stared at the two glasses cross-eyed for a while, "What's the difference? Obviously, they are all the same. They all have the same wine bottle. What difference can there be if it is poured out!"

Qiao Su also stared at the wine glass seriously for a while, and then nodded in agreement, "Yeah! Yes!! Same!! Same!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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