Chapter 293 More beautiful than me?

"It's my brother, I saw it wrong! I saw it wrong hahahaha!!!"

Qiao Su patted Luo Gan heavily on the shoulder, "Brother is getting old! His eyesight is also blurred!! Brother, please don't argue with me!!!"

"Brother, I will make it up to you! I, I will punish myself with three drinks now!!!"

As Qiao Su spoke, he raised his head and drank all the wine in the glass.

"Give me a break!" Luo Gan opened his mouth and said, "I, as a younger brother, no, I don't blame my brother, so I will follow my brother's lead and you will punish yourself with three drinks!"

Seeing Luo Gan's three cups in a row being empty, the butler said: "..."


He really saw a ghost!

Luo Gan put down his wine glass and chirped, "Brother, my wine seems to be a little different from yours. After three glasses, it feels like I haven't drank at all!"


Just be different.

"Huh??? Really??? Then, let's have another drink, you, you drink mine! I drink yours!!!"

"Okay! Okay!! Okay!!!"


For the remaining ten days in Chenjiacun, Luo Jiuli's daily schedule was very full.

Teach children martial arts in the morning, and tell fortunes and divination to people in the afternoon.

In his free time, he would help Jun Mohan walk around. As his health got better, the two of them would often fly to the roof and watch the moon together.

The moon hangs on the branches, frogs croak and dogs bark.

The evening breeze was blowing, so pleasant.

Luo Jiuli was having her menstrual period and was a little afraid of the cold. When the wind blew, she snuggled into Jun Mohan's arms.

Jun Mohan hugged her and said, "Why don't we stop looking at the moon tonight? Let's go down!"

"No!" Luo Jiuli turned her little head in his arms, looking at the moon in the sky with her almond-shaped eyes, "I will leave tomorrow. If you don't see such a beautiful moon now, you won't have to see it when you return to the capital."

Here she can sit on the roof and watch the moonlight without any worries.

But when she returned to the capital, although the moon was the same, things and people were different. The imperial city, which was full of conspiracies and intrigues, would never allow her to gaze at the moon without any distractions.

Jun Mohan obviously knew what she meant, and rubbed her little head with his big hand, "Freedom is what my wife wants in her heart, but my husband has selfishly banned you in this world. Have you ever regretted it?"

When Jun Mohan asked this question, he felt very nervous. He stared at Luo Jiuli closely with his phoenix eyes, fearing that the answer she said was the last thing he wanted to hear.

"Regret? Why do I regret it??" Luo Jiu's little head arched in Jun Mohan's arms, "If I really regret it, what I regret most is that I didn't meet you earlier. Otherwise, if my father leaves, then In this difficult time, maybe I can still be by your side!"

Jun Mohan suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and tightened his hand on Luo Jiuli's waist, "Yeah."

Silly lady, we have known each other for a long time!
"Hey! Jun Mohan, look!" Luo Jiuli sat up suddenly, pointing excitedly into the distance, "It's a shooting star! A shooting star!!! Come on, come on! Make a wish!!" !”

Luo Jiuli closed his eyes, clasped his hands together and placed them on his chest.

Jun Mohan looked in the direction of Luo Jiuli's finger and saw a stream of light crossing the sky.

It's Xingyun.

Jun Mohan frowned slightly. At this time, Luo Jiuli had already made a wish and opened his eyes.

She looked at Jun Mohan, who was still immersed in his own thoughts, and reached out to shake his arm, "Why are you so stunned! Make a wish! Make a wish on a shooting star, but your wish will come true!"

"Oh!" Jun Mohan retracted his thoughts, "Okay!!" He imitated Luo Jiuli's appearance just now, closed his eyes, clasped his hands together, placed them on his chest, and made a decent wish.

Not far away, a group of secret guards hiding in the dark: "..."

The falling star is obviously a bad omen, but when did it become a shooting star that can make wishes? ? ?

After a while, Jun Mohan finished his wish and opened his eyes.

"What wish did you make?" Luo Jiuli asked curiously.

"I wish for my husband..."

Before Jun Mohan finished speaking, Luo Jiuli reached out and covered his mouth.

"Hey! Forget it, stop talking!!"

“It won’t work if you say it!!!”

Jun Mohan held the catkins on his lips and smiled fondly, "Okay."

Luo Jiuli's eyes flashed slightly, his head resting on Jun Mohan's shoulder, looking at the bright moon in the sky and the stars, he couldn't help but sigh: "It's so beautiful!"

"Not one ten thousandth as beautiful as my wife." Jun Mohan answered smoothly.

"You talkative!" Luo Jiuli scolded with a smile. She showed her fists and punched Jun Mohan's chest moderately.

Jun Mohan held Luo Jiuli's little hand and covered it on his chest with a rare touch, "If you like it, my wife, after this matter is over, my husband will take you to the border to see it, okay?"

Luo Jiuli looked at the moonlight intently, and playfully pressed his fingertips on his palm, "Borderland???"

"Yes." Jun Mohan gently rubbed Luo Jiuli's head, "There is a vast desert there, and there are also towering green mountains. The sky and water are the same color and sparkling. It is very beautiful!"

"My wife will be delighted to see you!"

"Haha!" Luo Jiuli raised his eyebrows slightly, "She's more beautiful than me?"

"That's incomparable." Jun Mohan said without hesitation.

"Huh???" Luo Jiuli sat up straight and pouted, "Didn't you just say that the beauty in the world is not one ten thousandth as good as mine!"

"Hmph! Man! They are all liars after all!!"

"Hahahahahaha!!!" Jun Mohan was amused by Luo Jiuli's reaction. He put his hand on her shoulders and gently pulled her back into his arms. "What I mean as a husband is that those scenery are nothing like the lady." There is no comparison. If we really compare, then they will only be eclipsed!"

Luo Jiuli, who was originally swaying in Jun Mohan's arms, immediately calmed down when he heard these words, "That's pretty much it!"

"Eh!" Wen Yi's little head popped up from under the roof, looking at the two people hugging each other and talking lovingly in front of them, her face was filled with relief and a chill at the same time, "Are you so tired?!"

When Luo Jiuli heard this, he glanced at her calmly, his disgust evident in his words.

"Hehehehe!!! Don't be weird, Sister-in-law Wang, don't be weird, Sister-in-law Wang, I just came up to take a look, I'm leaving now, I'm leaving now, I won't disturb you and Brother Wang from admiring the moon, hehehe!!!"

Wen Yi smiled apologetically and immediately ran away before Luo Jiuli got angry.

Luo Jiuli rolled his eyes secretly, that bitch ran pretty fast!

The night was slightly cool, and soon the mist covered the moon. Jun Mohan held Luo Jiuli's slim waist and flew down, landing in the courtyard.

"Woof woof woof woof!!!!" Xiao Huang ran over happily wagging his tail.

"Haha!" Luo Jiuli smiled and knelt down and touched the little yellow dog's head, "Good boy, little yellow!!!"

"Woof woof woof woof woof!!!" Xiao Huang stuck out his tongue to lick the palm of Luo Jiuli's hand.

Luo Jiuli raised his hand to avoid it, and then touched its head, "Well, Xiao Huang is so good. It's late at night, it's time to go to bed! Good night, Xiao Huang!!!"

 Ahhhh! ! !Finally, I will leave Chenjiacun tomorrow! ! ! !Sprinkle flowers! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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