Chapter 299: Work!Too pretentious!
"Cough, cough, cough!" Xiao Zuo continued to cough, his shoulders trembled and his voice was weak, "I'm fine, don't worry, mother."

With just one glance, the officers and soldiers waved their hands hurriedly, as if they were afraid of getting sick from what Wei Yan said, "Okay, okay, close it, close it quickly!"

"Hey! Okay! Okay, okay!!!" Wei Yan quickly closed the curtain.

Only then did the officers and soldiers come over. He fanned the air at the end of his nose with his hand in disgust, "You don't know about any happy events? Are you people from the capital? Where are the road guides? Show them to me."

"Hey! Lu Yin, Lu Yin." Wei Yan took out the Lu Yin from his arms and handed it to the officers and soldiers respectfully, "Here, hehehe."

"Yes." The officers and soldiers opened the road guide and checked carefully.

Wei Yan followed him to see it. Anyway, the road guide was real. No matter how he looked at the flowers, he couldn't find anything wrong.

"Of course we are from the capital. If you want to talk about the Holy Father's happy event, then I really know about it. But isn't this wedding in the middle of next month? Why is martial law starting now?"

"The woman is Princess Jingxian who is more favored than the princess in Fenglan Kingdom. The two countries are getting married. This is a big deal. We, the Holy See, value it very much and cannot tolerate any slight difference. Therefore, we are imposing martial law in advance. What's wrong with that?" The officers and soldiers put away their way. Yin, handed it back to Wei Yan, "Okay, let's go!"

"Hey! Thank you so much!!!" Wei Yan took Lu Yin into his arms, raised his whip and said, "Drive!"

As soon as the carriage entered the city gate, Xiao Zuo took off his disguise.

He sat up straight and looked sadly at Luo Jiuli beside him, who was still leaning sweetly on Jun Mohan's shoulder after his disguise.

"Why am I a son? Are you parents???"

"You don't believe me when I say you're stupid." Luo Jiuli didn't even bother to raise his eyelids, he just stared at Jun Mohan's hand peeling oranges. He was very slender and beautiful.

"I'm stupid???!!!" Xiao Zuo said angrily, "You, you, you, why do you say I'm stupid? Humph! You are the stupid one! You are the stupidest!!"

Luo Jiuli gave him a giving look and said a few words lightly, "You are stupid and don't know it. You are even stupider!"

Xiao Zuo gritted his teeth and said, "You"

"I what me!"

Jun Mohan peeled the orange and put a piece into Luo Jiuli's mouth. She ate it contentedly and talked.

"It's already halfway through the application time, and the city gate will be closed in a little while, and the officers and soldiers will change their shifts and guard at this time."

"In the past, at this time, there was chaos at the city gate. They would forget about all the directions and interrogations. They would not be checking the carriages and looking at the directions like they did just now."

"Haha." Jun Mohan chuckled, and fed the remaining two orange segments into Luo Jiuli's mouth, "When it's time to change the guard at the city gate, the wife knows better than the husband."

It is conceivable that Princess Yi, who is known to be very sick, must sneak out of the city on weekdays. Otherwise, how could she know so well?

However, if you think about it carefully, the first time the two of them met was at the General's Tomb, forty miles away on the outskirts of the city!

"Uh hehe." Luo Jiuli smiled awkwardly, holding Jun Mohan's arm and shaking it like a baby, "Oh! These are not the point!"

"Hey!" Xiao Zuo felt cold.

Acting coquettishly in front of a middle-aged woman's face, Zuo!Too pretentious!

Jun Mohan pursed his lips and smiled, rubbed Luo Jiuli's head lovingly, and followed her words and asked, "What is the key point according to what the lady said?"

"The point is that they are not normal!" Luo Jiuli sat up straight and said seriously: "On the Queen Mother's birthday, although there is martial law in the city, it is not like this. If people outside the city really want to come in without being interrogated, As long as you spend some money, it’s doable!”

"But as you saw just now, Old Wei stuffed his money with money, but it didn't work, so..."

"So?" Jun Mohan raised his eyebrows, "How?" "So, I think it's abnormal!" Luo Jiuli came to a solemn conclusion.

"Pfft!" Xiao Zuo couldn't help but laugh out loud, "Hahaha, Sister Luo, officers and soldiers are just their responsibilities. Don't be fooled by money. It's you who thinks too much!"

"Ha!" Luo Jiuli glanced at him, "What do you mean I think too much? I think you are a little brat who has never been beaten up by society!"

"Besides, I only said one thing, and I didn't say the other thing!"

Xiao Zuo, "Hahaha, okay, okay, what about the second one?"

"Secondly, it's because of you!" Luo Jiuli looked away and looked at Jun Mohan.

"Me???" Jun Mohan became interested and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"That's right, it's you!" Luo Jiuli touched his cheek with his fingertips, "I'm just telling you why you had to pull Xiao Zuo to do some disguise last night. You did it for a long time because you wanted to sneak into the city. It would be easier to fight then. The old witch was caught off guard, wasn’t she?!”

"Perhaps my husband is just out of curiosity and has a sudden interest." Jun Mohan said.

"But do it!" Luo Jiuli rolled her eyes at him, "Then you let Xiao Zuo pretend to cough."

She crossed her arms and looked arrogant, "If I hadn't been smart and picked up some clues from Old Wei's words, how could I have cooperated with you so well on the spot!"

Xiao Zuo, "Maybe it will be more effective if you don't cooperate."

It was the officer and soldier who was stupid. His son was coughing like crazy, while his mother was still leaning on her husband's shoulder leisurely, not looking anxious at all.

Anyone who sees her will find it strange, how could there be such a cruel woman in the world, but the officers and soldiers were so inconsiderate that they didn't notice any problems.

"If you can't speak, please shut your mouth!"

Luo Jiuli glared at Xiao Zuo fiercely and snorted in displeasure.

"Anyway, I don't care. It's because I cooperated well that the officers and soldiers didn't see any problems at all. That's why we sneaked into the city safely and quietly!"

"Yes, yes, everything my lady said is right!" Jun Mohan smiled with eyes full of smiles. He took the catkins in his hand and squeezed them lightly, "It's all because of my lady's cooperation. Otherwise, we wouldn't know what would happen. !”

"That's right!" Luo Jiuli raised his head, "If I hadn't cooperated well, maybe we would have been recognized by the old witch's people!"

"Maybe after they recognize it, they may have a back-up plan, just like the Scarlet Flame Ice Silkworm last time, they just put some unfounded charges on us so that we can be jailed!"

"Yes, yes, my lady is right! My lady is right!!!"

While several people were talking, there was a cry of "Oh!" ' With a sound, the traveling carriage stopped.

"Grandpa, we're here."

Wei Yan jumped off the carriage and pulled the reins steady.

Luo Jiuli lifted the curtain and came out. Before he got off the carriage, he looked up and saw a plaque hanging on the huge door. The plaque was gilded and read in big words, "Jia's Mansion!?"

Wei Yan reached out to help Luo Jiuli get off the carriage.

Luo Jiuli shook his head and jumped down on his own, his movements simple and neat.

She looked at Jun Mohan who came out from behind and asked, "Is this yours?"

 The seventh round of nucleic acid has been done!This damn epidemic! !When will it end? ! ! TT
(End of this chapter)

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