The Almighty Princess: She makes waves in the capital with her metaphysics

Chapter 297 There’s nothing to be afraid of when you’re old!

Chapter 297 There’s nothing to be afraid of when you’re old!

"Bedside! Right next to the pillow!" Chen Wang said, "I saw it as soon as I entered."

The wild vegetables that had no time to choose in the future slipped from Aunt Chen's fingertips, and she took the money bag from Chen Wang's hand.

There was a heavy feeling in her palms even if she didn't open the purse, and she knew that the amount in it must be quite large.

She stood up tremblingly and looked into the distance with her turbid eyes, "This girl is usually rude and unreasonable when she eats anything. The old lady really thought she regarded this place as her own home, but she didn't expect that she would I left such a hand behind."

"Auntie, what should we do now?" Chen Wang looked at the money bag in Auntie Chen's hand, "Do we want to accept this money?"

"Of course we can't accept it!" Aunt Chen looked away, looked down at Chen Wang, and taught Chun Chun, "Awang, we can accept some money, but we absolutely cannot accept some money."

"Huh????" Chen Wang looked confused, obviously not understanding the meaning of Aunt Chen's words.

"Your sister Luo has lived in our house for so long, and most of the food and drinks are brought by your brother Zuo and the old squad leader. We can eat a lot of good things with her!"

"She is Mr. Qiao's beloved disciple. We have received so much care from your Grandpa Qiao on weekdays. We can't forget this!"

"Moreover, she also made it convenient for your sister. In a few days, your sister will be able to work in the town!"

"Even if you don't say this, your sister Luo tells people in the village. Each fortune is only a copper coin. She still goes out of her way to give us half of it. Even so, she doesn't owe us anything." Aunt Chen touched it. Chen looked at his head, his eyes full of love, "So, we must not accept this money, do you understand?"

"Yeah, Ah Wang knows!" Chen Wang nodded vigorously.

"Ah Wang is so good!" Aunt Chen smiled happily. She put the money bag into Chen Wang's hand, "Your third cousin and the others are waiting to see you off at the entrance of the village, Sister Luo. Now hurry up and go to the entrance of the village to see. See if the carriage is still there, if it is, I will return the money to your sister Luo, if not, you will come back."

"Okay! Let's go now!!" Chen Wang nodded solemnly, turned around and ran out.

"Hey!" Aunt Chen raised her hand to stop him and scolded him with a smile, "You brat, you can't hold so much money so arrogantly. What if it makes people jealous? You should hide it in your arms!"

"Yeah, yeah, I got it, I got it!!!"

Chen Wang followed his words and put the money bag into his chest. As soon as he ran out the door, he bumped into Chen Tingting who was returning from carrying water.

If Chen Tingting hadn't dodged in time, the water she finally picked up would have had to go back and be picked up again.

However, even if Chen Tingting dodged in time, the excessive range of movements still caused some water in the bucket to overflow.

She lifted up the wet hem of her skirt and asked, "What are you doing in such a hurry?"

"Repay the money to Sister Luo!"

Chen Wang ran very fast, and in the time it took Chen Tingting to lower her head to look at the corner of her skirt, she had already run far away, and her voice drifted into Chen Tingting's ears on the wind.

Chen Tingting couldn't hear it clearly. She looked at Chen Wang's disappearing figure with a look of confusion on her face and whispered, "Repay the money? What kind of money? Whose money???"

There was no one around, except Xiao Huang who ran out of the courtyard wagging his tail and kept circling around her, and no one answered her questions.She smiled, and without resting, she put down her skirt, picked up the water, and walked into the courtyard.

After seeing Chen Wang off, Aunt Chen continued to choose wild vegetables under the eaves.

Chen Tingting came in with water, rested at the door of the kitchen for a while, then carried the water into the kitchen with great strength, and poured all the water into the pot so that she could boil water for bathing later.

After doing this, she put down the bucket and walked out of the kitchen. She raised her hand to wipe the sweat from her forehead. She looked at Aunt Chen under the eaves and said, "Auntie, let's leave for Chang'en Town early tomorrow morning. Why don't you choose so many wild vegetables?" No matter how much you cook, you can’t finish it.”

Aunt Chen kept moving her hands, "Bake more and take it with you. You can still eat it on the road in the first two days."

"It's hot today, I'm afraid the food will be sour early tomorrow morning, you might as well have a good rest." Chen Tingting wiped the sweat from her forehead and then wiped the sweat from her neck, "It's a long way to go, and we have to go back and forth. I don’t know how long it will take, and the journey will not be as comfortable as at home. When the time comes, you won’t be able to lie down and rest so comfortably.”

"I haven't been anywhere when I was young, so I have nothing to be afraid of when I get old!"

Aunt Chen's movements still didn't stop, she raised her eyes and glanced at Chen Tingting.

"It's you, you have to think about it carefully. Do you really want to go to Laoshi Chang'en Town with the old lady?"

"Of course I'm going!" Chen Tingting said without hesitation, "You and Awang, old and young, are walking so far together. How can I feel relieved if you don't follow?"

"Besides, I know how happy I am to know that my father is still alive. If he could give me a pair of wings, I would fly to him right away!"

"You kid, it's good to be filial. My mother-in-law can see it and knows it."

Aunt Chen stopped what she was doing, looked at Chen Tingting and said, "But you must think clearly. The Jinyi Fang in the town will open at the beginning of next month. We have been away for only half a month, but we will never come back!"

"If you miss the opening of Jinyifang, I'm afraid you will let down Jiuli girl's heart! This is also a loss for you. I'm afraid we will never be able to find such a good place again in our town!"

"It's okay, Auntie, Luo"

Before Chen Tingting could finish her words, she was interrupted by Aunt Chen, "I know that you are happy that the old man is alive, and I am also very excited about it, but your job is hard-earned, and it was the Jiuli girl who sold her favor. We have worked so hard to ask for it, and we must not let her down!"

"Tell me about you. In the past, when we were working in the capital, the three of us couldn't see each other more than once in a year and a half. You, too, are suffering from serious illnesses and minor pains."

Seeing that Aunt Chen was getting louder and louder, Chen Tingting interrupted loudly, "Auntie, it's okay. Miss Luo knows that we are going to Chang'en Town. She specifically told me in the kitchen when we were washing dishes after dinner last night. We can go to work at Jinyifang whenever we come back, as long as we tell the shopkeeper her name by then."

"Hey! There's this thing! Is it real or fake???" Aunt Chen asked.

"Of course it's true. How can I lie to you?" Chen Tingting smiled. She walked to Aunt Chen, squatted down and picked up a wild vegetable. "These are small things. Mom, don't worry about it. Let's choose wild vegetables quickly." Well, I'll boil some water when Awang comes back soon, so that we three can take a quick bath and go on a long trip tomorrow."

"Haha, okay, okay!!!" Mrs. Chen responded with a smile, but still asked with a little worry, "It will take at least three months for us to go back and forth. It takes such a long time to go to Jinyifang to work, nine Will it be difficult for Li Yatou to be a good person?"

 Ahem!Someone urged me to update, and I felt very relieved. Due to work reasons, I stopped updating for about ten days in the past few days, but some people think that I will still persist, and I will try my best to update in the future, but I may only update one chapter every day!

(End of this chapter)

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