Chapter 301 Humph!Cats cry and mice fake mercy!
After saying this, Kang Xiang briefly talked about the trends of various forces in the capital these days.

The biggest news among them is that the half piece of Tiger Talisman handed over by Jun Mohan actually fell into the hands of Zheng Xing of the Zheng family!

"Zheng Xing!!!" Luo Jiuli opened his mouth slightly and exclaimed, "If I remember correctly, he seems to be appointed as the Minister of Rites?"

Kang Xiang nodded, "That's right."

"Hahahaha!!!" Wei Yan slapped the table and laughed, "How dare he, a civil servant, even accept such a hot potato!"

"I don't have a ounce of meat on my waist. I can kill him with one finger. Could it be that he still wants to go to the battlefield to fight?"

"Hahahaha!!! Giving him the Tiger Talisman would be more useful than giving it to those losers from the Ministry of War! The Xiao family is really blind this time!"

"You can't say that." Kang Xiang shook his head, "Since I guarded the border, the war on the border has gradually stabilized. What they want now is not a strong general, but someone who will obey them!"

"Although Zheng Xing is not good at using soldiers, as long as he is obedient enough, it will be enough!"

"That's true!" Wei Yan nodded in agreement, then turned to look at Jun Mohan, "Master, I remember that Zheng Xing's son Zheng Chenghao seems to be familiar with you?"

When he went to Xiangle Tower to redeem Mo Yu, it was Wei Yan who followed Jun Mohan.

He remembered that besides Zheng Chenghao, there was someone named Yu and Yu Shuwen in the room that day.

Jun Mohan said casually, "Yeah."

He did know Zheng Chenghao well.

Wei Yan suggested, "Then do you think we should start with him? Find an opportunity to get the Tiger Talisman back!"

"No need." Jun Mohan tilted his head, "I have my own thoughts on the tiger talisman, so I won't discuss it for now."

Kang Xiang, Wei Yan, Mo Yu, "Yes!"

After discussing everything, they chatted for a while.

Jun Mohan stood up and walked to the bookshelf, slightly moving an unattractive blue-covered book.

The bookshelf then split into two and moved to both sides, revealing a dark passage that could only allow one person to enter or exit.

Xiao Zuo was a foreigner and could not enter the backyard, so he did not follow them, but was placed in a courtyard of Jia's house.

The secret passage is not as dark as the entrance, but is just like the secret passage under the eldest princess's mansion, with a Gu family lamp burning every two meters for a long time.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, they say Gu family lamps are worth a fortune, why do I think these things are everywhere like cabbage here!"

It has to be said that Luo Jiuli was in admiration, and his words were slightly sour.

Thinking about her being the daughter of the richest man, even though she does not lack the few thousand taels of silver, the Gu family lamp is not something anyone can buy if they want to.

What's more, the number is so large that the total must be tens of thousands of taels.

"A Li is quite knowledgeable." Jun Mohan followed Luo Jiuli, looking at the beautiful figure in front of him, the corners of his lips slightly curved, "If you like it, I have a dozen more in my husband's hand, so I'll give them all to you." Madam, how about playing?"

"..." Luo Jiuli, "No need! Thank you!"

The ancient lamps are made of special materials and are durable. One lamp is worth thousands of gold.

She thought that the Gu family lanterns in the two secret passages were all he owned, but she didn't expect that besides that, he actually had more than a dozen lanterns in his hand!
This is tens of thousands of taels of silver!

Is he bored?Or is it too much money?

To spend so much money on some unimportant candles! ! ! !

The secret passage leads directly to Xiuzhuyuan's study. It was already dark when we came out.

Kang Xiang took out the fire stick and lit the candle.

Jun Mohan and Luo Jiuli used a unique potion to remove their disguises, revealing their original appearance.

Looking at Jun Mohan's handsome face, Luo Jiuli said with a smile, "This face is still pleasing to the eye."

Jun Mohan raised his lips and said, "As long as the lady likes it!"

At this time, Mo Yu came in with some water. Jun Mohan and Luo Jiuli washed their faces before joining hands and heading towards Jinglan Courtyard.

On the way, there were rare maids and servants who saw their faces. When people passed by, they were all in disbelief and rubbed their eyes. "Yes, it's the prince and the princess!!!"

"He, they are coming back!!!"

"I, we didn't read that right!!!"

In Jinglan Courtyard, Zisu washed her face and came out to pour water. Under the moonlight, she saw a few dark shadows walking towards her from a distance.

"Hmph! A cat cries and a mouse shows mercy! She didn't come to say hello when the master was here, but now she comes early and late! She's just taking pleasure in her misfortune for fear that people won't know she has ulterior motives!"

Xin Yi came out of the house, "Here they come again?"

"Yeah." Zi Su poured out the water in the basin as if to vent her anger, "Looking at the situation, there are more than two people this time. They might send some junk to our courtyard again!"

Xin Yi walked to Zi Su and looked into the distance like her.

A few dark shadows came closer and closer.

She frowned slightly, "Why does this figure seem familiar?"

"Yes!" Zisu blinked hard, trying to see more clearly, "Doesn't he look like someone from Ningshuangyuan?"

The black shadow is getting closer.

Even though they couldn't see the face clearly, the familiar figure still made Zisu and Xinyi smile with joy, "Princess!!!"

"What? What are you doing with your big eyes and small eyes? Are you not happy to see that I have returned safely?"

Luo Jiuli stopped in front of the two of them, smiling and joking.

"In that case, I'm good to go!"

"Eh! No no no!!!"

Seeing Luo Jiuli turn around and really wanted to leave, Zisu threw down the wooden basin and blocked Luo Jiuli's way.

"When the princess comes back, this slave is very excited. Why, how can she be unhappy!"

"Hmph!" Luo Jiuli curled his lips with satisfaction, "That's pretty much it!"

"Slave, please see the prince and the princess!" Xin Yi was steady, even though he was happy and excited, he did not forget the etiquette.

Hearing this, Zi Su followed Fu Shen and saluted, "Slave, please see the prince and the princess!"

"Okay, get up quickly!" Luo Jiuli waved his hand and pulled Jun Mohan inside, "Send me some food quickly. If I don't eat, I will starve to death!"

Looking at the two people holding hands, Xin Yi smiled knowingly.

Zisu also saw this scene and said with a smile, "Yes, slave, go now!"

Mo Yu went to the kitchen to help with Zi Su.

Kang Xiang and Wei Yan followed them in. There were no outsiders, and they all sat down at the table.

Xin Yi served tea for everyone and at the same time removed the table full of fruits, cakes and other food.

Luo Jiuli took a sip of tea and held his chin with one hand, "Why are there so many pastries? I remember that you and Zi Su dislike this Buddha's Lotus the most, and so does this Fu Lu Hua Nong."

They were all fancy but cloyingly sweet cakes, and Luo Jiuli didn't like them very much!

"These are sent by the concubine personally. They say they have great meaning and can pray for you and the prince."

Xin Yi took down the last cake.

"Hey! What are you praying for? If she really wants to pray for the prince and me, then she should make her own prayer flags and kneel in front of the Buddha to pray!"

"You're so hypocritical, what kind of cakes are you giving me?"

Luo Jiuli's tea bottomed out, and Xin Yi immediately added more.

"What the princess said is true!"

(End of this chapter)

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