Chapter 295: If you don’t like it, go away!
After Uncle Niu finished speaking, he looked at Luo Jiuli and said to her, "I have nothing to do. I just heard a few days ago that you were leaving today. I thought it would be inconvenient to walk, so I came here to give you a ride! Hahahaha , I never thought you would actually have a carriage!"

"Yeah, yeah!" Luo Jiuli nodded vigorously and said, "I accept your kindness, thank you Uncle Niu!"

"Hey! What's so polite about this!" Uncle Niu waved his hand, "Okay, since you have a carriage, I will go back. Fortunately, I met you at the intersection, otherwise you would have to follow me for a while longer. .”

Uncle Niu led the cow and turned around. After exiting the small road, it was the main road in the village. Uncle Niu stood on the side of the road and let the carriage go first.

Wei Yan drove the carriage over. When passing by, Luo Jiuli lifted the curtain and stuck his head out. He grabbed a handful of grapes and handed them to Uncle Niu, "Uncle Niu, eat the grapes."

"Oh! No..." Uncle Niu wanted to say no, but Luo Jiuli stretched out his hand in front of him, and he had to reach out to catch it, "Hey! OK, OK, OK, OK!!!"

After delivering the grapes, Luo Jiuli sat back down.

She rested her head on Jun Mohan's shoulder, and tugged on his sleeve. When he looked over, his mouth was slightly open. Jun Mohan immediately understood what he meant, picked up a grape, peeled it, and fed it to her mouth. inside.

One, two, three...

One feeds tirelessly, and the other eats contentedly.

Xiao Zuo's jaw dropped in shock, "..."

This is...the legendary King Yi? ? ?

Cold-blooded? ? ? ?
Mars? ? ? ? ?

Noticing Xiao Zuo's gaze, Luo Jiuli glanced at him, "What are you looking at!"

After finishing the grapes in her mouth, Jun Mohan handed another one over, but Luo Jiuli didn't want to eat it. She shook her head and nuzzled at the oranges on the table.

The next second, Jun Mohan ate the grapes in his hand, and then picked up an orange among the many fruits and started peeling it.

Looking at the piece of orange that was brought to her mouth, Luo Jiuli smiled with satisfaction. She took the orange into her mouth in one gulp, "I quite understand!"

Jun Mohan curled his lips, "My husband and my wife have a good understanding."

"Eh!" Wen Yi said, making goose bumps.

"..." Xiao Zuo, "Why don't you be so annoying!"

"Yes!" Luo Jiuli blurted out, eating an orange in his mouth, "Look at it if you like, but get out if you don't!"

"..." Xiao Zuo curled his lips aggrievedly. He looked at Jun Mohan, who was still peeling oranges, and asked a soul-like question, "She is so fierce, and you like her too???"

"Everything the lady says is right, it's the truth, you have to listen!" Jun Mohan kept peeling the oranges and added, "No matter what the lady looks like, she is lovely in my husband's eyes. My husband is very happy!"

Luo Jiuli smiled broadly, "Then what if I turn into an ugly monster one day?"

"That's also the cutest ugly thing in the world, the most beautiful ugly thing! My husband loves it!"

"Hey! Man!! He always tells lies!!!"

Luo Jiuli rolled his eyes disdainfully, but he was very happy in his heart. Even if he knew it was a lie, he was still happy.

"Ah!!!" As soon as Luo Jiuli opened her mouth, a piece of orange was fed into her mouth. She ate it with satisfaction, "How good!"

Xiao Zuo: “…………”

Is he... a bit redundant?
"Hey!!!" The carriage stopped again.

Jun Mohan asked, "What happened again???"

"Sir, there are people crowding in front of us, blocking the road and making it impossible for the carriage to pass." As soon as Wei Yan finished speaking, several voices came over.

"Hey! Look! Here we come! Isn't the person driving the carriage the guard from Jiuli Yatou's house!!"

"I just said Jiuli girl will definitely pass through here!"

"Yes, yes, you are right, but why did he park the carriage there? Can't come over??"

"Are you planning to find another way out of the village after seeing us blocking the road?"

"It's true that we stopped when we saw the road blocked, but it's impossible to find another way out of the village!"

"We only have this main road in Chenjia Village. If you go anywhere else, the carriage will not be able to pass."

Hearing this, Luo Jiuli smiled and said, "Come over, they are all here to see you off."

"Yes!" Wei Yan responded and waved his whip, "Drive!"

The carriage didn't take two steps before it stopped in front of the crowd.

As soon as Luo Jiuli got off the carriage, he was surrounded by enthusiastic villagers.

"Girl Jiuli, the fifth aunt was afraid that you would be hungry on the road, so she brought you some horse hooves from our own field. They were peeled for you. They are very sweet and clean. You just need to eat them."

"And me, me, me, too!" Second Sister-in-law Chen held a bowl and raised it high, "Jiuli girl, don't you like the food cooked by Second Sister-in-law the most? Second Sister-in-law knew you were leaving, so she specially cooked the fish for you. , you can take it with you to eat on the way, the bowls and chopsticks are all prepared for you!"

"Little master, my old apprentice has nothing to give you. I even went to the town overnight and bought a beggar's chicken. I don't know if it tastes good or not. Anyway, the name of the store is quite famous. It should be good. No!"

"Sister Luo, small steamed buns are called steamed buns, so why don't I give you two buns?"

Little Mantou's words made everyone laugh.

"Hahahaha, little steamed buns, my fourth uncle thought you would say that your name is steamed buns, so I gave you sister Luo two steamed buns! I didn't expect that you, a steamed bun, would actually give you steamed buns!"

"Hahahahaha, yes, yes!! I thought so too!!!"

The little steamed bun pouted, "I wanted to give sister Luo steamed buns, but grandma said there are no steamed buns at home, so it's the same as sending steamed buns."

"Hahahahaha!!!" Everyone laughed, "His third aunt, you can't coax a child like this. Steamed buns are steamed buns, steamed buns are steamed buns, one thing is the same thing, and the two things are not the same!"

Luo Jiuli smiled slightly, took the steamed bun from the third aunt's hand and held it in her arms. She pinched his chubby little face and said, "Don't listen to these uncles and aunts. What your grandma said clearly meant, give it as a gift." The intention of making steamed buns and delivering steamed buns is the same, right?”

"Yeah, yeah." Little Mantou nodded and put the bun in his hand to Luo Jiuli's mouth, "Sister Luo, eat it."

Luo Jiuli had just had breakfast and was not hungry at all, but looking at the expectant look on the little steamed bun, he still took a bite and chewed it twice, "Well, it's so delicious, the little steamed bun is so good, thank you little steamed bun! "

Seeing that Luo Jiuli liked to eat the steamed buns he sent, the little steamed bun grinned, "You're welcome!"

Luo Jiuli put the steamed bun on the ground and took the one she took a bite of. "Sister Luo, one is enough. If there are two buns left, could you please help little steamed bun eat them?"

"Okay!" Little Mantou nodded solemnly, as if he had been given a sense of mission.

"Well, little steamed bun is so good!" Luo Jiuli rubbed his head and praised him again.

 Left, left, finally left! ! !Starting from the next chapter, it’s the plot of the capital! ! ! !

   ps: Please take leave tomorrow!Update the day after tomorrow, [-] or [-] depending on the situation!
(End of this chapter)

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