Chapter 298 Alas!son! !Are you OK! ! !
Chen Tingting shook her head and affirmed, "No, Miss Luo..."

"Aniang! Aniang!!!"

Chen Wang quickly rushed in from the outside with a big lump in his arms.

He stopped in front of Aunt Chen and Chen Tingting, mother and daughter, bending over and panting heavily, her cheeks hunched red.

"Village, village, people at the entrance of the village, morning, morning..."

"Okay! It's so early!" Aunt Chen put down the wild vegetables, "Wait until you get out of breath before you speak. You're stammering and stumbling. It gives me a headache."

She looked at the big lump in Chen Wang's arms and understood, "He's gone, and the money hasn't been returned, right?"

"Silver? What silver??"

Chen Tingting asked, and Aunt Chen told her about Luo Jiuli secretly leaving money beside the pillow, and also said, "That girl, she looks careless, but in fact she is very thoughtful!"

She looked at Chen Tingting and said, "You have to learn this from Jiuli girl. Don't be smart on the outside but confused on the inside!"

When Chen Tingting heard this, her hands that picked the food paused slightly, and she felt a mixture of emotions in her heart. Of course, she was more grateful.

The fact that she was able to leave the palace safely was an exceptional grace from the prince and princess. For her, it was even more of a great gift.

"Yes, I know." Chen Tingting said quietly.

"Good morning, long gone!" Chen Wang finally took a breath, "When I went there, the people at the entrance of the village had long dispersed, and I didn't see Sister Luo at all!"

He took out the money bag from his arms and held it in his hand, "Mom, what should I do now?"

"What should I do?" Aunt Chen said with a smile, "Everyone is gone, what else can I do? Just accept it!"

On the other side, Yangjiacun.

The old boss carried a fish and as soon as he entered the yard, the second boss rushed out of the main room in a hurry.

"Abba! Abba!! Silver!!! Silver!!!!"

"Silver? What kind of silver??" The old team leader didn't care much and continued walking towards the main room. "You're still talking about silver. Are you crazy?"

The second daughter-in-law appeared at the door of the main house with a heavy belly. She held the door with one hand and gently caressed her pregnant belly with the other hand. "Dad, the second brother is not crazy. He is really rich."

"Yes, Dad, look!" The second brother caught up and handed the money bag in his hand to the old man.

The gray money bag is inconspicuous.

But if Aunt Chen were here, she would definitely say, why is this exactly the same as what Jiuli girl left for her!
Looking at the money bag in front of him, the old team leader paused.

He stuffed the fish rope into his old man's hand, took the money bag and looked at it carefully, and casually said, "This fish is for your wife to replenish her health. Take it to the kitchen and cook it for your mother-in-law." "

"Yeah, okay." The second son said, but he didn't move at all. He looked at the old team leader who was staring at the money bag seriously, and asked curiously, "But what did you see?"

"Yes." The old team leader nodded and said to the second boy, "The material used in this purse is not bad, but very few people can afford it!"

Second child, "Can extraordinary people afford it? Then this..."

"This is from the little master!" the old squad leader said firmly.

"Little Master???" the second daughter-in-law slowly walked towards the two of them, holding her belly.

She knew about Luo Jiuli and was grateful.

If she hadn't said that her baby was a boy and a girl, she might have really listened to Dr. Wang's words and thought that the baby was just a boy.

"Why did Junior Master send money to our house?" The second daughter-in-law stopped in front of the two of them and asked in confusion.When the second child saw her coming, he stretched out his hand to support her and said, "Be careful, child."

"I'm just telling you that my little master stayed at Old Chen's house next door. We sent so many chickens, ducks, and fish. How could she accept it so easily?" The old team leader threw the money bag in his hand into the air and held it steady. He caught it steadily, "But now that I think about it, when she received it, she might have been thinking about today!"


Even in Chenjiacun, with Kang Xiang and a group of secret guards around, it was impossible for news from the capital to escape Jun Mohan's ears.

Everything is under control!
Therefore, the few of them were not in a hurry to return to Beijing, but took their time slowly, as if they were going out for fun. If they encountered good scenery on the way, they would stay for a while to enjoy it before setting off again.

The carriage arrived in the capital five days later.

It's half past the time of application, and the setting sun is setting in the west.

There are three long and winding queues lined up under the tall tower, bustling with people coming in and out.

Everyone entering or leaving will be questioned by officers and soldiers.

"What are you doing in Beijing?"

"Lu Yin, take it out and have a look!"

"What's that in your hand?"

When it was the turn of Luo Jiuli and others, officers and soldiers also blocked their way.

"Who's in the car?"

"It's my master, wife and young master."

Wei Yan wore a large bamboo hat, which almost covered half of his face.

Only the exposed chin and outline are covered with beard, making it hard to see clearly.

"Lift the curtain and take a look." The officers and soldiers had a straight face, as if Wei Yan would not lift the curtain and he would do it for him.

Wei Yan took off his bamboo hat, revealing a completely unfamiliar face with beards that even Zisu Xinyi wouldn't recognize.

"Thanks to the accommodation of Mr. Laoguan, my young master went to Zhuangzi with his wife to stay for two days. Unexpectedly, the people below had a strange disease but they concealed it. As a result, my young master also contracted the strange disease. No, we I'm rushing back to the city to seek treatment from a doctor. Young master, he can't see the wind. Can you see if you can..."

"No!" The officers and soldiers refused, and even the money that Wei Yan had almost stuffed into his arms was pushed back unmoved by him. "The wedding is coming soon, and the city is under martial law. We are following orders and must not Selfishness!"

"Then..." Wei Yan opened his mouth and was about to say something, but as soon as he said the word, several coughs came from the carriage, "Cough, cough, cough, cough!"

Wei Yan, who was about to lift the curtain, stopped when he heard the sound and said with an apologetic smile to the officers and soldiers: "I've been coughing all the time. I can't do anything at the moment, but sir, you have to stay away. Don't just do it because of official duties." Just one look and you could be infected with a strange disease like my young master, this is absolutely unavoidable!"

"Yeah." The officer and the soldier agreed, took a few steps back, and then covered their mouths and noses with their sleeves, "Lift it!"

"Hey! Yes!!" Wei Yan asked as he lifted the curtain, "The official just said that the emperor is getting married. What does this mean? Aren't we, the Queen of Yuansheng Kingdom, doing well! Where did this...... marriage come from? "

While Wei Yan was speaking, he had already opened the curtain, and two middle-aged men and women in the carriage were cuddling together, so loving!

Sitting next to him was a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy, covering his mouth and coughing weakly, "Cough, cough, cough, cough~"

"Oh! Son!! Are you okay!"

The middle-aged woman asked with a concerned look on her face, but she didn't move her body at all. She was still leaning on her husband's shoulder, and she didn't say anything about going over to pat her son on the back who was coughing badly.

 Ahem, no update, it’s purely an accident! !it a accident! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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