Chapter 300 Concubine Xiao Shu has a miscarriage

Since Luo Jiuli married into the palace, he often goes out secretly to know the situation around Prince Yi's palace.

For example, she was very clear about which mansions and which mansions were empty and unoccupied all year round.

This Jia Mansion is one of them that is uninhabited all year round. It is located behind Yiwang Mansion, with only an alley separating the two.

"Yeah." Jun Mohan hummed.

He had his hands behind his back. He was dressed simply and had an ordinary face at this moment, but the temperament exuding from his bones was so cold, noble, and contemptuous of all living beings that no one could ignore it.

Xiao Zuo was the last one to jump off the carriage, "Oh! Jia's Mansion? Aren't we going back to Prince Yi's Mansion? Why did it become Jia's Mansion?"

He turned his head and looked at Jun Mohan, and asked with a teasing smile: "Did you really change your last name? Jia Qi???"

Jia Qi, Jia Qi!

Luo Jiuli rolled her eyes at him, "You're stupid, why don't you admit it!"

"Behind Jia's Mansion is Prince Yi's Mansion. We have been missing for so long. The old witch must have arranged for many people to squat in front of Prince Yi's Mansion."

"If we go directly back to Prince Yi's Mansion now, wouldn't the old witch get the news immediately? So, how can we let her get her wish?"

Luo Jiuli finished speaking and tilted his shoulders slightly towards Jun Mohan.

"Am I right?"

"Yes!" Jun Mohan raised his lips and rubbed Luo Jiuli's head with his big hands, "My lady is right, so let's go back home from here."

"Go back home from here?" Luo Jiuli looked at the closed door, "Is there a secret passage inside??"

"You'll hit the mark with just one guess!" Jun Mo smiled coldly, "My lady is really smart!"

"That's right!" Luo Jiuli crossed his arms and looked so arrogant, "But with so many women in your backyard, there's no guarantee they won't..."

"As long as I don't agree, no one can spread the news!" Jun Mohan said loudly.

Wei Yan didn't come forward to call the door, but the people inside seemed to be aware of it. In just a few words, the door opened.

Kang Xiang and Mo Yu came out, "Prince, Princess!"

Jun Mohan hummed, took Luo Jiuli's hand and walked inside, followed closely by Xiao Zuo.

Wei Yan handed the carriage to the secret guard and followed him through the gate.

Luo Jiuli touched his face, "We are all disguised like this, but you can still recognize us!"

"The prince and princess have extraordinary bearings, you can tell at a glance." Kang Xiang said.

Luo Jiuli clicked his tongue twice, "As expected of a military advisor, he just knows how to talk!"

"The princess is so complimentary!"

The few people did not go directly back to Prince Yi's Mansion through the secret passage, but went to the study to discuss matters.

"The news just came out from the palace that Concubine Xiao Shu has had a miscarriage."

Jun Mohan didn't care about the matter of the emperor's heir, and just nodded lightly to express that he understood.

But Luo Jiuli was different, "No more? Why not???"

No more!

She originally thought that Xiao Ruoyan's pregnancy was abnormal, and she was afraid that she had used some evil tricks to cause changes in the uterus of the child, so she planned to find out when she had time.

It's fine now, no need to go.

"The palace recently granted a new concubine. She was originally a singer from a foreign land. She was young and vigorous. They said that she was jealous that the concubine was pregnant with a dragon heir and was favored by the saint, so she ordered people to tamper with the food."

"Haha!" Luo Jiuli is not convinced about this, "The singer is concubine, it can be said that there is smoke rising from the ancestral grave!"

"Concubine Xiao Shu has been a favorite for many years, and it is easy for her to be happy. Both the Queen Mother and the Xiao family regard this pregnancy as very important."

"She, a singer with no foundation, actually dares to destroy her own future by throwing an egg against a stone?" "If she was really a singer, I wouldn't dare, but if she is a chess piece, that's not necessarily the case."

Kang Xiang's words can be said to be straightforward, just short of saying that Li concubine is the emperor's person.

The emperor was already constrained by others and had to pretend to be deceptive. If the Xiao family really had a grandson, he would probably die not far away.

As for why he can't be the queen?
As long as the queen is not stupid, she will not take action.

The Xiao family is at the top of the court, while the Mu family is out of reach.

As long as the Mu family is around, unless they can kill each other with one blow, the relationship between the Queen and Concubine Xiao Shu can only stop at jealousy and petty quarrels.

Luo Jiuli sighed, after all, he was a member of the royal family, so he was really cold-blooded.

"Don't worry, madam, I will never do this!"

Jun Mohan held Luo Jiuli's catkins and looked at her lovingly.

"Bang!" Luo Jiuli rolled her eyes at him and withdrew her hand forcefully, "Stop being so sentimental, who is going to have a child with you!"

When Jun Mohan heard this, he just looked at her and smiled without saying a word.

"You, what are you watching me do, I, I tell you, I, I am, I am still young, I don't want to have children with you!"

Luo Jiuli stammered.

"Oh! Why are you laughing? You're laughing so hard that I'm covered in hair. Don't laugh!"

"Business, business is important!"

She reached out to hold Jun Mohan's big head and pushed it towards Kang Xiang.

Then he pointed at Kang Xiang and said, "Hurry up, if you have anything else to do, tell me quickly. I'm still in a hurry to go back home to see my little Zisu and little Xinyi!"

"If you dare to delay any longer, I will only ask you!"

"Yes! Yes yes yes!!!" Kang Xiang smiled, nodded and bowed, and responded repeatedly.

It is truly a blessing and a misfortune. It has only been half a month, but I didn't expect that the relationship between the prince and the princess would improve so quickly!

Jun Mohan's lips curled up slightly, he pulled Luo Jiuli to sit down beside him, and asked Kang Xin, "Have you found Mr. Li?"

"Not yet." When talking about Li Zhao, Kang Xiang put away his smile, "It's like he disappeared from the world, without even a trace."

Mo Yu continued, "Our people could only find out that those people robbed Mr. Li and then headed southeast, passing through the busy city, and at the end was a ruined temple with some beggars living inside. Other than that, there was nothing else."

"Yeah." Jun Mohan's long fingertips tapped rhythmically on the table.

His eyes narrowed slightly, as if he was thinking about something, and he opened his lips after a while.

"When I was in Chenjiacun, there were some assassins. You can go interrogate them later and see if you can find out anything."

Kang Xiang, "Yes!"

"Lord Li has become a human pig, but those things still don't let him go. He is worse than a beast!"

Luo Jiuli didn't look angry.

"Mrs. Li and Mr. Li have a deep love. Mr. Li disappeared and was kidnapped under her nose. Mrs. Li must be crying miserably!"

Kang Xiang, "Yes, I was too worried. I cried all day long and fainted several times."

"Alas!" Luo Jiuli sighed, "What a pitiful man!"

My good husband, in just a short time, he was kidnapped again, turned into a human pig, and disappeared again!
"I have been investigating the matter of my master's poisoning for many days, and I have no clues yet. However, I have also sent word to the border area, and there is some news from Lao Shi. I believe that it will not be long before the truth will be revealed, and the criminal will be brought to justice! "

Kang Xiang was talking about the poison that was previously buried in Jun Mohan's body. If Qiao Su hadn't found out about the high fever that night, the consequences would have been disastrous!

 I am such a diligent little baby!Daily update completed! ! !yeah! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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