Chapter 296 Sister Luo, are you still leaving?

She straightened up and looked at everyone, "Uncles and aunts, I have been taking care of you in Chenjiacun these days, I thank you!"

"Thank you for nothing! Take care of me for nothing! If you really want to thank you, it's us who should thank you!"

"That's right!!! Jiuli girl, you told us fortunes! You only got one copper for each fortune telling, as if it was free of charge. You also taught our children in the village how to practice martial arts, and even Shu Xiu didn't take it from you. I really want to say thank you." , we are also thanking you!”

"No! If it weren't for Jiuli girl, I would have almost lost my life!" said the third cousin, "Jiuli girl is a big-hearted person. Otherwise, based on my previous attitude towards you, I would have been in hell long ago. It’s on the edge!”

"My little steamed bun is the same!" the third aunt said, "Last time our little steamed bun fell into the water, none of us on the shore knew how to swim. If it hadn't been for the Jiuli girl next to us, she flew over and rescued the little steamed bun. Get up, our family may not be able to escape the bad luck of the white-haired people sending the black-haired people away!"

"Me too…………"


Everyone talked about Luo Jiuli's deeds in helping them.

There were so many people talking and Luo Jiuli couldn't get a word in, so he had no choice but to stand there and wait for them to finish.

At this time, Xiao Zuo came out of the window and urged: "Sister Luo, are you still leaving?"

Everyone's talking suddenly stopped.

Luo Jiuli turned around and opened his mouth. Before he could say anything, someone said, "It's Xiao Zuo! Why are you on the carriage?? Are you going to the capital with Jiuli girl???"

"Yes." Xiao Zuo nodded and urged Luo Jiuli, "Sister Luo, it's time to go."

"Oh! Okay!!" Luo Jiuli finally spoke this time.

"You kid, why are you urging me so much!" Third cousin aunt glanced at Xiao Zuo, "Jiuli girl is leaving soon. I don't know when we will meet next time. Why don't you ask us to talk to her more?" If you know how to urge, why urge?”

"That's right!" Second Sister-in-law Chen helped, "When Jiuli girl leaves, no one will praise my sister-in-law for how delicious the food she cooks! You! Just stop urging her and let us talk to her more!"

Xiao Zuo, "This is not a rush..."

"Third cousin, second sister-in-law, stop talking about Xiao Zuo!" Luo Jiuli smiled slightly, "We are in a hurry! We have to leave quickly, otherwise we may have to spend the night in the mountains later. "

"Hey! That's it! Then Cheng Chengcheng, we won't delay you. You can take your food with you to eat on the way, and hurry up! Let's go!"

The third cousin's aunt put the thing in her hand into Luo Jiuli's arms, and Luo Jiuli took a step back to avoid it.

She waved her hand, "No, no, no, no, no, I can't take it, I can't take it!"

"Ouch! There's nothing we can't accept! Take it, take it!"

The third cousin's aunt took a step forward and stuffed her into Luo Jiuli's arms.

"Yes, yes! As well as my sister-in-law, take them all together!!!"

"Auntie, I have to accept mine too! Come on, come on!!!!"

Seeing everyone delivering things in front of her, Luo Jiuli couldn't laugh or cry, and stopped him: "Okay, uncles and aunts, take all these things back. I have enough food in the carriage, no matter how much... I can’t eat it and I can’t pretend to, so you all can take it back, take it back!”

Luo Jiuli pushed their hands back one by one. At first, everyone refused to give up and shouted for Luo Jiuli to take it back.

In the end, Luo Jiuli spoke to them for a long time before everyone gave up and made way for the carriage to pass by.

Luo Jiuli got on the carriage, poked his head out of the window and waved, "Goodbye cousin, goodbye second sister-in-law, goodbye aunt..."

"Goodbye, Jiuli girl!" Everyone waved to Luo Jiuli reluctantly.


The carriage sped away, leaving a trail of flying dust behind.

In the carriage, Xiao Zuo looked at Luo Jiuli, who was leaning on Jun Mohan's shoulder and eating grapes, with a sad look on his face, "I want to leave too, why are they sending it to you instead of to me?" Luo Jiuli wanted to spit out grape seeds, I was too lazy to get up, and at this moment a hand stretched out from the side.

She moved her gaze upward and met a pair of slightly smiling and doting eyes.

She blinked twice and said, "Your hands are so beautiful. I can't bear to vomit for fear of getting them dirty."

"Then stop vomiting." Jun Mohan's lips curled up slightly, and he was about to take his hand back, but Luo Jiuli grabbed him, "Hey! Don't, don't, don't, don't!!!"

Then Jun Mohan's palms warmed up, and three or five tiny grape seeds suddenly appeared in his palms.

He didn't mind it, and threw the grape seeds on the table, without even wiping his hands, and continued to peel the oranges without changing his expression.

Luo Jiuli still rested his head on Jun Mohan's shoulder, glanced at Xiao Zuo lightly, and replied to what he just said, "Character is revealed at critical moments."

Xiao Zuo: “…………”

Shen Tema’s character is revealed at the critical moment!

"You character is not good enough???"

"Otherwise?" Luo Jiuli lazily raised his eyelids, "Otherwise, why would they only send it to me and not to you???"

"That...that's because of you. They already knew that you were leaving, but they just knew that I was leaving!"

"Oh! Yes!!!" Luo Jiuli nodded pretendingly, and then said angrily, "So, they told you not to rush, not to talk, and stay where you can to cool down!"

"..." Xiao Zuo was speechless and just stared at Luo Jiuli, "Humph!"

Jun Mohan put the sliced ​​orange into Luo Jiuli's mouth, and Luo Jiuli opened his mouth and ate it.

The sweet and sour taste put her in a great mood, her almond-shaped eyes slightly curved, and she rubbed her shoulder against Jun Mohan, "My husband is so kind!"

After being coquettish, he continued to look at Xiao Zuo and stuck out his tongue mischievously, "I just like the way you can't stand it, but you can't kill me!"

Xiao Zuo: “…………”

Didn't he just snort?
When did you say you couldn't stand her?

Moreover, why did she smile and act coquettishly towards Jun Mohan, but she was either sarcastic or sarcastic towards him! ! ! !

Jun Mohan pursed his lips and smiled, then scraped the bridge of Luo Jiuli's nose with his index finger, "Naughty."

"Hehe." Luo Jiuli smiled and rubbed Jun Mohan's shoulder again, like a little cat.

On the other side, Chenjia Village.

Chen Wang helped Chen Tingting carry water, but accidentally wet her clothes.

He wanted to go back to the room and change some clothes, but he ran out quickly as soon as he entered the room.

"Auntie! Auntie!!"

Aunt Chen took a stool and sat under the eaves to choose wild vegetables. When she heard Chen Wang's voice, she stopped what she was doing and looked over, "Why are you running so frizzy? Didn't I ask you to change your clothes?"

"Silver! Silver!! So much silver!!!"

Chen Wang held an inconspicuous but slightly bulging gray money bag in his hand.

He brought the money bag to Aunt Chen, who was surprised, "Whose does this belong to? Where did you see it????"

 Hey little darlings, I will only update one chapter for the time being!

(End of this chapter)

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