Chapter 302 Did you hear what the princess said?

"Lao Kang." Jun Mohan suddenly said, "Did you hear what the princess said?"

"I heard it." Kang Xiang couldn't help but laugh, "However, because Concubine Xiao Shu had a miscarriage, someone came to the palace. Concubine Xiao followed her into the palace. After she returned to the palace, her subordinates decided to go to Ningshuang Courtyard to convey the prince's wishes. .”

"There are also thousands of regulations." Luo Jiuli picked up the tea cup, took a sip, and said slowly: "On the wedding day a month ago, Concubine Xiao didn't know the rules and wanted to give the delicacies given by the emperor to others. The concubine punished her by copying the book of thousands of regulations a hundred times, but she has not received the copy of the book a hundred times, and she also asked Lord Kang to urge her at that time."

Kang Xiang: “…………”

"Book of Thousand Rules"? ? ? ?

Is it that "Thousand Rules Book" that is too thick to be decent, but it is full of propriety and rules? ? ? ? ?
If he remembered correctly, this book has at least 30 words, which must have been copied hundreds of times...

Wei Yan was a rough country man. Although he didn't know what "Qian Gui Shu" was, what he was most afraid of was reading and literacy.

When he heard that he was punished with a hundred copies, his eyes immediately widened like an ox. For those who didn't know, he thought he was the one who was punished with a hundred copies!

Seeing that Kang Xiang didn't speak, Jun Mo coldly glanced at him, "Didn't you hear?"

Kang Xiang shuddered and came to his senses, "I heard it, I heard it!!!"

"Don't worry, Lord, don't worry, Princess, I'll let you know when the time comes!"

After all, women are not to be messed with. They punish people quietly and very harshly!

This "Thousand Rules Book" with hundreds of thousands of words is a punishment for copying it a hundred times without breaking your hand?
"Food is coming!"

The Zisu people arrived before they even heard the news, and Luo Jiuli was so greedy when he smelled the fragrance.

She looked out the door expectantly, "What kind of delicious food are they?"

Zi Su came in with the dishes and opened her mouth. Before she could say anything, Luo Jiuli beat him to it, "Spicy boiled fish!"

Mo Yu followed Zi Su and smiled when he heard this: "Princess's nose is really sharp!!!"

"That's right!" Luo Jiuli crossed his arms, looking very arrogant.

Zi Su put the food on the table one by one, "These are slave's craftsmanship. They are not as good as Old Xiong. Master, please don't dislike them."

"What do you dislike about late night? It's good to have something to eat, not to mention it's my favorite spicy boiled fish!"

She smiled coquettishly and her voice was sweet.

"Thank you Miss Zisu for taking so much trouble!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she couldn't wait to pick up the chopsticks and put a piece of fish into her mouth. The rich spicy taste instantly increased her appetite.

“Yeah, it’s delicious!!!”

"Not bad Zi Su! This is no worse than the one cooked by Lao Xiong!!!"

"Slow down, be careful with the stabbing." Jun Mohan looked at Luo Jiuli lovingly and warned him warmly.

"It's okay, it's okay!" Luo Jiuli buried his head in eating, "I've already gained experience with these things, so I'm not afraid of the sting!"

"Oh! You guys should eat too! Otherwise, I will eat you up soon!"

Luo Jiuli put a piece of fish into a bowl for Jun Mohan. Seeing that he didn't eat it, he wondered: "Why don't you eat it? Don't like it???"

Wei Yan raised his head from the bowl, "Master, he doesn't..."

"I like it." Jun Mohan interrupted Wei Yan, "As long as the wife likes it, the husband will be very happy!"

Wei Yan: “…………”

Fine!Forgive him for talking! !

"Eh!" Luo Jiuli was disgusted by the cold, "Why are you so disgusting!"

She put another piece of fish into Jun Mohan's bowl, "Eat more if you like it!"

"Okay." Jun Mohan held his chopsticks, with a slight smile on his lips, "You can eat too."

Luo Jiuli said, "Yeah." Seeing that the way the two got along was very different from before.

Zi Su and Xin Yi looked at each other and smiled.

It seems that the day when the master and his wife will give birth to their grandson is not far away!
After eating and drinking, and resting for a while, Jun Mohan wanted to take a bath.

He gave Luo Jiuli a flirtatious look and invited him to take a bath with him.

Luo Jiuli was angry and ashamed, and cursed, "You're a disciple!"

He took Zisu and Xinyi to Xuanyu Tower without looking back.

Mo An was out on a mission, and Mo Yu, as the deputy leader of the secret guards, had to take on the important task of leading the secret guards at this time.

Therefore, she did not serve Luo Jiuli, but left after they had eaten and drank, and went about her business.

The crescent moon makes Xuanyu Tower particularly bright.

Luo Jiuli lazily nestled in the swing made of vines, and the breeze blew away the slightest bit of heat.

Zi Su sat on a low stool nearby, "Master, guess what big news I heard on the way to the kitchen just now!"

Luo Jiuli looked up at the bright moon without moving his eyes, "What's the news?"

"I heard that Concubine Xiao has entered the palace."

Zi Su moved the low stool closer to Luo Jiuli and climbed on the edge of the swing with both hands, looking mysterious.

"It was said that someone came from the palace, but Concubine Xiao followed her into the palace in a hurry without saying a few words. It seems that something happened to Concubine Xiao Shu!"

Luo Jiuli said absently, "Oh!"

Hearing Zi Su mention Concubine Xiao Shu, Xin Yi also remembered Kang Xiang's previous words.

"Master, Concubine Xiao Shu has been pregnant for nearly four months, why did she just say no?"

"how could I know!"

Luo Jiuli put his hands behind his head and crossed his legs, swaying from time to time, feeling very uncomfortable.

"Just the women in our palace are still scheming with each other all the time! Not to mention the three thousand beauties in the harem."

"What! It's gone??!!!" Zisu jumped up in surprise, "It's gone if you say no??? Concubine Xiao Shu has a miscarriage??? How did you know????"

Xin Yi, "I just heard what Brother Kang said."

"Did you go back on dad's birthday?" Luo Jiuli suddenly asked. .

"I'm back." Zi Su got angry when she mentioned this, "After Concubine Xiao came back from Qingci Garden, she did not enter the palace, but went directly back to the palace."

"It's been as if nothing happened all day long. I've been delivering things to our Jinglan Courtyard in the morning and evening, and all of them are the things you don't like the most, Master!"

"I just pick up whatever is sweet and give it away! It's so annoying!"

"It's also said that these things are related to Buddhism and can be used to pray for blessings and safety for the master and the prince!"

"Hmph!" Zi Su put her hands on her hips and became angrier as she spoke, "What blessings are you praying for! What peace do you have!! It's obvious that our master of Jinglan Courtyard is not here, so he has come to show off his power!"

"It's just a villain who succeeds, what's the point of being angry!" Luo Jiuli took out his hand and patted Zisu's elbow, "Good Zisu, let's not be angry. If you get angry, there will be no one to take care of you!"

"Hmph!" Zi Su still had an angry look on her face, "These slaves are just too lazy to argue with her. At worst, she will give you the front kick, and the slave will throw away the back kick!"

"Yes, yes!" Luo Jiuli nodded, "That's it!!!"

"What makes me angry is that on the day of my master's birthday, sister Xinyi and I bumped into Concubine Xiao as soon as we went out."

"The prince and princess are not here, so she is the only mistress of Prince Yi's Mansion. She refuses to let Sister Xinyi and I leave the mansion no matter what, and even orders people to search us without even saying a word!"

(End of this chapter)

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